Impy’s Ancestry and Genetics Results

Before I head into the breakdown of what I’ve learned about Impy’s ancestry and genetics, I’m going to offer up a brief history of the Painter horses. Bob Painter was one of the idiosyncratic crusty old Westerners that wanted to preserve an Old West that may never have actually existed. He grew up ranching, with […]

Etalon’s Seven Equine Genetic Groups

Apparently I am not the only person questioning Texas A&M’s horse ancestry reports. Unfortunately, Etalon’s seven groups are based on popular perceptions of Old World European breeds. That is are not particularly useful to preservation breeders of Square and Colonial Spanish horses of the New World. Etalon has ignored Central Asian horses, Central European horses, […]

Popular Post-WWII Books On Mustangs

In my work I am focused on the genetics and biomechanics of Square Horse, particularly in North America. Thanks to the global equine genetic diversity project, I have enough data to seek out accurate historical provenance for the genetic profiles that appear in our CS strains of Square Horses. That I have not mentioned the […]

Elroy Considers Halters

I am adamant that both horses wait until I have released the little guy and am leaving the round pen BEFORE they start wrassling. But I also make sure that that process is a quick and clean as I can make it. I plan for the fact that colts have short attention spans and boundless […]

Colonial Spanish Mares and the American Cream Draft Horse

Many Colonial Spanish horses, as far south as the state ofJalisco in Mexico, have American Cream Draft popping up in their horse ancestry reports. The Juras lab equine phylogenetic tree includes the American Cream Draft because they have a genetic profile distinct from other draft breeds. Although the Iowa-based registry traces their founding stock back […]

I’m Seeing Why Elroy’s Face is Sensitive!

Now that Elroy’s jaw in in position and the pokey bit of bone chip is gone, he is much less reactive. he doesn;t react to touches on his face like they are an electric shock. I’ve been trying to imagine what was going on in Elroy’s head to cause his symptoms. When I came across […]

A First for Elroy

This close up of a pony nose marks a milestone! Elroy has driven me into looking at how other people train horses at liberty. Most of what I find isn’t useful because it presumes that you can handle the horse to start with, and that they are resigned to people using whips and ropes. I […]

Documenting Cyber-Harassment II

Sadly, I have to repost this as the brother in question has erupted into another bout of harassing calls, emails etc. James Mits Annon suffered severe head trauma when he was kicked in the head by a horse about 18 months ago. Unfortunately, head trauma is not to blame for his abusive behavior. His blaming […]