“The Laaaaaaaaaaaast… Melon” -Ice Age

last melon

Hello Everyone!

 This week, like all the other weeks of my mission, has been amazing! I am still in shock that this is coming to a close. I remember hearing a Gordon B. Hinckley quote that said that at the very end of his life, he was finally beginning to understand the gospel fully. I feel the same way about missionary work. Now as I am ending this chapter, I finally have got the hang of things (or at least I think I do).

0640 Normandy district

Our District

We set another baptismal date with a gentleman we met this week for the end of September. I also got to go on a tradeoff with Sister Smith in our area! Again haha. I am so thankful we have gotten to go on three tradeoffs together, she is amazing!


Me with Sister Smith, Sister Boyd, and Prince Chesley.


Sister Smith and me after our tradeoff.

Rather than ramble, I will list some things I have learned each transfer of my mission:

1). You can love someone so quickly and immediately. You can see a random stranger and just love them. You can live with someone 24/7 and just love them.

2). It doesn’t matter how inadequate you are if you can trust in God. He will make up for your faults if you will rely on Him.

3). Love has to be communicated. It is not enough to assume others know, but to express it often and sincerely.

4). Be where you are, when you are, and with the people you are with, and you will be happy.

5). When you love doing something, you can work harder than you ever have and have the best time of your life.

6). DRINK WATER. You will need to be closer to a bathroom more frequently but you will not die…

7). But if you need to use bathroom too frequently you might have other problems. Listen to your body and take care of yourself. And never forget how much your Heavenly Father loves you.

8). When you invest in a relationship and communicate, no matter how different you may be, you can love anyone.

9). “God will give you wings.” Two people can both be new at something and do well!

10). If you eat healthy it is easier to be happy.

11). Communication is the lubrication that makes the machine of life work better.

12). When you love someone, you express that love by the way they need it.

13). Listening is one of the best ways to express love. Also Sister Yingling is my favorite human.

I have been told that I will be giving a homecoming talk on August 20th. I would love it if y’all could come!

I am so thankful for my mission and how I have changed. I am thankful for the chance I have to continue to be a disciple of Jesus Christ when I go home! I love you  all so much!

Please NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, EVER forget how much your Heavenly Father loves you!


Sister Tryon



Sister Pereira and me with the Fleming Island District


Guess who gets to go to the Temple this week?! So excited!


Goodbye desk… We are going to pack this week so that next week when I go to St. Augustine with the departing missionaries it will not be stressful.





The Week I Became a Crazy Missionary

Hello Everyone!

This week has been pretty amazing! We have been busy, and have seen so many miracles! We have had lots of funny experiences, especially following the Spirit! We have an especially unconventional one that makes me smile. I really wish we had a GoPro camera or a dash cam like cops do. Below is our crazy, Spirit led experience. Are you sitting down? Okay!

A few weeks ago we saw a young man crossing the sidewalk entrance to our apartment complex. We felt like we needed to talk to him, but the traffic was such that by the time we could cross and pull in, he was so far out of the way that our efforts to talk to him were not heard.

We were saddened, but resolved to talk to him the next time we saw him. No excuses. WELL, it happened. We were again pulling in to our complex, and again saw the same young man, this time walking across the other way. We whipped out a card to give to him, but again he was too far out of hearing. We were so sad. The Spirit told us that we NEEDED to talk to him! Well, as we were sadly pulling into our complex, we remembered one funny, sketchy thing about our complex. There is a fence running alongside it, and on part of the fence near our apartment, some people have pried the bars apart enough for people to squeeze right on through. Thinking of this space, and that the young man in question had been walking towards it, we hurried to a parking space. We jumped out of the car and ran to the fence. We saw him. Well, the Spirit said we needed to talk to him, and so we squeezed on through that hole! He was still a bit ahead, so we ran and caught up to him and talked to him.

0634 Sister Beecher through fence

Sister Beecher squeezing through the gap in our fence

Surprisingly, he was very undisturbed by our creepiness in literally chasing him down. I have never done that before on my mission, and I am not sure it will ever happen again! But now it is a funny story of the time we were those crazy missionaries. So pray for “D”!

