
One of Joy, A gift

One of Joy, A Gift
I will never forget you, my sweet boy
Big smile, bigger heart
One of Joy
A gift
You changed the way I live, the way I breathe
Not only me, but all who knew you
To let go is so hard, impossible
But peace begins, and grows
You are free to run, play and explore, forever
Love, love, love
From my heart
Darin M. White, January 9th, 2013
in memory of
Caden Michael White
May 8th, 2003-January 9th, 2009
Caden, Lion, Lamb, Photoshopped by Larry Cole

Caden: Lion and Lamb Photoshopped by Larry Cole

Caden Michael White, October 8th, 2008

Caden Michael White, October 8th, 2008


End of the Old Beginning of the New – Venti13

Happy New Year, from my art studio to you!

So, as this new year hits, Vinte13 (2013 in Gaelic), I am reminded that this is the time to start fresh,
begin again (as my wife Shannon has said a lot lately) and to move forward in life and art.

In this spirit, I am going to ask if you will help me clean up my email list. Would you take a
few seconds to click on my art Newsletter form and update your information? If you would rather
just reply to this email, that is fine as well. If you get an email at two different locations, or you
have updated your email, or whatever, please let me know. There may be some cross over from b.a.l.m.
projects, and if you just want to receive updates about balm only, just let me know. You matter to me!

This Newsletter will have updates on exhibitions, productions and curations, events, awards and more.
If you can’t wait, fill out and form and then join me over at www.facebook.com/DarinMWhiteArtist
This is where I show works in progress, deep
thoughts (depending on the day) and other snippets of
the life of an artist or my tweet, tweets http://www.twitter.com/darinwhite.

Darin M. White, OVERFLOW Exhibition, Kansas Union Gallery, Sept. 2012 - Photo by Aaron Paden
DARIN M. WHITE: OVERFLOW – Back From New York, A Solo Exhibition
September 10- October 6th, 2012 – Photo by Aaron Paden

Here is a brief year in review update:
This last year has been an interesting year to say the least. I was grateful to start out last year by
producing and curating an exhibition Earth: Languages and Symbols at Cara and Cabezas Contemporary
in the KC Crossroads. One of the solo shows from this exhibition by Rex Hausmann got a nice review
in the KC Pitch Magazine. Around the same time our arts movement b.a.l.m. helped launch a unique
exhibition of 30 artists at the Lawrence Arts Center called the DANNON ART project which ran for a couple of months.
Our good friend GF Sam Wagner was an artist involved in this project. Sam passed away July, 5th, just a
few months after producing and showing his work. He will be missed greatly.

John Hachmeister, left and Maria Velasco, right. Artist in Resonance Space
Earth: Language and Symbols Exhibition at Cara and Cabezas Contemporary in KC Crossroads District
Curated by Darin M. White, January 20-March 10th, 2012

In April I launched a Kickstarter Project to fund my first Solo Exhibition, OVERFLOW in New York.
I was in New York for 18 days and produced an installation in the Soapbox Gallery on the floor
level viewable 24 hours on a busy Brooklyn Street. With the help of good friends, I found discarded
pallets, brought them to the gallery studio, broke them apart and made a small barn/silo. I drove
to New Jersey with the gallery owner and picked up 1000 lbs of corn feed and filled the barn till it
Overflowed in the gallery space. I found half of a reclaimed 350lbs. black bear which I had taxidermied
into a provocative shape (not what you are thinking). I produced a variety of related imagery in conceptual renderings,
transfer prints, postage stamps, ringspun cotton
Bear Heart shirts and more. When I got
back from New York, I was thankful to get a nice press write up in the LJ World and another solo
exhibition curated by Gina Adams entitled OVERFLOW, Back From New York at the Kansas Union
Gallery in Lawrence, KS Sept. 16-Oct. 6th. I was able to show all of the work that I showed in NY and
add some additional works. I shipped the Overflow installation back from New York with the Bear Heart
work inside and with the help of friends and family installed these pieces and more. I also produced
my first major exhibition catalog which should finally be finished this week!

DARIN M. WHITE: OVERFLOW – A Solo Exhibition Catalog

In October b.a.l.m. was asked to produce and curate an outdoor night event at the Kemper Museum of
Contemporary Art. b.a.l.m Maps the Kemper: Lines, Dots and the Spaces In Between which was an
exciting time to work in temporary mediums and explore performance art. This is part of the Kemper’s
Map As Art Exhibition. Again family and friends and artists we appreciate helped make this event a success.
My wife Shannon and I were stretched to curate and produce the event and artworks in the time frame, but
were able to produce both collaborative and both Shannon and my individual works in addition to the
other artists works/performances.

Darin M. White and Shannon White collaborative work. 10' cubed. PVC, EL wire, bamboo, glow elements.  Photo by Jennifer Wetzel courtesy of Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art
Darin M. White and Shannon White collaborative work. 10′ cubed. PVC, EL wire, bamboo, glow elements.
Photo by Jennifer Wetzel courtesy of Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art

I been doing a number of things to lately that you may or may not know about. One is designing custom
furniture which means I can make what you want. With a shift in making more art and having more involvement
in the art industry, with our newer division HAVA studios, I am finding the need to show my versatility in design
as well as fine art. I began producing wearable sculptures which were cut off sections from an 8′ long
Dry Bones | Bone Boat, that I produced in 2010. A note of sadness; the Bone Boat was thrown away by an
overzealous construction company along with the Impressions installation. The wearable sculpture pieces
as well as some others have just been picked up by the Phoenix Gallery locally and by UniQ Jewelry in
Three Rivers, MI. Shannon and I have been working on a number of commissions and look forward to more this year.

If you are in the KC area, this Friday, Jan. 4th, Shannon and I will be showing one of our 10′ collaborative works
and other works at Glimpse Flash Space for an exhibition entitled Spectrum. Come out to 1903 Wyandotte,
KCMO in the heart of the Crossroads Arts District to see this work.

Onward and forward!

Artist | Independent Curator | Art Production Consultant
darin white email
ArtSlant Page
Saatchi Page
“~speaking for truth and beauty, with the tools of my trade and the eyes of my heart, which are not my own~”




Press release, for immediate release:



Exhibition Dates: September 10-October 5, 2012

Reception Sep. 28th, 2-6pm as part of the

Campus Art Walk and Final Fridays, 2-7pm.

