how much of hardwork is enough to redeem myself?

When did resting start to feel like slacking? Why does staying still feel like wasting time? Maybe it’s hustle culture, or you, or me. But why do we have to work hard all the time to be considered worthy of something? Or is it just these weird chemicals in our brains? Perhaps we are always … Continue reading how much of hardwork is enough to redeem myself?

If I recollect all the good moments, will they be enough to make me want to live longer?

“I don’t want to forget. I want to be okay with remembering.” I now can’t recall where I have read this phrase; it just somehow stuck with me. Perhaps because as someone who has a foggy brain and forgets a lot of things almost instantly, or feels like I’m just watching another person live my … Continue reading If I recollect all the good moments, will they be enough to make me want to live longer?

coffee shop sunlit

wait, pause

It’s not like you don’t know how to stop. You just keep going because it’s harder to start over again. The more you procrastinate and put things off, the harder it is for you to leave the comfort of your misery. It’s not like you don’t know how to stop. Everyday, you stay outside a … Continue reading wait, pause

why do we choose to hold it together than to break?

“Ay Lunes pala????” I often forget the days of the week. Is it because everyday somehow feels the same anyway? Since living is just that; we wake up, do what we have to do, create routines and then break them, try to find peace just to carry out chaos. Living is just that. Staying in … Continue reading why do we choose to hold it together than to break?

the impending tomorrows

I can't remember exactly when it started. I woke up one day to a very noisy and chaotic group chat on X. The people in there? Some friends I've known through 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER and some from the cupsleeve events we had at KOHI for the members of SEVENTEEN. In that group chat, they … Continue reading the impending tomorrows

yearend 2023

to you who didn’t let go of my hands when i wanted to die

Some days still feel like time is standing still. Other days, the hands of the clock seem to lose control of its own speed, its own rhythm. Some days still feel like time is not enough to finish all the tasks. Other days, every hour, every minute is all a little too much, a little … Continue reading to you who didn’t let go of my hands when i wanted to die


this is how i talk to the universe sometimes :p

Dear Universe, I think I have you to thank for the mental capacity that I still have. 'Cause what do you mean you keep throwing shits at me but I'm still here??? Seriously, after hearing the story of [....], I don't know how I ended up fine somehow. I mean, I have my own patterns … Continue reading this is how i talk to the universe sometimes :p

poetry | catharsis

Oftentimes, I put myself inside an aquarium– The safest place to hide; to drown. Why do I do that? Isn't it lonely? It's okay, the glass breaks, anyway. And in those rare moments when it does, I see how beautiful caustic lights are. I touch it like how I'd hold life in my hands– I … Continue reading poetry | catharsis