0635 Sister Tryon through fence

I can squeeze through too! One of the funniest things is to see someone squeeze through as we are looking out the window. Too funny.

Anyway, this week has been great! We went on tradeoffs with the Oak Leaf Sisters. I served with Sister Beecher in Normandy, and it was so fun! She is the cutest individual! And I just love her!

0636 selfie with Sister Beecher

Sister Beecher aka one of the cutest humans ever

I also went on a tradeoff with Sister Goeller in Middleburg and that was super fun as well! We took some fun pictures and she is just wonderful!

0638 with Sister goeller

The ever cute Sister Goeller!

My spiritual thought his week is this: If you only had two weeks to serve the Lord with everything you had, what would you do? What would you be willing to give up to give every last ounce of energy? All of us are called to the work, whether full time or every day time. Make it worthwhile.

Remember who you are and whose you are. And always remember how much your Heavenly Father loves you!
Sister Tryon

0637 soaked in minutes

When in Florida…. Get drenched in the minute it takes to put your groceries in the car. And the best part is, it isn’t raining the first thirty seconds.

An Ode to Twenty One Years

This Sunday I celebrated my 21st birthday. Since yesterday was one of my best birthdays ever, I wanted to share my thoughts of miracles and funny things that happened this week. Here they are, in countdown form…
An Ode to Twenty One:
21). The number of times it took for me to actually hit and break open a piñata that our ward mission leader got for me. In my defense I was blindfolded with a tie and the Elders kept yanking it high up as I would swing (:
20). The number of times (at least) that I was “on the table” excited and rejoicing about Ode #12
19). The age I was two years ago when I first came out on my mission. How those two years have flown by!
18). The number of packets of skittles/starburst that were in my piñata.
17). The number of attempts it took for me to successfully use authentic chopsticks to eat authentic Cambodian Phō. Our Bishop spoiled us.
16). Probably an accurate count of the sweets I was given and ate in celebration of my birthday.
15). Probably an accurate guess of how many pounds I gained this week.
14). The number of dogs one of our members has. They flock to us.
13). The number of sweet sticky notes that the Timuquana Sisters left on our door on my birthday.
12). The number of non members who attended church with us this week. Six came because we invited them (and the Spirit compelled them), and six came because the members brought their non member families and friends. They just kept walking in and my jaw just kept dropping. It was a miracle! So invite your friends and family to come to church, okay? Okay (:
11). The number of showers I took this week to compensate for service in boiling heat. Cleanliness is next to godliness, after all, right?
10). The number of times a day that we pray (if not way more) to find those who are ready to receive the gospel.
9). The number of times I was so thankful to have my wonderful companion.
8). The number of times others sang Happy Birthday to me.
7). The number of days this week that we talked with everyone and were blessed beyond belief.
6). The number of times that Sister Wolfley and I scored together in ultimate frisbee with our team. Actually, I don’t know how many, but six seems decently accurate.
5). The number of times I cried for joy and because of the Spirit.
4). The number of new investigators that we found this week.
3). The number of balloons we found at our door for my birthday.
2). The number of days in a row that members took us to Golden Corrall to eat dinner, and the number of days in a row that members made me openly celebrate my birthday at restaurants, whether with a birthday crown or singing.
1). The number of investigators that accepted baptism and set a date for September 16th. He is a wonderful 21 year old named T, and he is so prepared for the gospel.
This was such a wonderful week! Thank you to everyone who was so kind and wished me a happy birthday! I love you all so much!
Please remember how much your Heavenly Father loves you!
Sister Tryon
0630 with Sister Ganir

Trade-off with Sister Ganir

0631 With member who owns 14 dogs

A member of our ward and a few of her fourteen dogs


0632 doggie heaven!

A super happy day with two super happy doggies


0633 birthday love

Thanks for all the birthday love!

This week on “My Giant Life”

Hello Everyone!
This week has been incredible! We keep seeing so many miracles that I just can’t explain! People talking to us, accepting baptism, hearts softening all over the place, and I just can’t explain it. But I sure am thankful for it. God is so good, and I am so thankful I get to represent my Savior and His love here.
I got to go on two tradeoffs this week, and they were so much fun! We got to see Sister Harris on our tradeoff!