Kansas Union Gallery

1301 Jayhawk Blvd., Level 4

Lawrence, KS 66045

Hours 8:30am-5pm M-F or by appointment.

Darin M. White returns from his debut solo exhibition, OVERFLOW in New York with a expanded  version

at the Kansas Union Gallery. As a Kansas University Alumn, he is the first artist in a series of KU Alumni

Visiting Artist Exhibitions.

OVERFLOW Exhibition Catalog Forward

“I first met Darin White in my studio for a curatorial visit where he was choosing work for an exhibition

in Kansas City. I had never met him before, but instantly I knew he was both a genuine person as well

as being intuitive and sensitive with concerns to both asking questions and in listening to what I had to

say about my own artist practice. I did not know ahead of time that he was considering my work for the

Cara and Cabeza Contemporary show in KC, only that he went to KU, was a Visual Art alum, and was an

artist and art enthusiast.

Through the planning for the Cara and Cabeza Contemporary exhibition I learned more about Darin

and his artistic practice. My first visit to his studio proved to be very exciting! There was so much to see

and talk about, it felt as though we would never have enough time to discuss everything and touch upon

every little detail. Believe me, I wanted to. Artists are always inspired by other artists who go in depth

when it involves their studio, their tools, the layout, the work, the process. You name it, we love to talk about it.

It seemed only natural that when developing the concept for an KU Alumni Visiting Artist Exhibition in

the SUA Gallery inside the Memorial Unions Building on Campus that Darin White should be the first

artist in this exhibition series. I had seen his drive and determination in developing a Kickstarter in order

to have a solo show, OVERFLOW in NYC. I was impressed with both how hard he worked and then with

how well considered his show was when installed. So in offering Darin a solo exhibition in the SUA Union

Gallery, I presented it as having his New York show here at home. Home being both Lawrence, where Darin

lives with his wife Shannon and their daughters Noel and Claire. And art in the White household is truly a

family affair.”

The SUA Union Gallery and the Memorial Unions welcomes Darin White with an open heart and an open mind.

Thank you for taking the time to consider Darin’s work installed in the gallery.”

Gina Adams

Memorial Unions Curator

“The second Campus Art Walk is in collaboration with Final Fridays, which is held in downtown Lawrence each month. This event encompasses different buildings on campus with art collections and displays such as Watson Library, the Art and Design Building and Stuaffer-Flint Hall. The Kansas Union Gallery is the final stop before visitors go downtown to enjoy Final Fridays. This event will start at 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Kansas Union on the fourth floor.

Our Darin M. White galley reception will also be held during this time, showcasing his “Overflow” installation exhibit. Also, the Campus Art Walk will include a performance by the KU African Drum Ensemble, an opportunity to take a commemorative picture at the photo booth and a ceremonial “yarn wrapping” of the Jayhawk.” by Student Union Activities

bioDarin M. White is an artist, independent curator and art consultant based in Lawrence, KS. White has a BFA in sculpture from the University of Kansas. With his wife Shannon, a painter and arts advocate, he founded b.a.l.m. (beauty, art and life movement) in 2007. Together they promote creativity and action, encouraging others in their art and understanding. In 2010, he helped launch the Final Fridays events in Lawrence, and is currently a commissioner for the Lawrence Cultural Arts Commission.White equates his artwork to digging in the field, looking for treasures and mysteries to reveal. This current work is related to visions and dreams, which he hopes will raise questions for the viewer about the life they are living. These concepts can be seen in Bear Heart, in which he states; “A naturally peaceful bear protrudes from the wall with arms extended in a kind gesture, paws touching. The negative shape of the arms creates a simple but powerful message, and encourages the viewer to wrestle with larger issues of life.”



For those of us who like our epic quotes, you have heard this one before: “What good is it if you gain the whole world, but lose your soul?” That is a close paraphrase fished out of the Bible, spoken by Jesus. The pointed question echoes a proverbial human drama, if there is one; but have we considered its hypothetical inverse? What good would it be if we have our souls, then lose the whole world?

I would guess that Darin White, in the exhibition OVERFLOW, had considered that dilemma before. So let’s say you choose personal integrity and retain that inner consciousness, but then still watch your material universe (presumably as precious) slip away? In the text accompanying the exhibition, he initiates his version of the question, asking you and me: “What will you do with what we are given?”

The artist told me he does not care for political enmeshment, but OVERFLOW is after all a show traveling from a Brooklyn, New York gallery called Soapbox to a space called Union Gallery at Kansas University (And I as essayist have just newly returned to the Los Angeles area). Notice that the artist’s question, consciously or subconsciously formed, addresses “you” while acknowledging a collective “we”. Sounds like Kennedy’s Camelot speech. Not to get bogged down with American politics of current election-season 2012, one cannot help but consider the ideological tug-of-war between shared or individual powers, what is inherited and what is earned, the rhetoric’s between “you didn’t build that” and “the achievement of the individual.” Art world gatekeepers– art dealers to art academics– speak about the “timeliness” of consequential art-making, and I’d say the contents of OVERFLOW are pretty darn timely.

What we are given here: choices, self-conscious souls, material goods, an American two-party system, a big nation where we are allowed to ask big, philosophical questions out loud and to one another. But allow me to touch upon a few points on what we are given, in the more concrete ways we as gallery goers can see, smell, touch (at least with creative imaginations).

What provokes us in OVERFLOW is a once-living black bear, with arms roughly forming a heart-shaped void. A real bear hug to the usual living-room trophies of fierce teeth and outstretched claws typical of Americana. This bear seemingly presides over a wooden structure which in turn sits atop a large pool of corn seeds. In White’s written text, his subjects of “farmland, barns and brimming silos” are invoked more as dreamy state and visionary condition than simple nostalgic sentimentality; we are living at a time not only of nationwide recession and serious natural droughts. In fact, a material crisis is shared, if not eclipsed, by the wider economic shakeup of European and Japanese powerhouses. Timely? Look up what hot-blooded Italians did with Arte Povera (literally “Poor Art”) during the 1960s, in a time of too-cool American minimalism.

