

Dance and Theatre Collective

Samsteypan welcomes you!




Annar teaser.. nú er tæpur mánuður í frumsýningu! Spennan magnast!

Kannt þú brandara?


Í gær skellti Samsteypan sér í ansi skemmtilega myndatöku…grænmeti, ávextir, hland og líkamspartar eru þau orð sem koma upp í hugan þegar hugsað er um gærdaginn… að ógleymdu spandexinu!
Útkoman mun koma í ljós fljótlega!

Látum eitt hresst mánudagslag fylgja með!


Samsteypan skellti sér í hláturjóga í morgun hjá hláturjógagúruinum og frumkvöðli Ástu Valdimarsdóttur.

Frábær byrjun á vinnuviku og stórkostlega skemmtilegt! Við mælum með því við alla að skella sér í hláturjóga!

Hér sjáum við vin okkar John Cleeese kynna sér þessi merku fræði!

Samsteypan goes on a journey!

The 1-7 of november Samsteypan Collective will partake in an experiment in Laboratoriet in Aarhus Denmark. The experiment is the first step towards our newest work ÚPS! that will première in Reykjavík on the 1st of March 2012.

Participants in this experiment will be Katrín, Hannes, Ragnheiður and Melkorka, Ásgerður will join us via Skype 🙂

Press here to read more about Laboratoriet.

Summer is all full of Love!

Summer is all full of love and Samsteypan is loving it!

DVD showreel of Kandíland is ready and is traveling through Europe and to other mysterious places!

There is a buzz going on about Kandíland being performed again in Iceland in the beginning of June… stay tuned!

Trailer for Kandíland has arrived!

Samsteypan proudly presents the trailer for its latest piece, Kandíland;

Welcome to Kandíland, the land of plenty. Kandíland is ruled by glitter and glamour and everyone wants to be king but its a dangerous playground. Nothing is sacred and desperate measures are used to seize the throne. Power changes hands and feet – but only for a few minutes at a time.

The show looks into human´s need for power with the body as the tool. The inspiration comes from William Shakespeare´s history plays.


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Here we will publish latest news, tour dates, performance dates and other interesting things!


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