Juneathon Day 10

I put on the trail shoes today and set off to avoid the roads.

Managed to find a few footpaths, which at times, although they had recently been cut back, were still quite tough to run on.

Plus a bit of running along the edge of fields.

5.17 miles in all. Nice to get off the roads and give the trail shoes a run out!

Juneathon totals:

8 days running = 40.23 miles

1 day swimming = 537 metres

1 day cycling = 10.26 miles

Juneathon Day 9

First bike ride of the year!

It was a five mile cycle to the Ravenous Cafe at Raveningham.

Kerry had tea and chocolate cake and I went back to the 1980s for coffee and bread pudding.

Then we rode the five miles back. Done.

Juneathon totals:

7 days running = 35.06 miles

1 day swimming = 537 metres

1 day cycling = 10.26 miles

Juneathon Day 7

Friday runs after work always feel like hard work. No different tonight. Started off with this…

Part 1

3 nice gentle miles around the village.

Someone got rid of their Red Dwarf box set on VHS

Then did this…

Part 2

Another 3 nice gentle miles with Kerry when she had finished work.

Escaped chicken. You go girl!!

6.1 miles in all.

Juneathon Totals:

6 days running = 31.23 miles

1 day swimming = 537 metres

Juneathon Day 6

First non-running day of the month. I’ve taken to swimming on Thursdays after work.

The school has a swimming pool so it would be stupid not to take advantage of the fact. I’m not great at swimming so having the opportunity to try to improve my technique (and give my legs a rest from pounding the streets) makes perfect sense.

It’s not a full length pool, in fact it is a rather strange 15.8m length, so you end up doing lots of ‘lengths’. Although, when I say ‘lots’, with my technique and speed it is never ‘lots’.

Tonight: 34 lengths. 537m.

Juneathon Totals:

5 days running = 25.13 miles

1 day swimming = 537 metres

Juneathon Day 5

I got out of work nice and early and was out and running around the village by 5pm.

I was listening to one of my favourite albums ever: ‘God Shuffled His Feet’ by Crash Test Dummies.

An absolute classic. Released in 1993 and reaching number 2 in the UK album chart. The opening track, ‘God Shuffled his Feet’ is one of the best opening tracks on any album ever.

Back to the run…

5.72 miles – it was a lovely afternoon – bright sunshine.

Juneathon Totals:

5 days running = 25.13 miles

Tomorrow: hoping for a swim.