With Sister Harris

My first tradeoff was with Sister Gabbitas, a new missionary who is being trained by Sister Driggs. So in theory training wise and mission jargon wise, she is my great-granddaughter (Tryon-Kilpack-Driggs-Gabbitas). In other words, I am officially an old missionary. Sister Gabbitas and I saw so many miracles! We talked with everyone, even in gas stations, and had a tender experience. We had just filled up our car and talked to a couple people, and gotten back into our car, when we saw a man by his car behind us. We went to talk to him, and ended up talking to him and his wife for 30 minutes. We gave them a copy of the Book of Mormon and they asked us to sign our names in it. It was such a tender experience. We also had a man accept baptism and he chose October 13th as the date that he wanted to know this was true by. It was crazy!

Me and Sister Gabbitas. Giant life x2

I also went on a tradeoff with another STL, Sister Hardy. It was so much fun! We went to serve in St. John’s River and it was great! We did some finding.

Me and Sister Hardy. Giant life… This is accurate of our love for each other.

While in Saint John’s River, I got to see the Wolffords and invite them to do my birthday challenge! So they are going to write their testimony on a copy of the Book of Mormon and share it with someone! I would love for y’all to join us in this!



When you can find your family anywhere…

And we got to have dinner with Sister Tullis and her family! It was so fun and crazy. I love them so much!
0620 missionary reunion

Dinner with Sarah Tullis and her family at PDQ’s


0619 Sarah Tullis visit

Reunited with Sister Tullis (Sarah)


We got to spend time with our favorite person, Sister Lee at MLC!

I love all of you so much! I am thankful for these next few weeks and am so excited for all of you to see the blessings of missionary work in your own lives! Please remember how much your Heavenly Father loves you!
Sister Tryon

The Week We Saved an Armadillo

“And the rain, rain, rain came down, down, down…” ~Winnie the Pooh

Hello Everyone!

Sorry, the power at the church temporarily went out so this will be short, but I love you!

This week has been so crazy and so fun! Thank you to everyone who sent Rachel a birthday thought!


Rachel blowing her birthday candles back home

Also, sad note, Sister Bryans is getting transferred. Good news, she is going to Oak Leaf, which is in our zone, so I will still see her!

I am going to be companions with Sister Pereira!

These are some highlights of the week:

You know that guy who plays chess in the short film before a bugs life? I basically met him.


*One raindrop falls* Sister Bryans: “No no no no no!” *shoves BOM in bag and zips! “It’s going to rain!!!” Five seconds later starts pouring. We get drenched.

 “Let your smile be your umbrella” I am not sure how effective that advice was…

Basically, it poured all week. It is pouring now. I love it so much!

We also got to go to a Genesis devotional Sunday! It was full blown gospel singing and clapping and hallelujahs and amens. I am not used to it, but it was such a fun experience!

genesis concert

Rehearsal for Genesis Concert (photo credit to Casey Gentle)

I love all of you so much!

A thought for this week… it comes from 1 Nephi 18:3: “And I, Nephi, did go into the mount oft, and I did pray oft unto the Lord; wherefore the Lord showed unto me great things.”

I love this correlation, that as we turn to the Lord, He gives us guidance. As we follow Him, He will guide us more! He loves us infinitely.


Us with Elder Gardner, Brother S, and Elder Barnes


We did a painting with a twist activity! So fun!


Us and our Elders. Elder Gardner killed a mosquito. We caught that moment on film!

0599 corn skewers

Sister Bryans was innovative and used chopsticks to skewer our corn cobs


I like to look for rainbows whenever there is rain

0604 flower balloon

We made this flower balloon for a five year old!

I love all of you so much!

Please never forget how much your Heavenly Father loves you!

Sister Tryon

The Week We Got More Rain Than Seattle Did.

Hello Everyone! 

