The Birth of Mission

Many people know that I had various types of involvement with charismatic movements over the years, including a German contemplative charismatic movement, the Vineyard movement, Camps Farthest Out, Order of St Luke, and more. This has brought me to reflect on charismatic and Neo-Pentecostal movements and theologies, so I was happy to do so when presented with the scriptures for Pentecost Sunday on May 19, 2024. I script my homilies/sermons and I present here a somewhat edited version of that presentation, the scriptures being Acts 2:1-11, 1 Cor 12:3-7, and John 20:19-23.

Pentecost is the missional empowerment of the church

While many call it “the birth of the Church,” they fail to realize that the Church was already functioning: Peter was taking leadership and replacing the missing apostle in the Twelve, so there was organization. They were worshipping in the daily prayers of the Temple. They were meeting together in one house and very likely celebrating Eucharist daily as they would continue to do after Pentecost. They seem to have grown through some form of evangelism, given that 120 were present at the meetings in the previous chapter, although all seem to be Aramaic-speaking Jewish Christians. But they were also waiting, waiting for the signal to “go into all the world,” as Jesus had commanded them to do.

God apparently chooses Pentecost because on that day Jews and Proselytes from around the then-known world were gathered in Jerusalem for the feast. Most spoke Greek, although not necessarily as their first language, and few spoke Aramaic. The Spirit comes in the form of “tongues” of fire and inspires “tongues” meaning a variety of languages. The Spirit directs the believers’ speaking and a crowd gathers outside (for it was the time when the pilgrims were jostling through the streets on their way to the Temple to worship) and is amazed that these Galileans (from their dress) were speaking “the mighty acts of God” in the various peoples’ in the crowd’s own native languages including Greek. Three thousand will be converted after Peter’s speech and most of these will go back to their own communities taking the good news and the Jesus way of life with them. It was instant Mediterranean-world evangelism. Shortly thereafter the Greek-speaking leaders of the Church will be forced out of Judea and will follow them, providing pastors and bishops (to use today’s terms). 

Paul points out that these gifts of the Spirit are still functioning in his day

The same Holy Spirit gifts various persons with various gifts, not all of which are in the list in 1 Cor 12. All of them are gifts needed for the mission of the church in the world, whether for outreach or for the building up and integration of the new believers. None of the gifts are better than others.

But the use of the gifts needs discernment. If someone feeling inspired says “Jesus be accursed” it may be inspiration but not inspiration by the Holy Spirit, no matter what language it is in. This expression is probably a differentiation between the Christ (or Word) and Jesus, between the Son of God and the human being Jesus of Nazareth, which the Council of Nicea will address in a careful way almost three centuries later. 

In other words, Paul points out that one can function in what Thomas Aquinas terms the external gifts of the Spirit, those needed for mission, and yet not be filled with the internal gifts of the Spirit, those necessary for salvation and holiness, those that produce the fruit of the spirit, as in Gal ch 5:16-25, our alternative Epistle reading. Caiaphas is an example of this, for he prophesied in plotting the murder of Jesus, but the author of John says that his prophecy ex officio was true and accurate. Such examples are common today.

For Christian life and holiness one needs the internal gifts

Here we come to John ch 20. We are back to Easter. The disciples are together, but fearful of the Jews, and likely discussing that morning’s disturbing news of the empty tomb. Suddenly Jesus is there and his first words are “Peace,” “Shalom,” which is the opposite of their fear but also the fruit of the Spirit in Gal ch 5. Then he shows them the evidence that he is indeed the One who was crucified. But after that he again says, “Peace,” commissions them to go as his sent ones (but does not tell them when to go), and then gives them the internal requisite to represent him, “Receive the holy Spirit.” Without the Spirit and his gifts of Isa ch 11, which had come upon Jesus at the beginning of his ministry, they will not have the wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge or fear of the Lord to properly represent Jesus and use the authority Jesus gives, “Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained.” Here is the basis of Christian virtue so that mission will be truly Christian and communities will be formed to be like Jesus.

Now we take a deep breath and draw some conclusions

First, we see that the Pentecostal gifts are secondary, missional, not necessary for being a holy follower of Jesus but very necessary for going into all the world as a witness. We should focus on the internal gifts, the Isa ch 11 gifts, the Gal ch 5 gifts that lead to fruit. Otherwise your mission will go wonky. That has shown up in spades lately in Protestant charismatic churches.

Second, the Pentecostal gifts are not all given to every Christian nor are is any of them always constant in any given Christian. The missional Spirit is what is given and the gifts are tools given in and for mission; you never possess them, even if some seem to be more characterized by one or two gifts than by any of the others. Pentecost thrusts the Church into mission, but its gift of foreign languages was particularly needed for that multilingual Pentecost situation. It will show up in Acts and in the Patristic writings for times the Church needs to cross linguistic barriers, such as in Sts Cyril and Methodius’ learning slavic and reducing it to writing to make scriptures and liturgical materials available to the new converts. (That it was a gift of languages even the early Pentecostals knew and assumed that they had; it was only later that the phenomenon of ecstatic speech was imported into the terminology of “tongues” and so the “prophesying” seen in the “sons of the prophets” and Saul in 1 Samuel and the like will be labeled “tongues” and also be expected to be universal.)

Third, we need the 1 Cor 12 gifts of the Spirit for mission. Evangelical Protestantism in the late 1800’s developed “means” or “formulas” for converting or “saving” people, a development that continued into much of the 1900’s in such methods as Evangelism Explosion, the Four Spiritual Laws, and the like, none of which are like what the evangelists in Acts or Paul in his descriptions of the gospel he preached (Rom 10:8-10; 1 Cor 15, the first few verses) told people to do. While in these methods there was prayer for God to lead and bless, and while God often did sovereignly choose to use it, the methods were not Spirit impelled and could even be abusive (especially of children). And their results have been huge percentages of people in the USA among other places who have “prayed the prayer” but show little or none of the internal gifts of the Spirit or its fruit. This in turn has led to the “great dechurching” and scandal in our post-Christian world. Again, the internal gifts are the foundation for the external.

So, Brothers and Sisters, seek the Spirit. Pray for the Spirit. Spend time before the Spirit-giver. Beg God to give you growth in virtue. Do this informed by proper examination of conscience. But with that foundation being laid, pray for the Spirit to come and thrust you into mission, giving you as you go the gifts you need for each context, for the Church is designed for mission. 

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Beyond Hudge and Gudge

In the half asleep mode in which thoughts often come together for me, I realized that both main political parties exist in a culture of the lie. In both parties materialism and power are the issues of import and neither gives real credence to the beliefs and teachings of Jesus. They may differ about the form of materialism, whether it is laissez-faire capitalism, perhaps with a libertarian flavor, or a more socialistic collectivism, but it is materialism and who has the mammon that is at stake. Likewise they may differ as to whether I have rights to kill and whom I have rights to kill, but it is my liberty that it is about. Thus Trump criticized DeSantos for a strict abortion law in Florida indicating that he felt it was far too restrictive, likely because he realizes that the younger republicans tend to be libertarian on the issue, while Biden doubled down on abortion rights. They may differ about who should have power, a social oligarchy on the national level or the corporate leaders on a national and state level, but both are interested in power to advance their own interests. And Biden is pushing strengthening federal border control while Trump spouts anti-immigrant rhetoric, but if you happen to be an immigrant, especially a Hispanic one, it amounts to the same thing. And so we have a two headed hydra, each head competing for the vote, but actually joined in the body, although the heads are unaware of it. Each wants to manipulate the electorate (if not subvert it), not for its good, but for their good. This is G. K. Chesterton’s Hudge and Gudge.

I also realized that industrialized society has broken down the family, as G. K. Chesterton also argued. Instead of the family farm we have industrialized farming the employs an array of machines, chemicals, and government funding, with their accompanying problems, and few actual farmers, except in the case of certain crops in which virtual slave labor (at times child labor) is employed, often the immigrants that the political parties demonize. Of course, there is the attempt to mechanize even that, as has been done with some apple orchards, among other products. Much of the rest of society is what we have traditionally called industry, whether in the production of basic materials such as wood and steel or in the production of finished products or even in the production of technological products. Whether industrial agriculture or industrial production, people (workers) are alienated from community and from the land. The industrialized process separates families in that one or even both parents go off to work, leaving the few children they have to daycare and schools. But it is what creates the present market economy that breaks down families. Eventually the parents (or in many cases couples, married or not, who have chosen not to be parents) age and are left to the part of the economy geared to entertain and care for them, the retirement community, the care homes of various types, and, of course, the undertaker (which are now conglomerates). Their children, if any, are often distant. There is also the problem that industrialization not only poisons the air with air pollution, but also food through the chemicals used in industrial level production, but that is a side problem, although an important one. The basic issue is the breakdown of the family and the community. Naturally, neither political party in the USA (nor in most other industrialized countries) is concerned about the issue.

The Church is concerned about it, although it often does not realize that it is fighting an underground ideological war against the dominant ideologies of materialist society (even when the materialist society goes by Christian names). To combat this we may need the radicalism of Anthony the Great and Benedict of Nursia who abandoned society (Anthony did return to help the Church in his world after he had conquered the demons the world of his day had arrayed against him; Benedict created a counter-society, a fellowship of brothers dividing their time between worship and work, living simply in community). We certainly need a spiritual revolution as Pope John Paul II saw so clearly, and a commitment to a simple lifestyle for the sake of a deeper community of faith and family. On a larger scale one thinks of the distributionism championed by G. K. Chesterton.

This can be facilitated by prayer and education, by raising families with this mindset and imbued with the commitment of prayer. Yet such may be islands of sanity in an insane world as Babylon around us slowly (or perhaps not so slowly) crumbles.

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Yearly Advent Letter for Friends Family and Acquaintances 2023

Warm greetings to family and friends as we end another year and prepare to celebrate the most important event in human history:

The coming of christ into our world! 

Peter and I wish you a Blessed CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

We are both doing well at this point, but the year might be nicknamed: the year of medical procedures. In June, Peter had nasal surgery for which he is still using nasal sprays every day to keep infection at bay. And his voice still sounds more nasal than it did before surgery. After nursing Peter through his surgery, Judy had her second full knee replacement in mid-July on her right knee and is still using a cane when leaving the house or walking longer distances, for it is still healing. Her Georgetown doctor was not doing surgery this year, so she went to Houston and used her sister’s surgeon and then was nursed after surgery by her sister who happens to be a nurse, so had the best of care. For her, daily bicycling on our stationary bike is helpful, as is a short walk to our postbox on the highway each evening. This is turning into about a year’s worth of knee recovery work for her. 

Judy was so grateful for the 3 post-surgery nurses: first her sister Elaine, nursed her for two weeks at her home in Houston. Then she brought Judy home to Peter and Judy’s childhood girlfriend, Carolen Bergeron came for a week and nursed her; and then our daughter Elaine arrived from Calgary, AB, Canada and nursed her for the third week. Of course, the main job of the nurses is to enforce the painful knee exercises twice daily without which one will not walk again. So, all three cracked the whip and made Judy do these exercises. She has faithfully kept them up for about four months along with Physical Therapy twice per week. 

Peter is still doing a Mass each morning for the Dominican Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist here in Georgetown, Texas, where we live on their property.   Judy is still doing Spiritual Direction on Wednesdays and Fridays. Since the Pandemic, this is all on Zoom, Face Time, or the phone.

Peter has continued his involvement helping in parishes in the Diocese of Austin and also leading a cell group for the Brothers and Sisters of Charity Domestic. He managed to get to the Leadership Gathering this year, but not the 45th anniversary celebration of the group.

A new development in our lives this August was Peter’s celebrating Ordinariate masses for a group of about 60 people who are in process towards forming an Ordinariate Catholic Parish in west Austin. This group meets at 10:30 am, so after Peter finishes the Sister’s 7:30 Mass we quickly leave the house and both attend this new group. We return home about 1:30 for a quick lunch and then Peter leaves again at 3:30 pm to go to downtown Austin to celebrate the Divine Liturgy for a small Byzantine Catholic group at 5:00 pm, returning home at 7:00 pm. So, we, or at least Peter, have very busy Sundays.

Our weekdays are much slower paced; thank God, or Judy would not make it. She has slowed down a lot since this second knee surgery and since turning 79 two months ago. 

Peter is also slowing down, focusing a more prayerful monastic lifestyle that he has aspired to for decades.

After attending the funeral of a childhood friend’s son in Houston, Judy reconnected with a childhood friend who happens to live in the Austin area: so, having her over and visiting her home have been lots of fun this year with much reminiscing. A wonderful week was spent at a childhood friend’s home in Whitney, TX. Judy has basically stopped driving, so she is dependent on friends coming over or on Peter’s driving her to doctors and grocery shopping.

We daily watch the deer who roam around our home out in the fields: nature surrounds us on the Priory property. Yet our county and the Austin area in general is growing fast with chipmaking and other high tech industry moving here, so we wonder how long the deer or farmland for them to feed on will be around.

So dear friends, we welcome you to come to see us; for we have plenty of room in the Sisters’ 5-bedroom, 5- bathroom home here in Georgetown. Many blessings in the coming New Year.

With love and affection,

Judy for us both

Letter footer

5499 East State Highway 29, Georgetown, Texas, 78626 USA

Judy’s Cell: 832 398 9519; Peter’s Cell: 713 314 7886 or

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Set Your Eyes on Things Above

I was widely known as a biblical scholar during my teaching career from the late 1970’s to mid-2015. My focus was the Catholic Epistles and towards the end of that period I produced three different commentaries on 2 Peter. Yet I was also teaching Christian spirituality during this same period. Still, while I was highly critical of the Nestle-Aland28 edition of Novum Testamentum Gracae for (among other things) changing the text of 2 Peter 3 to read that the earth as well as the heavens and the heavenly bodies would be destroyed (versus the burning up of the heavens and the heavenly bodies and the laying bare of the earth – by the removal of this covering – for judgment), I often quipped that I hoped that the judgment would result in the burning up of all that I had written, for I did not want to be embarrassed by my foolishness and errors throughout eternity. I was more conscious that my writings would likely end up on the back shelves of some research library where they would be consulted on rare occasions by some research scholar as I had done to other obscure scholars during my doctoral studies.

While there was a transition process between my retiring from then Houston Baptist University and my appointment as chaplain to the Dominican Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist at Our Lady of Guadalupe Priory, I believe the Lord made increasingly clear to me that my career as a biblical scholar had ended, except as I poured my knowledge into homilies and the like, and my calling as a Catholic priest was rather monastic, to a life of prayer, worship, and sacramental ministry, not forgetting that I am married and have a wife who needs my care as well as an aging body. I did, at the request of a friend, give a paper at a conference in 2022 and submitted the paper for publication, but thought of it as my last. Pope Benedict XVI citing Pope St John Paul II confirmed to me that priests are in fact monks under all three vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, although in a form somewhat different from the form of typical religious communities. One has left the world, although one ministers to the world, as do many religious communities (even the totally cloistered ones are praying for the world). I started to refer to myself as “the hermit of the eastern march,” which actually comes from C S Lewis’ The Horse and His Boy, but in my case refers to living in the eastern border area of Georgetown.

So I was interested this week in a number of my friends and acquaintances announcing the publication of the second edition of InterVarsity Press’ Dictionary of Paul and His Letters. Each was appropriately happy to see the articles that they had written in print. I thought back to the original edition of the Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, then the Dictionary of Paul and His Letters, and finally the Dictionary of the Latter New Testament, in all of which I had articles. All were edited (along with a co-editor) by Ralph Martin, from the generation before me at Manchester University, whom I knew well and with whom I was co-editor of that third volume. Those were indeed good times with great conversations enjoyed with faithful colleagues. But the announcements of this publication were to me a reminder that those days are memories of the past. By eyes are already on prayer and worship and sacramental ministry, already turned beyond this age to the coming age that is breaking into this one. My work is already fading, pushed onto and perhaps off the forgotten shelves of libraries, for those who have used it in the past as in the twilight of their careers and for those who are active in their careers my oeuvre is replaced by or quickly being replaced by that of others. And that is good for me.

Jesus said to set our eyes on things above, that is on the coming age now breaking into the world. He called people who forsook perfectly good careers for a rather insecure career of following him and then itinerant ministry to the nascent Church (after his resurrection). Biblical studies can indeed help one draw closer to Jesus – it was through this and the associated study of the spiritual classics that that happened to me – yet the time came for me when he implicitly said, I want you more identified with me. It was almost as if he said, “Your name is Peter. Do you love me more than these (in my case, these books and studies)?” And I have received the gift of time in relative obscurity in my “hermitage” to live out that conformity to the person of Christ, to grow in love, and to let prayer and worship become the runway for my transition to a new phase of life at one with him, what the Eastern Church calls divinization (for 2 Pet 1). It is a gift.

So my prayer for my friends is that they enjoy their ministry as biblical scholars thoroughly, that they absorb from it the lessons that our Lord is teaching them, but that they also realize that this too will pass, that there is, as C S Lewis also said, an eventual call to come “further in and higher up.” And in that I rejoice.

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I do not desire the death of the wicked

I take my title from an Old Testament prophetic judgment oracle in which God is rejecting the religious practices of the “sinners” because it needs to include social justice as well. The truth is that God’s perspective is wider than ours so his justice and timing will look different than ours.

This past week included the first anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Now while a lower scale insurgency supported by Russia had been going on for something like 9 years, this was the point in time that Russian military units openly crossed the border. Any semblance of peace ended.

The response of Christians has been prayer and at least humanitarian assistance (the civilians who are suffering are Ukrainian however one evaluates the invasion). The Pope has repeatedly called for prayer as well as called leaders on both sides to peace. The Patriarch of Constantinople has called for prayer for peace. Those in evangelical, Byzantine Catholic, Ukrainian Catholic, and Ukrainian Orthodox communions have prayed for peace (including many clergy in parishes under the Patriarch of Moscow, both in the Ukraine and in Russia, although more quietly of necessity). The list could go on in Europe and North America and around the world. I personally pray for peace in the Ukraine before every mass and twice within every Divine Liturgy (I am bi-ritual). One cannot say that people are not praying. Still the war goes on as military casualties mount to six figures and more on both sides. Still the preparations for more war go on as President Putin shows no sign of seeking anything less than total victory and so prepares large number of conscripts for future battles and obtains military hardware and design from China, Iran, and North Korea at the least, and also as Ukraine asks for and obtains ever greater amounts of military equipment and supplies from the West. Russia has threatened the use of nuclear weapons – at least obliquely – and the USA has said it would counterstrike as needed. What good have all those prayers done?

It was in this context that I was reminded of the Old Testament prophets. Prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel prayer for their people who were in a conflict with first Assyria and then Babylon, clearly the underdogs of a foreign aggressor. At least they prayed until they were told to stop praying. God often points out two things: (1) that Israel/Judah needs to repent, that that is his agenda (and the sins of the aggressor are a much lesser theme), and (2) that he will restore and bring peace to Israel/Judah after defeat and will give the aggressor nations their due payback, but will do it in his own way and time. What is clear is that God’s perspective includes both the aggressor nations and those who will eventually defeat them, and the smaller nations that they are gobbling up on every side, and Israel/Judah, in particular their faithfulness to his covenant with them and their witness to the nations. It also includes a divinely appointed ruler who will rule over all nations. It is also clear that the prophets themselves will not live to see their visions fulfilled. Isaiah sees the destruction of Israel and at least one divine defeat of Assyria but tradition has it that he was martyred by a king who would himself be taken captive by Babylon. Ezekiel hears of the fall of Jerusalem, but he dies before the return from Babylon. Jeremiah is forced into exile in Egypt by those involved in a final rebellion of Judahites against Babylon and there he dies. It takes time in our universe for God to work out his grand scheme of setting things right. His faithful ones, e.g. the prophets, trust him even when they see things getting worse rather than better.

As I have been praying I do not present to have received a revelation like the prophets, but certain some impressions that are related to the prophets. My job is to pray for peace, for that is God’s ultimate will, and to pray for the repentance of those perpetrating the evil rather than praying for their death, for that is also the heart of God, and to pray that he in his providence will provide and care for those caught up in the conflict – that it will ultimately be for their good, although I may never see it and they may never understand it. But I need to be prepared inwardly for the possibility that it may get worse before it gets better, that it may or may not be resolved within my lifetime, and it could even become intercontinental even if no missiles are used. The financial exhaustion of the West and/or the splitting of alliances would indeed be devastating, among many possible scenarios. President Putin is not entirely wrong in talking about the corruption of the West, although he may be less than accurate in what the corruption is and certainly out of place in critiquing the West before rooting out wrongs within Russia.

In other words, I need to be inwardly prepared to accept whatever God’s providence allows, for I am not God and do not understand how his grand scheme affects West and East, let alone the rest of the world. I pray for peace and for repentance in both West and East. I pray more for trust in the divine will, active or passive. I pray “your kingdom come, your will be done,” not “my/our will be done.” That is the way of Jesus.

This is a good reflection for Lent. We cannot tell God what to do, but God may well be telling us what to do in our lives (where we have some control) and requiring us to trust him with what he is doing in the wider world.

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Davids’ Advent Greetings 2022

Greetings to each of you as we await celebrating the birth of Jesus and his second coming. 

Judy writes “It seemed to take 2021 to climb back up out of the pandemic isolation and the knee replacement for me. Just as we were about to get on our feet again, our lives took a very different turn on November 12th, 2021. A pastor and his family from the Seattle area, who were dealing with an accident near Austin in which the wife had destroyed her ankle, moved in with us along with the wife’s mother who came to help care for the children, aged two and seven. At the time, the wife was in the hospital having surgery and we thought that they might be with us for a couple months. Well, six surgeries later and 8 months later, they moved out into their own home in Belton, Texas a 35-minute drive from here and are beginning all over again. (They had been taking a 3-month trip traveling around the US through every State when this accident happened.) Peter was a Facebook friend with the grandfather in this family and Peter responded to his post about his daughter’s being in an accident in the Austin, TX area. Within four days, they had moved in. The wife is still walking with a crutch and her ankle is fused with two steel rods inside attached to a bone graft. She is still doing physical therapy. The time, a Divine Appointment, in many ways was very formative and healing for them, but it got very tiring for me. In fact, on June 1st, I got the flu which turned into pneumonia. I was very sick for two months, which was probably contributed to by the exhaustion which I was feeling after 8 months with this family in our home.” 

While the Dominican Sisters were away the end of July, Peter took the opportunity to visit his brother in Maryland. John turned 80 this November, a day after Peter turned 75, and at that age one must grasp such opportunities. On his return trip, probably in an airport, Peter contracted COVID and a few days later Judy came down with it as well. Paxlovid (and vaccination) made this a shorter and lighter sickness than it could have been, but Judy was still under the weather from the flu and pneumonia. Judy continues, “A real ‘downer’ came when Covid kept Peter and I from attending my aunt’s funeral. She had made it to 100 years old and this was really a celebration of a life well lived. She was the last of that generation in my family.” 

“So, when Christmas of 2021 rolled around, we were very busy planning a celebration for Christmas for seven people. We had a lively time with two small children in the house: it was a very joyful occasion. The grandfather arrived for New Years and stayed 10 days with us, which made us a family of 8. Peter and he had many theological discussions; and he has since come to the fulness of faith, entering the Catholic Church back home in Vancouver.”

“The war in Ukraine has also been occupying our attention. I have been zooming with a friend who left her husband, (who was mandated not to leave the country) in Lviv and escaped with her 12-year-old son to Warsaw, Poland, where she is staying with a friend. Peter has become involved with a previous student from ETF Osiejek Croatia who lives in Ukraine with his family. We are trying to help both these struggling families. We are praying for peace.”

Both Peter and I find ourselves aging and trying to deal with this gracefully; but I am finding it a real challenge. I need a second knee replacement. I also have a frozen right shoulder. But we have many gifts in our lives- especially that of family. October brought a real gift: the highlight of my year, a birthday visit from our daughter Elaine, a physical trainer, and her eldest daughter, Caitlin, a professional photographer, aged 25, from Calgary, AB, Canada. 

Judy’s sister, Elaine with our daughter, Elaine

Our daughter, Elaine and her daughter, Caitlin

We had fun treating Canadians to a Mexican and a Cajun meal. This was a very special time.

Peter has continued as chaplain to the Dominican Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist here in Georgetown. He also is the priest for a Byzantine Catholic Community in Austin, since he is 

bi-ritual. He helps in parishes in the local deanery. He has basically retired from involvement in biblical studies so he can focus on prayer and ministry, although he took part in and read a paper at a conference at Lanier Theological Library sponsored by the International Library for Biblical Research. Another part of the ministry is leading a cell group for the Domestic expression of the Brothers and Sisters of Charity in the Austin area. Of course, he attended the Priests Assemblies of both the Diocese of Austin and his home diocese, the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St Peter.

This has been a year for deaths: besides the loss of Judy’s aunt, Peter has lost a former dean from Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry, a faculty colleague from Regent College, a rector he supplied for in Calais ME, and others. This month we both went to the funeral of our BSCD friend of 10 years David Dickinson, a model of godly servanthood, who was 13 years younger than Peter (David and Gina were members of the cell group we were part of at St Clare Monastery in Houston). Those events keep us focused on what is meaningful in life and where to keep one’s focus.

So, we are back to Christmas again and we will rejoice in Father God’s gift of his Son, Jesus, the greatest gift that the world has ever known. Have a joyful and blessed Christmas, celebrating!

Peace and joy, 

Peter and Judy Davids

Mission House, our home in Georgetown, TX

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Our Failures are Due to What We Forget

Over the past year we have seen quite a few significant failures in evangelical and charismatic leadership. We have, perhaps, listened to The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill podcasts, an excellent series that concerns much wider issues than Mars Hill and Mark Driscoll. We have, perhaps, read Scott McKnight’s A Church Called Tov: Forming a Goodness Culture That Resists Abuses of Power and Promotes Healing (Tyndale House Publishers, 2020) – an audiobook version is available as are video discussions of the contents. More recently there has been Michael Bird’s “Lessons from the Rise and Fall of Mars Hill.” And then there are innumerable revelations about and discussions of this or that leader or community on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other online media. In other words, it looks like the Episcopal/Anglican sexual abuse scandals have moved into the evangelical-charismatic world, but with two differences: (1) there has been no institutional move to address the issues with mandated training and reporting and a zero tolerance policy (in the Catholic Church in the USA this was the Dallas Accords of 2006) and (2) the evangelical-charismatic issues have been as much or more abuse of power as sexual abuse and often the former has been justified and the latter has been treated leniently, at least if the leader’s spouse did not divorce them.

The Catholic and Anglican world (which are the two I know) have had a great awakening partly due to the development of trauma science which showed that the memories (often initially fragmentary) of trauma (including sexual abuse) were rarely false and should therefore be trusted (this was very important because clergy predators were usually well-known-and-like, personable, and ministerially effective individuals, all of which was necessary for them to effectively groom victims), partly due to recognizing the addictive nature of this behavior (in other words, a stern rebuke from a bishop would not work, even if, as in the Catholic situation, it was sometimes accompanied with an assignment to a monastery for penance and reflection, which was the earlier response, and neither would psychotherapy work, which was the later response), and partly due to legal challenges. In my earliest sexual abuse prevention training in the Episcopal Church I was told that the training and policies associated with it were required or else the Church Insurance Corporation would drop its coverage, for instance. Now we will never be able to eliminate such abuse for no psychological screening or background checks will prevent 100% of potential abusers from becoming ordained or otherwise having access to potential victims, yet it is significant that in the Catholic Church in the USA and Canada, at least, the rate of abuse peaked in the 1980-1990 period and then fell off sharply. Furthermore, the most scandalous new revelations generally come from Church-commissioned independent studies that cover 50 to 70 years of cases. Finally, the issues that seem to be hitting the press today are whether bishops covered up abuse or fulfilled their duty of due diligence decades ago. (There is an exception in the case of some Religious Orders rather than dioceses that either had endemic abuse within – abused people have a good chance of becoming abusers – or which seemed to feel they were not bound by the Dallas Accords since they were not dioceses.)

Now, without pretending that I have discussed all the ins and outs of Catholic and Anglican problems in this area, the elephant in the room was that this never was just a Catholic and Anglican problem, but involved all churches and organizations in which there were people to abuse. It involved the now-bankrupt Boy Scouts of America (of which I have personal experience), it involved schools for evangelical missionaries’ children abroad (again, we know victims), it involved evangelical and charismatic churches in North America, as well as parachurch organizations (e.g. Christianity Today had a serial abuser on its editorial staff while the Mars Hill podcasts were being produced as one can tell from court records). While counseling a largely evangelical – charismatic clientele in two different provinces in Canada my wife once commented, “I no longer ask if a woman who comes to me (for whatever presenting problem) was sexually abused, but when is she going to disclose it.” This was not being talked about except when this or that high profile person hit the headlines. But that did regularly happen and has continued to happen.

Furthermore, the abuse of power was rarely if even discussed. Sometimes this abuse of power was financial, sometimes it was angry tirades, sometimes it was misuse of church discipline to expel or shame or discredit or “shut up” a person. In the charismatic world it often came out in the use of “prophetic words” to control or even destroy others. When prophecies, even very public ones (one thinks of “words” about COVID and about former president Trump as recent examples) were not fulfilled, rarely did anything happen. Perhaps that is because they were more about the emotions of the moment when they were being given and not about truth claims, perhaps because they were more enhancing the “spiritual” power image of the speaker than the reputation of Jesus. What is clear is that these things were not the stuff of outrage within the evangelical – charismatic movement and that in many cases, as Richard Foster saw so clearly so long ago, money, sex, and power, including charismatic power, are linked. I want to suggest that behind the issues there was historical-spiritual amnesia. In this I am supplement what Michael Bird and others have written.

First, there was an amnesia about the nature of leadership. Leaders were looked for who were organizational men (for the most part) who projected strong personalities, preached what seemed like powerful sermons (depending on how one defined “powerful” – converts made, miracles happening, etc.) and otherwise fit the mold of the secular leader. After all, it was “their” church or “their” ministry – the person was the headline name. Over against this is 2000 years of church history. If you want to find what was looked for in a leader, look at the lives of the saints (the tradition was well-aware of corrupt leaders and then need for periodic reform, as Dante’s Divine Comedy shows, so looking at those designated saints indicates the characteristics that were approved and sought).

The chief characteristic was humility, for these were men and women who were very aware of their sins and weaknesses, who were often quite penitent, and who were humble about their own abilities. They did not talk about their own exploits, including spiritual ones, but, if they did praise anyone, they praised another. Augustine of Hippo does not praised himself – see his Confessions – but he does praise Ambrose of Milan, under whose influence Augustine was converted. Many tried to flee to solitude rather than be raised to high office. Power and fame had no control over them.

A second characteristic was their love of charity. Nicholas of Myra is noted in the true tradition for having secretly tossed a bag of money through the open window of a house so that a young woman could marry rather than be forced into prostitution. John Vianney, as recent Popes have pointed out, received significant funds from grateful people he had ministered to, but it flowed through his fingers to those in need. Ones sees this throughout the tradition.

A third related characteristic was their service to others. It was Pope Gregory the Great who coined the title other popes have used, “servant of the servants of God.” The good ones, including Pope Gregory, have lived that. Often the degree of their service only came out after their deaths: they did not advertise or try to create an image. One thinks of the Bishop Francis de Sales, willing to walk into his diocese each day and walk out at night, serving tirelessly, constantly at risk because Protestants within his diocese would have gladly killed him. Then at night writing a voluminous number of letters of spiritual direction that have left us with a treasure trove of spiritual insight we still read. The theme of service varies with the person from care for the sick and dying (sometimes ending with the death of the saint who contacted plague or leprosy) to the education of street youth or prostitutes to hospitals (which started with Basil the Great in Cappadocia) to support of the destitute (most recently seen in Mother Theresa). Some were too weak or ill to do much, but still knew, as Therésè of Liseaux put it, “Small deeds done with great love” are pleasing to God.

The fact is that these and other virtues were not isolated, but were woven together in works such as The Imitation of Christ (put together and translated into Latin by Thomas á Kempis. In other words, the tradition uniformly presents concrete examples of people whose lives were given to serving others, whether they were Popes or hermits or tradespeople. This is the opposite of the CV’s of celebrity pastors and church leaders who boast about building their church. It may indeed be theirs, but in that case it is not Jesus’. I suspect, and there is evidence to support this, that even the bad examples of bishops and priests, filled with love of power, political influence, graft, nepotism, and simony (all of which one can find in the failed leaders of today) at least knew that there was another model and saw that model in the saintly bishops and priests and abbesses and the like around them. But if we forget our history and only focus on what is in our terms the “successful pastor,” we do not have the concrete historical examples of people living like Jesus (in quite a literal sense) to prick our consciences and tell us that something is wrong. Leadership is living out the virtues of Jesus as one fearlessly and gently, but firmly, goes about sacrificially doing what he has called one to do, which will always be something to do with love, i.e. seeking the good of others.

Second, there is an amnesia about the Holy Spirit and the effects of emotional worship without spiritual transformation (which is the result of spiritual disciplines). Many ecclesial communities, especially charismatic ones, act as if the Spirit went to sleep in AD 70 or perhaps AD 100 (often identified with the completion of the New Testament) and woke up with the Pentecostal movement of the early 1900’s. In the early 1800’s J. N. Darby, who would go on to promote gift cessationism, within the context of the prophetic conferences of his day said, “It is the duty of Christian men in these last days to seek the restoration of the gifts of the Spirit.” But Darby did not like what he saw of this in the New Apostolic Church of Edward Irving. The various revivals of the 1800’s, usually focused on celebrity performers/ preachers, did change the ecclesiastical landscape of the USA, but did little to change some of the social ills, especially the slavery of and the suppression of the rights of Afro-Americans (George Whitfield ended his days as a slaveholder in Georgia; Johnathan Edwards owned slaves in New England). It did result in a lot of adventist fervor and healing movements, but it also produced the “Burnt Over District” where repeated revivals had led to religious burnout. It was from there than some of the new and less orthodox groups of the 20th century originated, including Joseph Smith and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It was out of this ferment that the Pentecostal movement came with its call to pray until the group was hit with Spirit-revival marked by speaking in tongues (which the early ones believed were known languages). The fervor and conviction was genuine enough and people left the USA for foreign countries expecting to be able to speak the language with the gift of tongues and be miraculously supplied “by faith,” often with disastrous results. But these groups rarely realized that the previous century with both its good and bad had prepared for their “revival.” They thought that they were the first (and different groups did claim to be first).

That would move into the mainstream churches, first as the Charismatic Movement in the Episcopal and other mainline churches and then in the 1960’s in the Catholic Church. It was a time. of great conferences and then of various more or less charismatic church movements (I think of the Associations of the Vineyard Christian Fellowships which positioned itself between evangelical and charismatic) and then the independent charismatic churches that would eventually develop into church networks. Each seemed to focus on a few leaders, prophets or apostles, and if one’s position is dependent upon being filled with the Spirit and manifesting the Spirit’s power the prophecies and claims increased as fast as the internet. They also became worldwide in such groups as the Global Awakening and the New Apostolic Reformation. The problem was that there were also multiple scandals, for power unless controlled by deep humility links to money and sex, as well as the abuse of power. Furthermore, many of the prophecies, especially the political ones, were unfulfilled without any repercussions for the prophet (just as the many books on the “Last Days” predicting on the basis of the assured interpretation of Scripture what would happen in the next few years often garnered royalties without any check on whether any of the predictions actually happened).

There were two reasons for this. The first is that there was no one such independent folk were responsible to. For many of them, although they had a board, it was only the Spirit in the pastor that was the real authority. John Wimber tried to set limits in the Vineyard movement, but he once he was disabled and then died, without “papa” (as he referred to himself at times) there was no check on the groups that left or were expelled from the movement, no one they were responsible to, except perhaps a council of independent minded “elders” or “apostles” who seemed to exercise little control. The lack of true responsibility structures was one reason that the Catholic and other hierarchal groups could clean up their act (as the numbers show) but that was not noticed where the spirit of independency reigned util their ships started sinking.

The second is that, again, there was no awareness of history. There never was a cessation of spiritual gifts, at least not if one read the literature from the early second century up to the present. There was a focus on the character gifts rather than the so-called charismatic gifts, even if the latter were recognized as still quite active. There was a stress on humility so a person rarely talked about what God had done through them, but would talk about what God had done through this or that other person. There was also a different approach to gifts in that one sought God, not gifts, and in that seeking communal prayer, humble service, and a holy character were stressed. This was expressed in different ways, but it was relatively universal. In the 1800’s St Seraphim of Sarov spoke what is know as his work “On the Acquisition of the Holy Spirit.” His directions were not that different than what one sees in Teresa of Avila (or of Jesus) in The Interior Castle. This would not be that different from the relevant parts of The Imitation of Christ. The point is that whether one looks East or West or which century one looks in one tends to find the same wisdom. That begins with seeking Jesus rather than seeking gifts, power or position. It continues with accepting those gifts that God gives, but neither trying to hold onto to them nor talking about them to others. Then when it comes to revelations and locutions of various types, always check them out with a confessor/spiritual director before sharing them (I recently read multiple pages on this in Alphonsus Liguroni’s book of instructions for confessors). Teresa of Avila would say to check them out with a “theologian” if possible, if one’s confessor is not astute in that area. The above is only a small sample of what is available.

In other words, not being under authority, real authority that can say “no,” is dangerous, and that danger has been seen in crashing ministries and, in some cases, churches, not mention disillusioned folk who join the conglomeration of people now called the “nones” (they identify with no church and do not regularly attend any). And, on the other hand, there are a couple of thousand years of wisdom in discerning spiritual phenomena (including Ignatius Loyola’s chapter on the Discernment of Spirits in his Spiritual Exercises) which, if followed, would have prevented both the charismatic madness that we sometimes see and the leaders who lead their people, like lemmings, off cliffs.

I do not pretend to have said all that could be said, but simply to note that ignorance of history is disastrous and the spirit of independency makes one a sitting duck for negative spiritual forces as well as for one’s own emotional baggage. We have pretended that the church began again with the Reformation or with Topeka Kansas or Azuza Street or with the beginnings of our own denomination or church. This is not just pride. It is disaster, and disaster is what we have been seeing in the news.

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Power and Powerful

Our culture values, as Richard Foster wrote so many years ago, money, sex, and power. And, in fact, the three often go together. A Hollywood mogul may make buckets of money and have the power to make or break a career and because of the two be able to get sexual favors from actors. writers. and the like. We talk about powerful politicians (or about the more powerful financiers and party bosses behind the politicians) or businessmen and businesswomen or generals or the military-industrial complex. We are also well-aware of the scandals that have resulted from the misuse of power.

The above is why I am concerned when Christians get into the power game. This happens when we look up to a pastor who appears “successful,” whose church can obviously spend lots of money on worship or web platforms, who demands absolute allegiance or else . . . People boast that that go to pastor x’s church. Christianity Today’s podcast series “The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill” shows what can happen. But one sees the same in a number of books, blog posts, and articles that came out in 2021. (It seems to have been a good year for taking a hard look at such things.) This can happen when people go to charismatic conferences advertised as “powerful” or with a “powerful healing evangelist” or that it will have “anointed” (read powerful) worship or will feature the “powerful prophetic ministry of . . .” It can use a substitute for the power word and people get the message. This will start a global awakening or will destroy powerful demonic holds over nations (and is therefore more powerful itself). People go to “schools” to get this type of power, whether it be prophetic, healing, or apostolic (that is in itself a power term, for it implies authority over a number of churches, not missionary activity as one sees in its origin). Powerful phenomena happen and the more that happen, the more significant the conference or church service.

Now there are several issues this raises. First, seeking power, spiritual or financial or influential gets one into the culture’s methodology or, as Foster put it, money sex and power. That means that one is using the culture’s methods to try to gain spiritual ends (or admiring the use of those methods). Second, it puts one at risk of misuse of money and sexual exploitation of others. More than one megachurch pastor has fallen into one or both of these traps and the same has been true of more than one charismatic community or organization. They are at risk of becoming a TACO, a totalist, aberrant, Christian organization (the subject of the doctor thesis of a friend of mine some decades ago), one that is controlling to the point of abuse, whether it be spiritual, emotional, or sexual (and sometimes also physical).

Third, and most importantly, it breaks with the Christian spiritual tradition. While Jesus is pictured as exercising power in the coming age, in his life he is portrayed as not exercising the power of this age, but instead serving others. We do not find him kicking any of his disciples out, not even Judas. Nor do we see this in the letters of Paul or the other New Testament writers. Paul, in fact, boasts in his weakness and critiques those who want status in the surrounding culture or to be seen as powerful by the church. Down through the ages these has been a tradition of giving up power and focusing on service. There have, of course, been exceptions when the church became corrupt, but I am talking about those we refer to as saints, as the examples of those who. embodied the Christian spiritual tradition. Many, while from noble birth or having significant positions in the church, cared for the poor and tended the sick. Others were noted for selling luxuries of their state in life. Gregory the Great described himself as “servant of the servants of God” and that tradition continued in those who embodied his spirituality right down to at least Pope Benedict XVI who was noted for a simple lifestyle and a reluctance to seek or even exercise power (other than teaching and leading by example) right down to and through his retirement. Men and women with known healing gifts did not speak about them and often moved to areas where they were unknown to avoid fame – most of such people we only know about through others who wrote about their gifts. I think of Br. André scrubbing the floor when someone came to him asking for healing for a family member. He did not look up from his scrubbing the floor, but just said something like, “Go home. They are well.” In other words, it is humility that is a Christian virtue, not telling of the great things one has done. It is “not letting the left hand know what the right hand is doing.” It is sacrificing one’s life for others (as not a few did quite literally and others by caring for plague victims). All of this is inimical to seeking, holding onto, or exercising power over others (unless it is a necessary part of one’s office and one does it humbly and reluctantly).

So flee power, if you can, and embrace humble service. Beware of advertisements that boast of this conference or institution is great, powerful, “anointed” or “world shaking” or the like. That will protect us from the dangers of power and allow us to live in the freedom of the children of God who identify with Jesus who gave his life for others.

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The Davids Advent Review-2021

Davids Family October 2021

The biggest highlight of this year was a replanned visit by all three of our children from Canada on Judy’s birthday in October.  (Originally, the trip had been planned for May 2020 and, of course, the border had closed.) Below is a picture of us five on our back porch – from left to right it goes Elaine, Ian, Gwen, Judy and Peter. Gail Einkauf, my cousin Robert’s wife, had come over and taken our pictures and put them all in an album for my birthday. We had a great time being together for that week – meanwhile their spouses were back in Canada keeping the home fires burning and taking care of all our nine grandchildren. We praise God for our family and are appreciating them more because Covid-19 has made our visits almost impossible. We are so thankful for Zoom.

Moving to the beginning of the year, in January, I, Judy continued teaching Ian’s two children a course via Zoom since they have been home-schooled because of Covid-19. That was a joy to spend an hour per week with each child over Zoom. As September rolled around, I’ve begun to teach Adana, the 10-year-old, a course on women in the Bible, looking at their virtues with encouragement to imitate them.

The February deep freeze was quite an experience for us Texans – the loss of power (and also water) as well as freezing rain and snow. We were well cared for during this time, for the Dominican Sisters brought us 5-gallon buckets of water, blankets and anything else which we needed to survive. 

We also enjoyed several retreatants and visitors during the year. That possibility is a highlight of living in a former convent with multiple bedrooms and large enough kitchen and dining room. 

I (Judy) was also overjoyed to find a Spiritual Director – a Dominican Sister of a different order aged 81 – to help me with my spiritual Journey. To do spiritual direction with others, I felt a real need to have a director myself. The privilege of continuing to do spiritual direction with people on two days every week has given me great joy and purpose this year. 

I have struggled with my health, especially since my knee replacement in Oct 2020, experiencing breathlessness and very little energy to carry out life’s duties. So, after a series of doctors, I ended up at a sleep clinic and discovered that I have severe sleep apnea. The CPAP machine has made a huge difference in my energy level. 

A joy of the year for me was having the privilege of attending my aunt’s 100th birthday party. 

In June, Peter and I were invited to come to near Columbus, OH, to tape our spiritual journey stories for the Coming Home program. This allowed us to reflect on God’s goodness over the years. While it aired the end of September, it, and our written stories, are still available here

Judy has begun to get more involved in our local parish, teaching (with Peter) in the RCIA program and getting involved in the Seniors’ Group, so she has been getting to know people. 

A surprising development happened in November when Peter responded to Facebook post about a woman who had severely damaged her ankle in a freak accident and needed a place to stay (with husband and children) during what is turning out to be months of treatment. So, we have the privilege of providing hospitality and prayer. Please join us in praying for Rebekah’s healing (and the trauma this is for the family). 

Meanwhile Peter has continued his ministry as chaplain for the Dominican Sisters in the Priory just over the rise from us and as resident priest for the Austin Byzantine Catholic Community in central Austin. He has found that he has had to retire from teaching and most writing to have enough time for prayer (he is thankful for the fully equipped chapel in the house) and keeping the household running, as well as helping some in local churches. He does lead a cell group for the Brothers and Sisters of Charity. It is for him a semi-monastic life. 

As December rolls around, we are so very grateful for God’s great gift of Jesus, coming into our world as a baby boy to bring us salvation and we look forward to his second coming with hope. 

May you have a blessed Christmas and a joyful New Year,

Judy and Peter

Peter and Judy

Our mailing address remains: 723 W University Ave, Ste 110-#263, Georgetown, TX 78626, although our physical address is 5499 E State Highway 29, Georgetown, TX 78626

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Happy Unbirthday

Pentecost is often called “the birthday of the church,” which implies that the church did not exist before Pentecost, except in, perhaps, nascent form. The phenomena associated with Pentecost are then said to be characteristic of the church. And often there is even a strong contrast between Jesus, who proclaimed the kingdom, and the post-Easter church, which Jesus did not foresee. This, I submit is an exegetical error.

When we look at scripture, as Gerhard Lohfink pointed out decades ago, it is clear that Jesus was forming the church long before Pentecost. