The Power of Words. An Idiot’s Tale? Breakfast Bees.


This gallery contains 18 photos.

For once we timed a short break to perfection. Not only did we enjoy a week without a single drop of rain, but our return trip to Felin Hescwm, just beside the sea near Dinas Cross in Pembrokeshire coincided with … Continue reading

Resignation; Green Sheep; Neonatal Notes and Narcissophiles


This gallery contains 175 photos.

We’re used to things turning green in our climate. The default colour for our lush grass and vegetation, vibrant lichens, moss, freshly whitewashed walls towards the end of winter, unwashed car. The list goes on. We’re used to regular rain. … Continue reading

Looking for Rainbows, Spring Tales/Springtails; Avoiding News and Intelligent Transparency


This gallery contains 59 photos.

New month, new vibe. Briefly. March came roaring in, first with big wet snowflake flurries, and then, in the afternoon, a fabulous rainbow, right outside the front door. It waxed and waned in intensity, and I’d taken several photos, twice … Continue reading

Geminids; Woodcock; Wild, Feral, or Free-Living Bees; Decumulating and Looking Forward


This gallery contains 25 photos.

For an occasional, ill-informed stargazer like myself, I think the only pastime that comes close to watching for shooting stars around the time of a known, annual meteor shower is waiting for a fish to take a fly or lure. … Continue reading

Fishy Tales; Sewin; Sic Transit Gloria Mundi.


This gallery contains 18 photos.

Anadromous, or even its Greek etymological meaning of “running up” (from ἀνά /aná, “up” + δρόμος /drómos, “running”), don’t really do justice to the life cycle of the sewin/sea trout/Salmo trutta. Like salmon, these fish return to spawn in the … Continue reading

Slow Motion; Morfran’s Refuge; and Mole Hill Meadows.


This gallery contains 47 photos.

The unexpected weather window at the beginning of September which saw blue skies, high temperatures, and excessive humidity at last persist for long enough to allow everyone locally to make some very late-season hay, now seems a long time ago. … Continue reading

Eaten Alive; Devilish Obsession; and Ballooning Crabs.


This gallery contains 123 photos.

There can be few more unpleasant tasks a sheep owner has to deal with than a case of blowfly strike. Or to use a more scientific term cutaneous myiasis. Or much more simply a case of maggot infestation. Over the … Continue reading

Daphne Bholua Seed Germination; Scan the Scene; Clouded Linings; I’m Not Making Hay


This gallery contains 56 photos.

Over the years, I’ve often made reference to mean reversion, at least as far as the weather is concerned, so it’s no surprise for me to report that after the exceptional “Lotus Land” experience of unbroken dry weather recorded in … Continue reading

Lotusland, Mad Hatters, The Storm – Early Summer 2023


This gallery contains 20 photos.

What will we remember from June 2023 in 20 years? Will we still be around, or even have the power of recall? Will I remember the sublime morning spent up in the shepherd’s hut? The timer set. The trickling sand … Continue reading

Cuckoos, Miners, Nomads and Blood; Welsh Daffodils Updated; Regal Moments


The year’s rushing past. So’s this post. Just do it. Publish and be damned I walked out early morning to sniff the damp grey air in the first week of May, and to check for ewe noise. There was none. … Continue reading

A View of Paradise? Daffodils for Wales; What3Plants; Slog and Grief.


This gallery contains 76 photos.

“Thank you for the view of Paradise”. After many years of welcoming complete strangers to this place, are these the most rewarding few words to have been written in our visitors’ book? Many years ago I recall writing a blog … Continue reading

Flotsam; Barnacles; Pottiputki; Whelm – So Long.


This gallery contains 50 photos.

One of the constant themes in the garden here is the ever-changing weather that we can experience in the same month, and from year to year. So no surprise that after one of the sunniest and driest Februarys, March should … Continue reading

Glum Grumpy and Snowdrops; Valentine and David; Remember All This; A Soar of Kites.


This gallery contains 46 photos.

“How are you?” was the familiar greeting down the line. “I’m feeling glum. I’ve just read your email and poem”, was my unusual reply. This the response to our younger son, after a brief email he’d sent me which included … Continue reading

The Garden Comes Alive; Welcome Guests and Ice Spike/Vase.


This gallery contains 16 photos.

February can be a very unpredictable month. No sooner did I email our list of contacts about visiting to see the snowdrops and other spring bulbs, and suggesting that things would be at their best from mid-February onwards, than the … Continue reading

Relearning Ice, Liking Litchen.


This gallery contains 86 photos.

Rarely has the sound of dripping water sounded so sweet. But I’m ahead of myself, already. Just like clouds, love, and life, as Joni Mitchell beautifully explored, in “Both Sides Now”  I realise now I don’t know ice at all. … Continue reading

Waiting on the Weather; Re-visits; Twelfth Night Snowdrops.


This gallery contains 71 photos.

2023 for us began splendidly – house guests again, at last, over at least some of the twelve nights of Christmas. Conversation, reminiscing, walks, special food, and some favourite films including a much-anticipated second watch of Stephen Macrae and Sarah … Continue reading

Moving on; Muse Stone.


This gallery contains 36 photos.