This week has been amazing! The above title is accurate. We have been working hard to find and it has been pretty successful! We have been busy and I love it! This week I felt as though I was given ample experiences in which I felt truly needed here. A new family moved into our ward recently and we met them this week. I found out that they were found and baptized by my trainer, Sister Dixon! That was a tender mercy for me, especially because they told us they trusted us immediately.

We went on a tradeoff with the Whitehouse Sisters this week! Sister Stepherson came to serve in Normandy with me! We had a ton of fun!

0596 with sister stepherson

We did District Service in the pouring rain. Sister Stepherson and I took a tradeoff selfie when we were a bit more dry. Don’t worry, we went home and got warm before heading out again. We will not get pneumonia…

This week it rained so much! We actually ended up knocking in the rain for an hour and it was so much fun! We both have rain boots and jackets so we stayed fairly dry! People sure were shocked to see two beaming Sister Missionaries at their door, rain pouring down behind and swirling in the streets. It was a blast and though we did not find any new investigators that night, we were blessed later in the week with some.

0597 With Sister Bryans in rainy weather

We took a raincoat selfie. This was only after a couple of minutes of raining, so we still looked cute.

Other highlights in his week include Stake Conference, in which I was able to see so many members whom I love! I am finally reaching that point in my mission where I know lots of members and I just love it! It helps to have served in this Stake for at least ten months over a course of almost two years.

0598 with sandwiches from questionable sandwich shop

We got a sandwich at this mildly questionable sandwich shop. But don’t worry, we paid with cash (:

Another highlight of this week was interviews with our mission president, President Lee! We love him so much, and he warms our hearts immensely.

Normandy District

Normandy District during interviews

I am so thankful for this chance I have to serve right now! I know my time is drawing a bit shorter than before, but I will always be a disciple of Jesus Christ. I am so thankful for a loving Heavenly Father who is patient and who gives us so many chances.

Please remember how much your Heavenly Father loves you! I love you!


Sister Tryon

The Week of Pictures

Hello Everyone!
This week has been crazy busy and I have loved it! We are still working hard to find those who are ready to hear the gospel. We even had a funny occurrence yesterday! We were going to see an investigator. As we re-taught the authority behind baptism, she asked if she needed to be baptized again. We expressed that she needed to be baptized by the Priesthood authority. At which point she said, “Well, I was baptized into the Mormon church when I was 12… Does that count?” So I guess she is a golden less active member haha… We are working on getting her records moved into our ward. What a miracle!
Also, shameless moment here…. Yet again I will ask that everyone who sees this wishes Rachel Tryon a happy birthday. Whether by email, by mail, or whatever, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE wish this angel of a human being a happy 18th birthday. It is on the 25th of June. You will not regret it. Thank you (:
Michelle rachel dock

Sister Tryon and her little sister Rachel before Sister Tryon left for the mission field.

This week we decided we wanted to take more pictures. So our helpful zone leaders gave us ideas every day of photos to take. Therefore, this week was well-documented and hopefully y’all enjoy all the pictures! Also, we went on two tradeoffs this week! I went to Fleming Island to see with Sister Prue and got to see many members that I loved while we were at meetings. I also had the opportunity to go on a tradeoff with Sister Smith again in Orange Park!
0578 cat

I found a cat while knocking on doors.


0579 Snow White

Assignment: We were told to take a Disney Princess picture… So this is Snow White haha. We struggled a bit…

0580 flower challenge

Assignment: Take a picture with a flower in your hair

0581 Sister Bryans flower

Sister Bryans looked five times better with her flower picture. I love her so much.

0582 companion love selfie

Assignment: Take a picture where a miracle happened… We got our carpets cleaned!

0583 kool aid jammers

Assignment: Take a picture where a miracle happened… “M” gave us Kool Aid Jammers. Yum #blessed

Also, we went on two tradeoffs this week! I went to Fleming Island to see with Sister Prue and got to see many members that I loved while we were at meetings. I also had the opportunity to go on a tradeoff with Sister Smith again in Orange Park!


0587 sister prue and toad

Sister Prue caught a toad!

0588 sister prue trade off

Classic Trade-off Selfie


Trade-off Selfie with Sister Smith. She and I go home from our missions on the same date.