As he composed this installation between Overflow and Bear Heart, did Darin White realize how unsettling OVERFLOW is as a show? Did he ever think “bear market”, as we like to call cycles of downturn? Did he consider the ironic contrast of connotations in “Over” versus “Flow”? Here is another fact, this one about those copper etchings, available to anyone who can look up “copper” in Wikipedia.com: “Copper has been in use at least 10,000 years, but more than 95% of all copper ever mined and smelted has been extracted since 1900.” And here I thought quoting Jesus would be controversial.

Samuel W. Kho

Curator, Los Angles and New York

Facebook invitation:

Darin M. White: OVERFLOW, Back from New York, A Solo Exhibition – Kansas Union Gallery


Artist | Independent Curator | Art Production Consultant




“~speaking for truth and beauty, with the tools of my trade and the eyes of my heart, which are not my own~”


Where were you? Summer. Life. Art. Press. New Solo Exhibition and invitation. Exhibition Catalog. Rewards.

It has been a while since I have given an update. I have been a tad bit busy. Still, I should have snuck one in here or there. Well, finally, here we are.

White family in Bear Heart T-Shirts.

Once I got back from NY, I started putting together rewards. I got the Bear Heart t-shirts together and off to the people who requested this reward as well as those who opted for the Seed packet and thank you note. This summer, my wife Shannon, had a fabulous idea of making an eatable landscaping area and using the Overflow barn/silo as the centerpiece. So to do this, I have to back up and let you know that I received the Overflow sculpture back from NY in one piece. The Bear Heart nestled safely inside. I’ll come back to the eatable landscape in a minute.

Beart Heart T-Shirts and Seed packets at the post office.

Leaving Brooklyn, come again.

The work Overflow arrives back from New York, mostly safe.

Many people were interested to know what happened to the 1000 lbs of corn (I tried to get 3000 really I did) after the exhibition. Being NY, and logistic nightmare, I thought I could easily offer the corn to a zoo for their animals. I talked to the Bronx Zoo and many others they referred, to no avail. In the meantime I was learning the challenge of donating anything in NY. I finally was able to gift the leftover wood that was reusable to someone in the neighborhood. Thankfully they also took the corn and were able to give it to friends to feed birds.

So, back to this summer. I spent a lot of time working on trying to pay the bills. Welcome to life. In addition to this, our kids, two and eleven have similar personalities as their parents and need to be doing something at all times. Which is a lot of fun. So, we had fun… lots. Shannon got her wish of having an eatable landscape area. We set up the Overflow barn our back yard. We created a berm on each side of a rock pathway leading to one of the structures openings. And then… we (we in this case means my wife and kids, as I have a black thumb) planted the organic corn. What a wonderful experience to watch this corn grow. We are still harvesting corn despite the drought all around the country. We had a small enough section to keep in watered over our crazy hot Summer.

The organic corn begins to grow.

The eatable garden area and corn in process.

When I got back from New York the Lawrence Journal World (our local paper) wrote a very nice article on the exhibition. Later on this summer I was offered a solo exhibition as an alumni at The University of Kansas by artist and Memorial Unions Gallery curator Gina Adams. The show opened this last Monday Sept. 10th and runs till Oct. 5th, 2012 with a reception for Final Fridays on Friday, Sept. 28th from 2-8pm. Please stop by and see the show if you are in the area.

Lawrence Journal World press.

Overflow solo exhibition at the Kansas University SUA Union Gallery, Memorial Unions
Sept. 10th-Oct. 5th, 2012.

Appropriate Attire: Ashes and Burlap was produced in 3-D for this expanded exhibition.

The OVERFLOW exhibition catalogs JUST went to press today! I am breathing a sigh of relief.
It has been a long time coming. Curator and artist Gina Adams wrote the Forward and Samuel W. Kho wrote an Essay! So, in the next couple of weeks, I will get these together send out
an email from Kickstarter about the rewards and start sending them to you. Thank you all so much again for your support. This project happened because you were willing to support an idea and an artist. THANK YOU!

Back cover and front cover of the 32 page Darin M. White: OVERFLOW catalog/book.

Above are a few sample spreads of the exhibition catalog that is off to the press.

If you have questions about your rewards or other thoughts or just want to say hey. Please shoot me an email darin.white – at – gmail – dot – com, or shoot me a message through Kickstarter. I will send you out an invitation to my exhibition and other projects that are worthy. If for some reason you are not interested, just let me know. A few people who had a reward of the Bear Heart T-Shirts and Seed Packets haven’t responded to my Kickstarter email with questions. Please do so, so that I can get your reward out.

I’ll try and write sooner next time, so the updates aren’t so long. Believe it or not, I had to really cut this one down!


See original post on Kickstarter

GF Sam Wagner

An open memorial letter to my brother and dear artist friend: GF Sam Wagner

I sat behind Shelley Wagner during a English class where we read plays at KU in 1993. At the time she and Sam were dating. She had a cornerstone t-shirt on, and I asked her if she had been before. She said that her boyfriend Sam was a huge music fan. I told her I would love to meet him sometime. Eventually we did, and Sam, Shelley, and my wife Shannon and I would hang out on numerous occasions. They came to Shannon and my wedding, and gave us some awesome artist made coffee mugs that we still have to this day (and is still one of our favorites to sip the black juice out of).

Shelley and Sam Wagner at the b.a.l.m. Creative Dinner Party, Feb. 3, 2007

Shelley and Sam Wagner at the b.a.l.m. Creative Dinner Party, Feb. 3, 2007

Sam and Shelley got married a few years after us, and when they moved to Kansas City we didn’t get together as often because life has a tendency to keep you busy. We both bought houses, had kids and settled into life. Sam always loved the music, and would quote lyrics and spout inside knowledge of what was going on in his particular genre of interest at the time. My brother Brian and he could dialog back and forth for hours, and I just enjoyed the conversation. The three of us threw some straight edge raves together to. But, Sam had another passion besides his love of architecture and music. Art. He loved to produce art. If he had a few moments to spare, especially at night, he would go downstairs and make art. He loved to discuss art and talk about techniques and ideas. Shelley and Sam were both involved with b.a.l.m. | beauty art and life movement gatherings from the beginning.

