Duck — A Poem

“Arch” — C.Birde, 5/24

Duck the arch,

the vined curtain blooming



only from the farther side…

Enter softly,


the secret of your approach

in your pocket

lest the idyll vanish wholly

with an eager, errant


— C.Birde, 5/24

Small… — A Poem

“Mini Mina Marigold” — C.Birde, 5/24


in a vast world,

& aware of her diminutive size

No bravado here

Alert & wary

Yet ready to trust

when approached with

patience & kindness.

We’ve all been her.

— C.Birde, 5/24

Companion — A Poem

“Sassafrases” — C.Birde, 5/24

In May’s unclouded light,

I walked my grief –

short leash heart-tethered

Cool blue breath against

my skin reverberating

with our paired gait’s

catch & swing

Strides synchronized

etched from fragrant air

Each, a pulse of beauty,

a tear shed for my own,

for the world’s suffering

Heart-leash short tethered

wending home again

On my doorstep –

patient, casting shadow

Nowhere to go, I let it in.

— C.Birde, 5/24

Pomegranate Sleep — A Poem

An augmented thumbnail sketch of a partially peeled pomegranate.
“Pomegranate Thumbnail” — C.Birde, 1/24

Red & ripe & weighty,

a convexity

in my hands’ cup

Red-gem arils snugged

within thick skin,




swallowed six seeds,

slept through two


awoke refreshed

in Spring

The fruit’s thick peel

falls away,

red-skinned white flesh

patterns the counter

I wolf scarlet-bright beads

by the handful,

greedy for slumber curative

& deep,

greedy for uninterrupted


— C.Birde, 1/24

October Moon — A Poem

An artfully altered personal photo of the full Hunter's Moon, reflecting over our nearby reservoir.
“October Moon” — 10/30/23

That night,

the Moon’s pale & brilliant eye

shone wide across the water

And you three & you & I walked

through the end of an October

warmer than memory allowed

While the fallen, whispering leaves

of oak & sycamore followed us

on brisk & skittering feet.

— C.Birde, 11/23