DJ + Angela | Floyd, VA

AngelaDJ-4This past weekend, DJ + Angela had the wedding they never got when they were married. The day was beautiful! Perfect weather, sweet people, great fellowship and I am so honored that I got to be part of it! They wrote their own vows which brought so many tears and laughter to the eyes of their close friends and family. They recommitted themselves to each other in the presence of Christ, and it was beautiful. DJ + Angela thank you for letting me capture your day. I hope you enjoy some of my favorites!! – At Bella La Vita Inn Continue reading

What Inspires Me | Stop Motion Style


For this week’s installment of What Inspires Me, I did a lot of reflecting…and a lot of scrambling to get this up in time! (I didn’t know you had to wait 45 minutes for Vimeo to “convert” your video??) Last week, Frank surprised me when I met him at his office with a Nikon SB910 which for the non-photogs is a super-duper-awesome flash!! I have been “needing/wanting” it for a while, and I am so excited about it!! Frank calls himself a “silent investor” but really…he’s not as silent as he thinks. :D No but seriously, he is SO supportive and so gracious with me and without him  living my dream would just not be possible!!  Continue reading

What Inspires Me | California Part 2

DSC_0043This weather we are experiencing in Virginia reminds me so much of our honeymoon. This time of year will always be so special to us, because this time last year we were ALMOST married! I’m so excited to have finally finished our honeymoon/California pictures! This last weekend I did my first wedding with Jessica Mae and had SO much fun!! Continue reading

Evolution of a Brand | Embracing differences


For a long time people have said to me “I never would have combined those colors/patterns/styles but it looks cool!”. Either they were trying to make me feel good, or were actually impressed. In either case, I am (somehow) just now realizing that is so me, and its what I love to do! Continue reading

This just in!!

Oh heck yea! I’m so psyched about this. This is breaking news people!! When you search “andrea pesce” on Google….I make the first page!! SEE!! Okay, so like way back when I first started this blog, it was on the LAST page. Yea, I’m not kidding you! I consider this a big milestone in my photography career and thought it was breaking news worthy!Search Engine WIN Continue reading

Lovely Succulents

Succulent Garden-4

I am SO excited!!! Spring so far has NOT disappointed. Well besides the weather that has been colder than most of the winter…but even despite that I am really excited for what this season and the year holds!

Ever since we honeymooned in California I have been dying to have a succulent garden. And yesterday I got one!! Okay, I manage to kill everything that requires watering. Continue reading

What Inspires Me ~ Wednesdays

When we were seniors in college, I had a serious case of the winter blues and this is when my husband realized I was like a sunflower. I LOVE the sun, and I NEED the sun. He started to recognize that my mood often depended on the state of the sun, whether it was behind clouds, raining, shining etc…Thankfully my dependency on the sun has improved a lot since college. Anyhow I also happened to love sunflowers so he started to send me pictures of them, secretly setting them as my desktop background, emailing me videos of them. You know, incredibly thoughtful things like that. By far, the greatest thing he sent me was this video! Continue reading

What Inspires Me ~ Wednesdays

AndreaPescePhoto.com_01I have been working on organizing…for 9 MONTHS. I know that sounds like a long time, but I’m pretty sure that my mom has been organizing for longer than 25 years. :) Somehow, things can always be improved, altered, rearranged…right mom? haha you catch my drift! You see, when I was in college I tried my best to stay organized, but it usually only lasted for a semester. By the end of the semester/year everything got packed up, dragged home and then back to school again. Continue reading