GF Sam Wagner, Little Things I Should Have Said and Done 1 from The Little Things I Should Have Said and Done Series, 2009

GF Sam Wagner, Sam at b.a.l.m. White Show next to his paintings, “Geese” and “Discover and Enjoy”

Over the last few years I was excited to be able to include GF Sam Wagner or GF Wagner (his art pseudonym, Galen Forrest [Sam] Wagner) into various art exhibitions that b.a.l.m. produced or curated. In 2009, he was in the b.a.l.m. WHITE SHOW, in Lawrence, Kansas and also the second version in San Antonio, Texas. He had produced a series of white or mostly white works for the exhibition. The series was “Little Things I Should Have Said and Done”. They are poignant, stark, melancholy works. Two works not in this series were included in the exhibition; “Geese”, and “Discover and Enjoy”. He sold both paintings! In 2010, he was in Anthropoi which he showed a 36″ x 36″ piece, “Mourning into Dancing” with three girl/women dancing which included digital pixel concept, at the 739 Mass Street Flash Space. At this space he was also in the Dry Bones exhibition. Shannon and I bought his painting Awakening (Melancholy Ghost), a memento mori work with a young boy holding a skull and he had another offer to have it purchased as well from a couple from Tulsa, Oklahoma. This couple was trying to have Sam make another version of this piece when he passed away. For Shannon and I the boy reminded us of our son Caden, and we loved the way he handled the cut paper as the medium.

GF Sam Wagner, Awakening, Acrylic on canvas (Photo: Ed White)

GF Sam Wagner, “Mourning Into Dancing”, Acrylic on canvas Sep. 24, 2010 (Photo: Ed White)

GF Sam Wagner with Awakening for b.a.l.m. Dry Bones Exhibition IMG_0152

GF Sam Wagner with “Awakening” for b.a.l.m. Dry Bones Exhibition, Oct. 2010 (Collection of Darin and Shannon White)

GF Sam Wagner, Acrlic and cut paper on board, 2010? (Collection of Darin and Shannon White)

We also bought another work of his, at an exhibition of works completed over a years time. In 2011 I jurored an exhibition in Des Moines, IA for the Hillyard Company, and he was included with a clever duo; “A Portrait of a Mop“, and “A Portrait of a Broom”.

GF Sam Wanger, Portrait of a Mop Head, Acrylic and cut paper on canvas, 2012
GF Sam Wanger, Portrait of a Mop Head,
Acrylic and cut paper on canvas, 2012
GF Sam Wanger, Portrait of a Broom Head, Acrylic and cut paper on canvas, 2012

GF Sam Wagner, Portrait of a Broom Head, Acrylic and cut paper on canvas, 2012

GF Sam Wagner, Shannon and Darin White at The New Old San Antonio Afterparty at Wonder Fair, April 29th, 2011 IMG_4047

GF Sam Wagner, Shannon and Darin White at The New Old San Antonio Afterparty at Wonder Fair, April 29th, 2011

In 2012 b.a.l.m. co-produced and curated an exhibition at the Lawrence Arts Center called DANNON art project, where the artist worked in the space as a studio, performance and exhibition all at the same time. He came to the first reception when it opened and we all went out for an after party at Burger Stand as a large group. We had a great time hanging out and making art. He postponed his time slot a couple of times so that he could help Shelley with a project, or help coach soccer for his boys. That was the kind of man he was, giving, loving, caring and creative beyond belief.

GF Sam Wagner_At work at Dannon Art Project

GF Sam Wagner_At work at Dannon Art Project, February, 20th, 2012

GF Sam Wagner, Work on display at Dannon Art Project, February, 2012

We got together again for lunch at PepperJax Grill at one point during a lunch break, he ran over to Lawrence to drop off some artwork. This was the last time I saw Sam. I spoke to him on the phone a few weeks ago when he was in the hospital. He was short on breathe, but in great spirits. He was a positive man, always looking for the good things in life, despite his situation. This is the Sam I will remember. The high energy, smiling, laughing, talking, loving man, that would put a smile on your face and illicit excitement with his infectious creativity, ideas and thoughts. Sam passed away on July 5th, 2012 in Boston, Massachusetts after being diagnosed with Mesothelioma cancer only a couple of months before. I for one am so thankful for the time I knew him. I will miss you GF Sam Wagner. Yours was a life to be lived and remembered!

I was honored and humbled to receive a call from Shelley and asked to be a pall bearer for Sam’s Funeral. Here is his obituary: http://www.tributes.com/show/GF-Sam-Wagner-94077810

GF Sam Wagner sketch by Darin M. White, Pencil on paper, July 6th, 2012

Here is a link to a tribute for Sam on b.a.l.m. | beauty, art and life movement


Full list of pledge supporters for Kickstarter project (minus those who prefered not to be listed)

Here is a great big thank you to list of Kickstarter pledge supporters! Also to those who supported
in other ways as well as those who supported on Kickstarter, but chose to receive a reward. If for
some reason you are not listed, and you wanted to be, please let me know. I am so thankful for
everyone’s amazing support of this project! THANK YOU! It is because of you that this project
was possible. I will have more images posted soon. If you wanted to pledge, but didn’t for whatever
reason, many of the same rewards are still available. Please let me know by calling my Hava Studios office at
7858422216 or email me here.
A huge thank you to my wife Shannon and daughters Noel and Claire for putting up and supporting me in all
this madness, my parents Ed and Peggy White for all of their support in more ways than can be listed, as well
as Jimmy Greenfield, Don Lisy (for tons of work and help navigating NY), Leigh Ann Dull (and Mark), Jim
and Sunita Puleo(and their girls for their patience, protection of the corn from the “mean” pigeon and for the
great pajama party), Steve Stroup with Bridger Property Services who graciously provided the signage, Terry
Jacobson with Printing Solutions who was amazing to provide the printing for this project, Jon and Vanessa
Cowan, Justin Baldwin, Sam Kho, Judith Bradshaw and Joseph Almendariz. I am positive I am forgetting
people to thank, please forgive me.