It had to happen. 2 weeks of wonderful freezing cold, but largely dry weather ended and the last 10 days have seen mild temperatures, wind, and winter rains return. Along with the added disappointment of a cancelled family visit, due … Continue reading

Seasonal Markers; Romance is in the Ground.


This gallery contains 69 photos.

This time of the year, when a temperate Northern hemisphere garden inevitably has the least to offer visually with light and flower power at its seasonal nadir mid-November, it’s struck me just how many other of our seasonal markers have … Continue reading

Permacrisis, Permagloom and Harmonies No.10


This gallery contains 1 photo.

As Collins dictionary recently announced its new word of the year, “permacrisis”, defined as “an extended period of instability and insecurity”, it seems overdue for the Grumpy Hobbit to release another “Harmonies” video. Just after the first snowdrop has emerged … Continue reading

Great British Gardens; Leaves – Litter or Leave; Naturalistic Nurture


This gallery contains 36 photos.

It was with some trepidation that we looked forward to our last garden visitors of the year since Paul (and Angela) set up, own, and still run the excellent and useful Great British Gardens website. Worth checking out as a … Continue reading

Mourning, Mornings, and Minds. Queen and queens.


This gallery contains 30 photos.

The official 10-day mourning period for Queen Elizabeth II ended here, on September 19th, with a dry, still day with dense, quilted cloud cover, and hardly a breath of wind.We had already been gripped by the emotion of losing the … Continue reading

Sizzling, and Turning Back the Clock.


This gallery contains 23 photos.

A year ago my July post “Extreme” ended thus: What can we expect in the future? More and worse of the same – extreme heat, sunshine, rain, winds – often all in the same year. Plus ça change, plus c’est … Continue reading

Jubilee June; Three Silver Spoons; Thinning, Cutting and Raking.


What a Jubilee June! Far too much to write about, so I’ll rely heavily on photos to tell the story of a jam-packed June. It began in a subdued fashion with the weather turning cool, grey, and damp without enough … Continue reading

A Platinum Cuckoo Serenade for the Queen


This gallery contains 7 photos.

This year we waited ages to hear our first Cuckoo. I’d nearly given up and then in late May we heard one occasionally, but always very distant. Was this the beginning of the end for them locally? Then on a … Continue reading

Buzz, Rasp, Build – Gestalt, Teemosis, Savant; Surprised by Seed; Moving On, and In.


This gallery contains 21 photos.

It started with a kiss. Actually, I can’t remember whether it did, in the early morning in question, but it was certainly in the bedroom that at some point I’d registered a buzz. Since we always leave our Velux roof-light … Continue reading

Attention Spans; Stung Into Action; The Catch; Escapes.


This gallery contains 89 photos.

Will you read to the end? Who is this really for? You or me? Do I know? Do I care? A selection of short sentences to begin, since I’ve been thinking about attention spans of late. Probably prompted by my … Continue reading

April Frosts and Fools; Harmonies No.2


This gallery contains 6 photos.

No sooner does the Met Office confirm from its monthly summary, that once again we’ve had an exceptional end to March in the UK, than the weather has flipped, some welcome rain has arrived, and we’re enjoying a bit of … Continue reading

Conflicts and Harmonies; Dog’s Teeth and Quaker’s Bonnets; Mirrored Wagtail; Punctured Turf and Hives


This gallery contains 29 photos.

 There are no words. Or are there? Like many, I guess, I’m struggling with writing anything of relevance or insight, with the background of the horrors of the ongoing war in Ukraine. Rebecca Stott wrote and spoke a wonderful piece … Continue reading

Seas, Crises, Wobbles, Eunice, Wild, and Shooting Star.


This gallery contains 36 photos.

The garden is full of white at the moment, a veritable sea of snowdrops, but today it’s two other, stronger, early spring colours I’d like to open with. Yellow. And Blue. And the briefest mention of another one, red, that … Continue reading

Garden Opening; Deep Breaths; A Book Glimpse and a Final Woodcock?


This gallery contains 55 photos.

Our thanks to a regular blog reader for alerting us to the fact that 10 days ago the Sunday Telegraph ran an excellent article by Val Bourne, a self-confessed galanthophile, on snowdrops, with some excellent practical tips on how to … Continue reading

The Early Worm Shoots the Bird; Granted Wishes; January and Inconvenient Curiosity.


This gallery contains 73 photos.

I shall forever remember the recent wolf moon. I’ve certainly seen one before, though without knowing that the full moon in January was given this, and several other monikers centuries ago, at least in the U.S.A., by native American tribes. … Continue reading

Bring me Sunshine.


This gallery contains 110 photos.

“History never repeats itself; at best it sometimes rhymes”. So said Mark Twain, apparently. I think the same sentiments could be expressed about the appearance of any garden from year to year, and as I write this on New Year’s day, … Continue reading



This gallery contains 2 photos.

No fanfare greets your late return, No chattered dipped inflections, No yearned for sunny silhouettes. No, November’s solitary influx Seeps, a secret spreading stain. A million marvel migrants fled. The chilling landscape, flushed you Fast, by night. Alone. And tracked … Continue reading

The Shortest Day and Longest Night; Christmas Crackers.


This gallery contains 9 photos.

We’re past the worst. As I began to tap this out on the morning of December 22nd, I can say this with confidence. The days are now extending, the nights reducing, at least for the next 6 months or so. … Continue reading