poeta / essayist / educator / editor

Welcome to The Influence, a space where I share and celebrate the writers, art, and experiences that influence my writing life at the moment. This work takes the form of reviews and features of books and writers I am excited about; personal musings on the writing / teaching / editing life; as well as occasional writing prompts and updates on my own writing.

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FORMAL BIO: José Angel Araguz, Ph.D. is the author most recently of the lyric memoir Ruin & Want (Sundress Publications) as well as the poetry collections Rotura (Black Lawrence Press) and La esperanza espera (Valparaiso Ediciones). His poetry and prose have appeared in Prairie Schooner, Poetry International, The Acentos Review, and Oxidant | Engine among other places. He is an Assistant Professor at Suffolk University where he serves as Editor-in-Chief of Salamander and is also a faculty member of the Solstice Low-Residency MFA Program at Lasell University. He blogs and reviews books at The Influence.

Find him on:
Twitter: @JoseAraguz
Instagram: poetryamano

Check out the FREE digital chapbooks The Book of Flight ,  Naos: an introduction & Naos: Crumbs.

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