Hope Thru Soap

If you had the chance to inspire hope in someone who has none, what would you say? Ridgeway Soapworks has partnered with Hope Thru Soap, a non-profit mobile shower unit. This incredible organization helps to restore dignity and hope to those marginalized and homeless in the Atlanta area. They provide showers, haircuts, clean clothes and... Continue Reading →

A Fresh Take on New Year’s Resolutions — KALMIA BOTANICALS

I make resolutions every year and they are usually as cliché as they come. (1) ‘lose weight | exercise more | get fit’ usually tops the list. Followed closely by (2) ‘organize | declutter | become a minimalist’. Rounding out the trifecta is (3) ‘give up sugar | white foods | wine’. This year I... Continue Reading →

The Magic of the Dead Sea

People often ask me, of all the soaps that I make, which is my favorite?  It truly is hard to pick a favorite, however, if I were banished to a desert island and could only bring one kind of soap, I would pick one with Dead Sea Mud.  There is something beyond wonderful about this... Continue Reading →

Food For Your Skin

The products that we use on our skin can provide nourishment and some provide hydration.  There are quite a few oils,  such as coconut, olive and canola, that are wonderful ingredients in soap and also have a place in the kitchen. One of the most highly prized foods among those who eat meat is grass-fed beef.... Continue Reading →

5 Great Uses for Beer

Before you wonder what craziness this post is all about, the first thing you can, and should do with beer, is drink it.  Ice cold on hot summer day.  Or late at night with a giant plate of spicy hot wings.  Or with your friends watching football.  I really could go on.  But this post is... Continue Reading →

The weekend following the start of 2016, I was extremely fortunate to go on an overnight trip to The Hike Inn.  This trip was planned for a long time, and something I have wanted to do for even longer so you can imagine my excitement level.  Very near to the start of the Appalachian Trail at Spring... Continue Reading →

An Easier Way to Wash Your Dog

I will never understand why my adorable dog LOVES to roll around in nasty, dirty, gross things.  She manages to find a nice pile of yuck and roll around in it with glee and excitement.  And after this joyful event comes the unpleasant part - the bath.  My dog really dislikes getting a bath, so I... Continue Reading →

How to Make a Gift Box

The more years I spend in this world, the more I believe that the best gifts are a result of thought and effort.  I am most touched when someone spends their time on a gift than simply spending their money.  One way you can show your friends and family how much you care is by making your own... Continue Reading →

The Benefits of Bar Soap

I get asked fairly often if I plan to add liquid soap to my product line.  While I may dabble in liquid soap one day, I am in no hurry because I strongly believe that bar soap is much better.  Why, you ask?  Well, here are a few reasons.            ... Continue Reading →

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