1 Lisa White-Turney
2 GF Sam Wagner
3 Eric Dobbins
4 Luke and Sara Houk
5 Erik Fish
6 Susan Patten
7 Judith G. Levy
8 Billie Cochrum
9 Matt Nelson
10 Celeste Alvarez Plitz
11 Mark Hartford
12 Brad Mayhew
13 Malissa Martin
14 Befkadu
15 Stacey Warner Hatton
16 Luba
17 Jill Brungardt
18 Daniel White
19 Don Lisy
20 Sunita
21 Kathy Porsch
22 Rhoda A Zapata
23 Paul White
24 Christina Dostaler Prestidge
25 Jenifer Tracy
26 Carter Peckham
27 Derek Seaman
28 Craig Anderson
29 Brian White
30 Andrea Silenza
31 Danny Joe Gibson
32 Frank Shopen
33 Sven Alstrom
34 Nathan White
35 Lisa Lala
36 Chris Sicam
37 Chad Cox
38 Ryan Timothy Laferney
39 Stanci March
40 Angela Doll Carlson
41 Steve Gradwohl
42 Jason Dailey
43 Matthew Pacheco
44 Eric Kirkendall
45 Jen Grabarczyk
46 Anna Doktor
47 artbynemo
48 Allen Chen
49 Brian and Marilyn Horsch
50 Judith Ferrenbach
56 Liza
57 Kevin & Amy Malskeit
58 Sara Farley
59 Diane Horning
60 Eric Frye
61 Liz Lacey-Gotz
64 Rachael Jane
65 Emily Jalinsky
66 Garrett Larson
67 Fong Liu
68 Melissa Wilkerson
69 Sarah O
70 Maya Baron
71 Michael and Betty Collins
72 Cara Megan Lewis
73 Kato Dee
74 Eric Morton
75 Leone Anne Reeves
76 Pil Ho lee
77 George Rousis
78 Mary E Wentz
29 Paul Nielsen
80 Marc Wiegand
81 Kaylyn Munro
82 Jody Carter
83 Codie Lea
84 Kat Monaghan
85 ArtsKC fan
86 Shea Gordon
87 Susan Smith
88 Sandra McKenzie
89 Christy Tennant
90 Frank Shopen
91 Mary
92 Jessica Conner
93 Andrew G. Norquist
94 Vanessa Vanek
95 Joel White
96 Gwen Hannan Meharg
97 Alison Stigora
98 Jay Walker
99 Josh Davis
100 Kim Bishop
101 Neil Hull
102 Hannah Gregory
103 Lance Cheney
104 Marc Havener
105 Jessica Small
106 Tobias Becker
107 Garrett Larson
108 Joan Ramsey
109 Patrick and Joey Curtin
110 Rex Hausmann
111 Brian White
112 Cara and Cabezas
113 Anj Riffel
114 Zack Nutter
115 Dave Van Hee
116 Helen Johnston
117 Lila Thompson

Darin M. White: OVERFLOW – A Debut New York Solo Exhibition (Brooklyn, NY)
Artwork Left to Right: Appropriate Attire: Burlap and Earth, Transfer print on reclaimed copper,
Appropriate Attire: Ashes and Burlap
, Transfer print on reclaimed copper, Bear Heart, Reclaimed adjusted
taxidermy black bear, Overflow, Site specific sculpture installation in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn, NY
Reclaimed pallets gathered from Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY, 1000 lbs. of feed corn from Monroe Township, NJ,
100 lbs. of organic seed corn from Mansfield, MO (See Map image below)


Update #15: Full list of pledge supporters, and more, plus some press

Posted 1 day ago

Here is a great big thank you to list of Kickstarter pledge supporters! Also to those who supported in other ways as well as those who supported on Kickstarter, but chose to receive a reward. If for some reason you are not listed, and you wanted to be, please let me know. I am so thankful for everyone’s amazing support of this project! THANK YOU! It is because of you that this project was possible. I will have more images posted soon. If you wanted to pledge, but didn’t for whatever reason, many of the same rewards are still available. Please let me know by calling my Hava Studios office at 785.842.2216 or email me here.

A huge thank you to my wife Shannon and daughters Noel and Claire for putting up and supporting me in all this madness, my parents Ed and Peggy White for all of their support in more ways than can be listed, as well as Jimmy Greenfield, Don Lisy (for tons of work and help navigating NY), Leigh Ann Dull (and Mark), Jim and Sunita Puleo (and their girls for their patience, protection of the corn from the “mean” pigeon and for the great pajama party), Steve Stroup with Bridger Property Services who graciously provided the signage, Terry Jacobson with Printing Solutions who was amazing to provide the printing for this project, Jon and Vanessa Cowan, Justin Baldwin, Sam Kho, Judith Bradshaw and Joseph Almendariz. I am positive I am forgetting people to thank, please forgive me.

1 Lisa White-Turney
2 GF Sam Wagner
3 Eric Dobbins
4 Luke and Sara Houk
5 Erik Fish
6 Susan Patten
7 Judith G. Levy
8 Billie Cochrum
9 Matt Nelson
10 Celeste Alvarez Plitz
11 Mark Hartford
12 Brad Mayhew
13 Malissa Martin
14 Befkadu
15 Stacey Warner Hatton
16 Luba
17 Jill Brungardt
18 Daniel White
19 Don Lisy
20 Sunita
21 Kathy Porsch
22 Rhoda A Zapata
23 Paul White
24 Christina Dostaler Prestidge
25 Jenifer Tracy
26 Carter Peckham
27 Derek Seaman
28 Craig Anderson
29 Brian White
30 Andrea Silenza
31 Danny Joe Gibson
32 Frank Shopen
33 Sven Alstrom
34 Nathan White
35 Lisa Lala
36 Chris Sicam
37 Chad Cox
38 Ryan Timothy Laferney
39 Stanci March
40 Angela Doll Carlson
41 Steve Gradwohl
42 Jason Dailey
43 Matthew Pacheco
44 Eric Kirkendall
45 Jen Grabarczyk
46 Anna Doktor
47 artbynemo
48 Allen Chen
49 Brian and Marilyn Horsch
50 Judith Ferrenbach
56 Liza
57 Kevin & Amy Malskeit
58 Sara Farley
59 Diane Horning
60 Eric Frye
61 Liz Lacey-Gotz
64 Rachael Jane
65 Emily Jalinsky
66 Garrett Larson
67 Fong Liu
68 Melissa Wilkerson
69 Sarah O
70 Maya Baron
71 Michael and Betty Collins
72 Cara Megan Lewis
73 Kato Dee
74 Eric Morton
75 Leone Anne Reeves
76 Pil Ho lee
77 George Rousis
78 Mary E Wentz
29 Paul Nielsen
80 Marc Wiegand
81 Kaylyn Munro
82 Jody Carter
83 Codie Lea
84 Kat Monaghan
85 ArtsKC fan
86 Shea Gordon
87 Susan Smith
88 Sandra McKenzie
89 Christy Tennant
90 Frank Shopen
91 Mary
92 Jessica Conner
93 Andrew G. Norquist
94 Vanessa Vanek
95 Joel White
96 Gwen Hannan Meharg
97 Alison Stigora
98 Jay Walker
99 Josh Davis
100 Kim Bishop
101 Neil Hull
102 Hannah Gregory
103 Lance Cheney
104 Marc Havener
105 Jessica Small
106 Tobias Becker
107 Garrett Larson
108 Joan Ramsey
109 Patrick and Joey Curtin
110 Rex Hausmann
111 Brian White
112 Cara and Cabezas
113 Anj Riffel
114 Zack Nutter
115 Dave Van Hee
116 Helen Johnston
117 Lila Thompson

