
Yep, yep – the posts are few and far between, and super short when I even manage to get around to it. What a sad turn of events for the 1 year anniversary of starting this whole thing.  I had really hoped to keep up with it better… then life kept happening.

But we are still here, I am trying to remember to post when funny things happen, and at this point I will take getting something up once a month as a huge accomplishment!

And when tibits like this come out of Soapfi’s mouth it makes it a wee bit easier to do.

Today we went to visit grandma, there are a lot of turns around corners as we wind our way up to her house. We were just going around the last one when Soapfi exclaimed:

“We need to turn more corners!!!”

When I asked why she replied:

“So we can finish our corn field!”

I’m still not sure if she was trying to be funny or if she really thinks that turning corners is where corn comes from!

Categories: Fun Things About Soapfi, Parenting | Tags: , , , , , , | 1 Comment

What a Ride

So Soapfi informed me tonight that she would like to go to a festival so she can ride on a “roaster-coaster”.

I have visions of a ride like the Matterhorn, but instead of a Yeti it would be some kind of animal getting revenge for being on a spit and you would go splashing through BBQ sauce at the end.

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Bodily Functions

So it’s been a long time since the last post. Between holidays and other things I just wasn’t inspired to write a damn thing.

A New Year’s Resolution to get back to blogging was made and broken within about 48 hours.

And then potty training started happening, and early on I promised not to go into excruciating TMI about *that* whole ordeal and all the bodily functions associated with it. We are still in the midst of the “Battle for Dry Undies”, and for the most part I won’t go into it much.

But Soapfi did say something too funny the other day to not share… even though it probably doesn’t even flirt with the TMI line but stomps the hell all over it.

So poor Soapfi has been having chronic problems with ear infections (we head to the ENT next week to discuss the possibility/necessity of tubes in her ears), which means she is on Penicillin a lot, which leads to a pH imbalance, which leads to the dreaded yeast beast, which as anyone who has had that particular infection knows – urinating is damn uncomfortable and can sting like the dickens.

At this point we’re just trying to get Soapfi to start telling us she *needs* to use the potty as opposed to just informing us the event has transpired (so far we’re striking out in that department) but the other day we made a slight improvement – she at least told us *while* it was happening by shouting across the room:

“Mom, I’m having spicy pee!”

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“Out There”… A Christmas “Song” Story

Been forever, but we are still around, she’s been doing tons a cute stuff and I’ve been a bad mommy who hasn’t put any of it down in print.  But this one was too fun not to share.  Enjoy!

Categories: Fun Things About Soapfi, Parenting | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Adrenaline Junkie

Over the weekend we did the pumpkin patch thing.  We happen to live very close to a great place that we go to every year: Carlton Farms.  Each year they get better, and this year was no exception.

We sprang for the $5 pass to get Soapfi into the Kid Korral. Worth. Every. Penny!

Can you say kiddie zip line? Soapfi was hooked after the first ride – it was a litany of “again Daddy” for at least 30 minutes!  She was probably one of the littlest kids giving it a try, but was giving the biggest shouts of “whhhheeeeeeee” and unrestrained giggles.

I’m hoping this bodes well for my planned attempt to get her on skis in the near future!

Categories: Fun Things About Soapfi, Parenting | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Backseat Driving

Soapfi is all about safety.  As previously mentioned, we even “buckle up for safety” on the pretend school bus (aka mommy & daddy’s bed). She is also very vocal in her opinion of how we should drive.  Instructions from this weekend included:

“Red means STOP daddy.”

“Go, go, go, green means GO!” (It matters not to her that the car in front of us hasn’t started to move – the light is green already!!)

“Go faster!!” (The light was yellow!)

And my favorite of all as we were cruising down the freeway:


I am now waiting for her to further reprimand him whenever said hands aren’t at precisely 10 & 2 on the wheel!

Categories: Fun Things About Soapfi, Parenting | Tags: , , , , | 1 Comment

Safety First

So yeah, I’ve been a bad blogger who seems to have fallen off the map – I blame it on the #*$%!(@ Robot Hats. Niche success is a double edged sword.  I’ve been more wildly successful than I ever thought possible, and now have zero free time. So things will be sporadic for awhile, but I’m still here, I will be back, Soapfi is still being impossibly cute, and when I remember and find the time I will share.

The thing that prompted me to make the time was playing “school bus” today Soapfi was adamant that we all “buckle in for safety” before she even turned the imaginary key.  Now if should would only remember safety first before running across the linoleum in the kitchen with her socks on!

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Wordless Wednesday – Got Tickets?

Photo Credit: Erica Cooper (using Instagram 70’s filter)

Categories: Fun Things About Soapfi, Parenting | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Eyes Have It

So yeah, um… this robot hat thing on Etsy….. I’m a victim of finding an unfulfilled kitsch hat niche.

I’m now backlogged FOURTEEN freaking hats, have go to Michaels on Monday to special order a bulk purchase of grey yarn just to finish the last four of those fourteen hats, will not be putting up *ANY* new listings until mid-September (at the soonest), am contemplating bumping the price up yet another $5, will be crocheting on the bus too & from work all week, and have a pile of creepy eyeballs hanging out on the dining room table.

And for all my moaning and groaning… I’m actually doing the happy dance of pure giddy glee that so many people like my stuff… and am now thinking my glib comment about hiring little old ladies from the local nursing home may not be such a bad idea!

I promise to get back to blabbing about Ms Soapfi tomorrow and all the fun stuff we did over the weekend.

Categories: Crafty Stuff, Holy Crap | Tags: , , , , , | 2 Comments

Goosey Head

So Soapfi has apparently lost interest in ducks, because she has revised a classic game and abolished all mention of them.  She now just keeps walking around the circle, bopping people on the head and giggling “Goosey Head”!

Categories: Fun Things About Soapfi, Parenting | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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