This week I have been pondering the words of the hymn “Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd” (221). The first verse has especially stood out to me today. Perhaps it is because it is the first verse (like how we all know 1 Nephi 1:1), but I just love it so much!

Dear to the heart of the Shepherd,

Dear are the sheep of his fold;

Dear is the love that he gives them,

Dearer than silver or gold.

Dear to the heart of the Shepherd,

Dear are his “other” lost sheep;

Over the mountains he follows,

Over the waters so deep.

Out in the desert they wander,

Hungry and helpless and cold;

Off to the rescue he hastens,

Bringing them back to the fold.


I love all of you so much! You are dear to me and to your Heavenly Father! Please never forget how much your Heavenly Father loves you! And never forget the impact you can have on others. Reach out to others in love. Be sincere. You have the power to change someone’s life. So whatever pride you may have to swallow, just love others and seek to build them up. It will bring you peace. Repentance and forgiveness bring peace. So just do it.
Now for more pictures taken this week:
0586 you live in Florida when...

You know you live in Florida when… you use Deet 100

0585 awkward


0584 cacti yard

We found this cute house with a yard full of cacti (semi visible in this picture)

0589 that moment when the light fixture leaks

A realllllllly attractive selfie we took when our ceiling light started leaking…

0591 paint servie

For service this week, we helped someone paint their house.


0592 painting hands

Hands covered in paint and smudgy name tag

0593 cones

A Member bought us ice cream when we were out teaching together.

0595 selfie

Alsoooo I cut my hair (after much persuasion by Sister Bryans)! Don’t worry, it will grow back by the time I get home!

I love all of you so much! You are champs for getting through all of these pictures!
Feel free to email to request certain pictures and we will see if we can do them!



The Week When We Took Lots of Pictures!

Hello Everyone! 

This week had been amazing! Sister Bryans and I have been so busy and it has been wonderful. We were constantly going from appointment to appointment with our members coming out with us every day! We also got to go on two tradeoffs this week and that was a blast!  

Sister Stailey and I went on a tradeoff in Oak Leaf and that was super fun! Sister Stailey came out to the mission field with Sister Kilpack.

0570 stailey exchange

With Sister Stailey at the end of our trade-off

I also went on a tradeoff with Sister Driggs in our area. Sister Driggs came out to the mission field when I came back out after surgery. I love both of them. 

0574 with sister driggs

With Sister Driggs on a trade off

I am trying to think of funny moments from this week. In the meantime I will share a thought that I had during my studies. I was reading Matthew 15:22-28, studying how Christ was foreordained to be our Savior. As I shared this story with Sister Driggs, I was touched by the faith of the woman as she said “yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table.” Compared to God, we are nothing. There is nothing we can do without Christ to even approach Him. But as we humble ourselves and allow the Savior to help, He can lift us.

I am nothing. I make so many mistakes and often feel so inadequate. But that doesn’t matter. I know that despite my shortcomings, our loving Heavenly Father will change me for the better.

Let Him change you. Ask for help. Be humble. Be willing to do what He says. You will not regret it.

I love all of you so much! Please always remember how much your Heavenly Father loves you!


Sister Tryon

PS: More Pictures!

0573 gourmet meal with sister Driggs

Sister Driggs and I made a gourmet meal. Yes, that is salmon, so fancy. #pnwdreams

0572 Goose and goslings

Geese with eight goslings

The Week A Man Kissed My Hand

Hello Everyone!

This week was wonderful! The above title is true. It was quite the  experience haha.

We had a fun p-day and I was so busy just playing  sports! I learned a new rugby drill and it is so fun! So there is  little writing today.

I love all of you! Please remember how much your  Heavenly Father loves you! Because He really loves you!
Sister Tryon


A picture of Sister Tu’ivailala and me on our tradeoff in Jax South



A picture of Sister Harris and me on our tradeoff in Middleburg



The Elders had a pillow pet. His name is Timmy.



We got soaked post Zone Conference. We love Sister Winona!



We found a phone booth!



We love the Timuquana Sisters!