Darin M. White: OVERFLOW – A Debut New York Solo Exhibition (Brooklyn, NY)
Artwork Left to Right: Appropriate Attire: Burlap and Earth, Transfer print on reclaimed copper, Appropriate Attire: Ashes and Burlap, Transfer print on reclaimed copper, Bear Heart, Reclaimed adjusted taxidermy black bear, Overflow, Site specific sculpture installation in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn, NY Reclaimed pallets gathered from Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY, 1000 lbs. of feed corn from Monroe Township, NJ,
100 lbs. of organic seed corn from Mansfield, MO (See Map below)

Map of where the majority of the work came from as well as locations in transit for this project. I left off a bunch believe it or not.

Bear Heart, Reclaimed adjusted taxidermy black bear, 2012

Detail of Overflow installation and sign

Update #15: Full list of pledge supporters, and more, plus some press

Posted 1 day ago

Here is a great big thank you to list of Kickstarter pledge supporters! Also to those who supported in other ways as well as those who supported on Kickstarter, but chose to receive a reward. If for some reason you are not listed, and you wanted to be, please let me know. I am so thankful for everyone’s amazing support of this project! THANK YOU! It is because of you that this project was possible. I will have more images posted soon. If you wanted to pledge, but didn’t for whatever reason, many of the same rewards are still available. Please let me know by calling my Hava Studios office at 785.842.2216 or email me here.

A huge thank you to my wife Shannon and daughters Noel and Claire for putting up and supporting me in all this madness, my parents Ed and Peggy White for all of their support in more ways than can be listed, as well as Jimmy Greenfield, Don Lisy (for tons of work and help navigating NY), Leigh Ann Dull (and Mark), Jim and Sunita Puleo (and their girls for their patience, protection of the corn from the “mean” pigeon and for the great pajama party), Steve Stroup with Bridger Property Services who graciously provided the signage, Terry Jacobson with Printing Solutions who was amazing to provide the printing for this project, Jon and Vanessa Cowan, Justin Baldwin, Sam Kho, Judith Bradshaw and Joseph Almendariz. I am positive I am forgetting people to thank, please forgive me.

1 Lisa White-Turney
2 GF Sam Wagner
3 Eric Dobbins
4 Luke and Sara Houk
5 Erik Fish
6 Susan Patten
7 Judith G. Levy
8 Billie Cochrum
9 Matt Nelson
10 Celeste Alvarez Plitz
11 Mark Hartford
12 Brad Mayhew
13 Malissa Martin
14 Befkadu
15 Stacey Warner Hatton
16 Luba
17 Jill Brungardt
18 Daniel White
19 Don Lisy
20 Sunita
21 Kathy Porsch
22 Rhoda A Zapata
23 Paul White
24 Christina Dostaler Prestidge
25 Jenifer Tracy
26 Carter Peckham
27 Derek Seaman
28 Craig Anderson
29 Brian White
30 Andrea Silenza
31 Danny Joe Gibson
32 Frank Shopen
33 Sven Alstrom
34 Nathan White
35 Lisa Lala
36 Chris Sicam
37 Chad Cox
38 Ryan Timothy Laferney
39 Stanci March
40 Angela Doll Carlson
41 Steve Gradwohl
42 Jason Dailey
43 Matthew Pacheco
44 Eric Kirkendall
45 Jen Grabarczyk
46 Anna Doktor
47 artbynemo
48 Allen Chen
49 Brian and Marilyn Horsch
50 Judith Ferrenbach
56 Liza
57 Kevin & Amy Malskeit
58 Sara Farley
59 Diane Horning
60 Eric Frye
61 Liz Lacey-Gotz
64 Rachael Jane
65 Emily Jalinsky
66 Garrett Larson
67 Fong Liu
68 Melissa Wilkerson
69 Sarah O
70 Maya Baron
71 Michael and Betty Collins
72 Cara Megan Lewis
73 Kato Dee
74 Eric Morton
75 Leone Anne Reeves
76 Pil Ho lee
77 George Rousis
78 Mary E Wentz
29 Paul Nielsen
80 Marc Wiegand
81 Kaylyn Munro
82 Jody Carter
83 Codie Lea
84 Kat Monaghan
85 ArtsKC fan
86 Shea Gordon
87 Susan Smith
88 Sandra McKenzie
89 Christy Tennant
90 Frank Shopen
91 Mary
92 Jessica Conner
93 Andrew G. Norquist
94 Vanessa Vanek
95 Joel White
96 Gwen Hannan Meharg
97 Alison Stigora
98 Jay Walker
99 Josh Davis
100 Kim Bishop
101 Neil Hull
102 Hannah Gregory
103 Lance Cheney
104 Marc Havener
105 Jessica Small
106 Tobias Becker
107 Garrett Larson
108 Joan Ramsey
109 Patrick and Joey Curtin
110 Rex Hausmann
111 Brian White
112 Cara and Cabezas
113 Anj Riffel
114 Zack Nutter
115 Dave Van Hee
116 Helen Johnston
117 Lila Thompson

Darin M. White: OVERFLOW – A Debut New York Solo Exhibition (Brooklyn, NY)
Artwork Left to Right: Appropriate Attire: Burlap and Earth, Transfer print on reclaimed copper, Appropriate Attire: Ashes and Burlap, Transfer print on reclaimed copper, Bear Heart, Reclaimed adjusted taxidermy black bear, Overflow, Site specific sculpture installation in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn, NY Reclaimed pallets gathered from Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY, 1000 lbs. of feed corn from Monroe Township, NJ,
100 lbs. of organic seed corn from Mansfield, MO (See Map below)

Map of where the majority of the work came from as well as locations in transit for this project. I left off a bunch believe it or not.

Bear Heart, Reclaimed adjusted taxidermy black bear, 2012

Detail of Overflow installation and sign

Detail of Overflow installation, organic corn seed and seed packets that were given to viewers

Appropriate Attire: Burlap and Earth
, Transfer print on reclaimed copper, 2012

I was thankful to have some press published in the Sunday May 6th, 2012 edition of the Lawrence Journal-World
in the Pulse section under artists profiles. They were kind enough to put an image of me on the front page too.
Here is the link. http://www2.ljworld.com/news/2012/may/05/local-artists-ny-exhibit-draws-personal-tragedy-cy/

Lawrence artist Darin M. White is pictured on Thursday, April 3, 2012 in his home. White recently returned from Brooklyn, New York, where he showed a series of his work.
Photo by Nick Krug
Lawrence artist Darin M. White is pictured on Thursday, April 3, 2012 in his home.
White recently returned from Brooklyn, New York, where he showed a series of his work.
Kickstarter logo

Thank you,





I am so grateful for all of your support and encouragement!

Thank you each and every one of you for your pledges!

We still have over an hour left! If you are still interested in pledging please do
any additional raised will go towards the actual costs of the project and trip!
I am also hopeful that there will be enough to have my sweet wife come at some
point during this time. She has put up with a whole lot during this whole project!

Thank you again, I could not have done this without you all!

If you have any questions, please let me know!

ON TO NEW YORK! I will keep you updated on my blog and the kickstarter updates page during the exhibition.

Thank you,



Kickstarter Update #8 Rocking 52% Funded 64 Hours to go! A Little Press!

Starting to turn up the heat, and just in time… Can we make it?!?! Yes, I am sweating over here! I have been told that the last bit is when you get a lot of pledges. Well, please pledge away!

Update #8: Rocking 52% Funded 64 Hours to go! A Little Press!

This is because of your pledges and kind support! Thank you! Please remember you are not JUST supporting, you a buying in to an artist and his mission to change the world, and getting some great rewards as a benefit!

If we do not hit the $5,000 in 64 hours all of this is for not, because non of this project will be funded. Do you want to see a grown man cry? Don’t answer that! Ok, another thought… (See More here…)

A Little Press!

I have some great news! My high school friend Hannah is a non-profit PR writer. She got a press release out all over the place. See the screen shot below and the link here. If you can get this out to your people, maybe your people would like to get on this train as well! No harm, no foul, and you get to help out a creative project. You know debut only happens once!

At the bottom of this page is the press release if you want to copy and paste it, or share it.

So even though I am NOT a mathematician, it looks like we will need around 75 more backers in this next 64 hours to hit this goal! I apparently have told too many people too many times (glares, icy stares, cold shoulder, direct to vm, out of the office, etc.), ok hopefully not true…  BUT I do need more people letting other people know. I probably already said that.

Well how about another reward?

This is the shirt group package. People are loving this shirt… and I am so glad. So how about a family or group pack of 4 or 5 t-shirts! I am still trying to decide on colors. Leave a comment on one of the right blue tabs above if you want to weigh in on shirt colors. I have to keep it to a minimum because dealing with all sizes. Oh, and if any of you who have a pledged for a t-shirt already, know your size, please let me know. It will help with my order I am placing tomorrow. WHAT! Yes, I am placing the order tomorrow. I have to get these ordered and so I am taking the plunge and praying that this project gets funded, and also my buddy’s Eric and Kallie and the people at Grandstand have agreed to help out! (Read more here…)

Bear Heart Ringspun T-Shirt Concept on ManDARIN Orange

Green Apple

Spring Yellow


Highlight of Reward

So another reward that has not been taken advantage of is the meal with artist. This is a limited reward. There is one in Lawrence, KS and the other in NY. If you go for this one, I will also include your name as a sponsor on the gallery glass.
$350 – MEAL WITH ARTIST AND HIS WIFE IN LAWRENCE, KS (DINNER FOR 2 + US) AND EXHIBITION CATALOG – We will all get a great dinner and good company and you feed a couple of starving artists. Plus the EXHIBITION CATALOG, YOUR NAME on the WEBSITE and IN THE CATALOG, PERSONAL GREETING CARD, POSTCARD, and SEED PACKET. If you have additional parties that want to come for the meal add $50 for each. (Travel not provide). New York version of this reward is $450 and also a limited number.

Darin and Shannon White at Art Basel Miami Beach 2011 Photo: Don Lisy

Again, you can let me know if there are any other rewards you would like to see, or lets make up your own.

Goodnight, talk to you tomorrow.


Press Release:

Lawrence, Kansas Artist Needs Support to “Overflow” to

Make New York Debut a Reality

A Lawrence, Kansas-based artist has three days left to reach a funding goal necessary make his New York debut a reality. Darin White – artist, arts advocate and exhibition curator – has been using Kickstarter.com to raise the $5,000 necessary to finance his solo exhibition later this month in Brooklyn.

Part of the large conceptual-based installation and object artwork exhibition will be a miniature barn literally “overflowing” with corn seeds. (White is working with local farmers to make sure the seeds are used after the exhibition.)

Quote start“Seeds are important and are traded as a commodity. Cycles of life happen whether we understand the process or choose to bury our head. Our land resources and life are laid out in front of us, one moment at a time.”Quote end

(PRWEB) April 04, 2012

A Lawrence, Kansas-based artist has three days left to reach a funding goal necessary make his New York debut a reality. Darin White – artist, arts advocate and exhibition curator – has been using Kickstarter.com to raise the $5,000 necessary to finance his solo exhibition at an alternative gallery space in Brooklyn this month. As of April 4, the project was 48 percent funded. Adding to the pressure is the fact that for a Kickstarter project to receive any funding, it must be 100 percent funded. The deadline is 5 p.m. CST Saturday, April 7.

“With a lack of funding from the State of Kansas for the arts, I have to look for alternative ways to fund this project,” says White.

White’s conceptual art exhibition “Overflow” aims to challenge the viewer about the life they are living and asks the provocative question: “What will we do with what we are given?”

Part of the large conceptual-based installation and object artwork exhibition will be a miniature barn literally “overflowing” with corn seeds. (White is working with local farmers to make sure the seeds are used after the exhibition.)

“I want to conjure thoughts of farmland, barns and brimming silos,” says White. “Seeds are important and are traded as a commodity. Cycles of life happen whether we understand the process or choose to bury our head. Our land resources and life are laid out in front of us, one moment at a time.”

White admits that he, like most people, doesn’t fully understand the farming process and desires to know more about the food that makes it to his family’s table.

“I want people to start really thinking about where their food comes from,” says White, adding that the exhibition is more than just about food. “It’s about our use of all of our land and all of our resources. We can either choose to do something with it and with our lives or we can be blind to it and pay attention to things that don’t matter.”

Anyone can help fund “Overflow” on Kickstarter.com, whether they are able to give one dollar or fund the entire exhibition. Those who give $10 or more will receive a digital catalog of the exhibition; $15 donors receive a seed packet from the exhibition; $25 donors receive a t-shirt; higher level donors will receive signed artwork and other exhibit-related pieces. For more information about the exhibition and a link to make a contribution via Kickstarter, go to http://www.DarinWhite.com.

The opening reception for “Overflow” will be 6-9 p.m. Friday, April 13 at the Soapbox Gallery, 636 Dean Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. The show runs through April 26.


Kickstarter Update #7: Long Overdue Update – 40% Goal Hit and Surpassed!

I have a little explaining to do.

I have been buried trying to get my printing, t-shirts and details (finding whole corn in Brooklyn is a very difficult task let me assure you) together for this exhibition. To top it off, I was in bed most of the day feeling miserable. My wife said something about me working on this project too much. 🙂 I am little bit behind on updating. I have been blown away with the pledges! Thank you so much for your support! We hit the next… (read more here…)

I know that many people wait till the last minute to pledge. Ok people(read more here…)

I want to point out a few rewards that haven’t been taken advantage of yet.
This first one below would really help get us going to meet this pledge goal.
$400 – SIGNED AND NUMBERED 1/1 SPALTED MAPLE SCULPTURE AND NAME AND WORK IN EXHIBITION CATALOG AND INCLUDES AN EXHIBITION CATALOG – I will sculpt a good sized chunk of this spalted maple into a simple form w/ exotic wood base & steel support. The sculpture can be removed from base mount. Each is original! One of the SCULPTURES in the Exhibition Catalog, YOUR NAME IN CATALOG & on WEBSITE. Also of course, I will include the EXHIBITION CATALOG, send a BEAUTIFUL EXHIBITION GREETING CARD with MY SINCERE THANKS, POSTCARD & SEED PACKET. This is a LIMITED REWARD, don’t let it get away! See example below.

Darin M. White sculpture Two, One, Carved Spalted Maple, Cocobolo Wood, Steel, 2011, Private Collection

If the above is a little bit more than you are able to handle, how about this one:

My image of the copper works aren’t a very good, so I included one of the works below not show on copper, so you can see the details.


Darin M. White, Appropriate Attire: Earth and Burlap, Pencil on paper, 2012

Apparently there aren’t very many people who like to be surprised out there!? No, I don’t believe it! Here is a great reward that no one has jumped off a cliff for…yet! I included another drawing example below, so if this helps.

SURPRISE QUICK SKETCH AND EXHIBITION CATALOG- For you gamblers and lovers of the thrill! A DRAWING that I make up on the spot. It will look like one of my sketch book drawings, could be pen or pencil depending on my mood. Or, I may pull out a work (print or drawing) FROM MY FLAT FILES! Also you get the EXHIBITION CATALOG, PERSONAL THANKS, GREETING CARD, POSTCARD, SEED PACKET & NAME ON SITE.

Darin M. White, Arrow Antler, Ink on paper, 2012

Ok, last one to highlight. This one a couple of you have pledged for this one. I have had great responses to these works. Each one is different, and made with solid beautiful spalted maple wood.

SPALTED MAPLE WEARABLE SCULPTURE – If you are unsure what spalted maple is see the image and description area. After sculpting, it is connected to a silver chain or a leather necklace adding the “wearable” part to “sculpture”. So, you get the SPALTED MAPLE WEARABLE SCULPTURE, plus a NOTE OF THANKS ON GREETING CARD, POSTCARD, SEED PACKET & NAME ON SITE. This willwork for either sex. The one show below is on a different chain than what will be provided, unless it is what you would prefer. This is again, just an example as this is my wife’s, and she refuses to let this one go. You however can specify rough idea of shape and size. The one below is an extra large showpiece, but some prefer a smaller scale. Want to see other examples? Click here.

Darin M. White, Spalted Maple Wearable Sculpture example (size and shape will vary)

Ok, that wraps up this long update…Go forth and support creativity!

Please see the link below for more information, great rewards and to pledge:
Kickstarter logo
Funding deadline is April 7th, 2012 at 5:03pm CST

Thank you,



Darin M. White: Overflow – A Debut New York Solo Exhibition Invitation

Press Release:

Darin M. White: OVERFLOW – A Debut New York Solo Exhibition

Exhibition Dates: April 13-26th, 2012

Opening Reception April 13th, 6-9pm

636 Dean Street
Brooklyn, NY 11238

A Lawrence, Kansas based artist and arts advocate brings
his debut New York solo exhibition to Brooklyn. White
equates his artwork to digging in the field, looking for
treasures and mysteries to uncover and reveal. This current
work is related to visions and dreams, which he hopes will
raise questions for the viewer about the life they are living.
These concepts can be seen in Overflow, in which he states;
Overflow conjures thoughts of farmland, barns and brimming
silos. Seeds are important and are traded as a commodity.
Cycles of life happen whether we understand the process
or choose to bury our head. Our land resources and life are
laid out in front of us, one moment at a time.
What will we do with what we are given?”

Darin M. White, Overflow, Postcard Front

Darin M. White, Overflow, Postcard Back

If you would like to have more background on my thoughts
and ideas behind this work, or if you have any other questions,
please let me know.

With a lack of funding from the State of Kansas for the arts, I am looking for
alternative ways to fund this project. I am thankful for a funding platform like
Kickstarter and am grateful for people who love creative endeavors and

choose to encourage artists in a tangible way by pledging their support.

Please see the link below for more information, great rewards and to pledge:
Kickstarter logo
Funding deadline is April 7th, 2012 at 5:03pm CST

Thank you,


Flickr Photos


June 2024