Self Expectations

In part one of this novel a lot of things change, along with Pip’s thoughts of himself. In the beginning of the novel Pip had thought lower of himself. He never thought he would be anything special let alone a gentleman.Pip knew very little people, and the people he did know were blacksmiths, so Pip just assumed that’s what he would do too. Until one day Mr. Pumblechook told Mrs.Joe about Miss. Havisham wanting a boy, After knowing that Mrs. Joe forced Pip to go visit her everyday for months. Pip thought by going to  Miss. Havisham’s she would turn him into a gentleman, knowing that Pip started to feel better about himself. After he had found out she only wanted him there to break his heart, Pip was devastated and was right back to feeling the same way he was in the beginning. That was until Mr. Jaggers showed up and told him he was moving to London to become a gentleman. From that point on out Pip had become full of himself, yes it was a good thing for Pip considering the ways he was feeling before but it started to become annoying to everyone else. 

A connection I could make with this is with today’s society, many people feel low about themselves for many different reasons. I to used to think the same way about myself, until I realized I didn’t need to compare myself to everyone else. I knew if I tried hard I could become the successful person I wanted to be. 



An eventful way home

In chapter 16, Pip and Biddy were walking around town when suddenly someone had told them there was an emergency at Pip’s house. They had rushed home and found people everywhere surrounding Mr. & Mrs. Joe, while Joe was out at the bar someone had attacked Mrs. Joe, leaving her unable to speak. The only way she could speak was using her hands. Right away Pip’s guilty conscience had got to him because the letter she spelled out was “T”. Pip immediately thought of the convict but Biddy thought otherwise, She thought it was Mr. Orlick, who Mrs.Joe previously had problems with. Leaving Mr. Orlick as the main suspect.

A connection i could make with this is, when my uncle was 3 years old he had been through a traumatic event. When he was walking home late at night a group of boys had jumped him, and took everything he had. The soonest he was found was the next morning around 6, leaving him out there hurt for more than 5 hours. After he had been taken to hospital, people were trying to talk to him and figure out what happened. They thought he was just unresponsive from the traumatic event but it turns out he was deaf. The men who beat him had beaten him so hard around his face and yelled so loudly it actually cause him to go deaf. Yes, It’s not the same exact thing but I was able to make this connection because both Mrs. Joe and my uncle had to use their hands to communicate with people.


Great Expectations blog #2

Throughout the beginning of the novel Pip often brings up social class. Much like today’s society there is two rankings, the poor and the rich. With him having to live with his uncle and sister, he would be considered poor because they’re blacksmiths. Pip had spent sometime with Joe one night and they got to talking about Joe never getting a good education and never really having the option to do more with his life. I think that motivated Pip the most to want to make a better life of himself. I believe that is the main reason Pip even visited Mrs. Havisham, He knew she was in a higher social class and thought maybe she could help him.

A connection I could make is, when i was younger my parents had struggled with providing for my brothers and I. Knowing that motivated me to try harder so I would never have to be in the same positions they were in. Just like Pip was in the novel I’m determined to get somewhere in life.



ImageOne thing that could be considered an important aspect in life is friends. They come and go but still manage to play an important part in our lives. Throughout the chapters Pip hasn’t had many friends. In fact Pip doesn’t really have anyone besides Mr. & Mrs. Joe. With everyone in his family dying I can only imagine the loneliness Pip felt. Almost everyone Pip talked to had put him down or thought of him in a negative way, the only two people who have been really nice to Pip are Mr. Joe and Mrs. Havisham. Like Pip a lot of people struggle with finding friends too. To be certain my little brother has a hard time finding friends because of the way he is, just like Pip does. One question I’ve always had is why can’t everyone just be friends?
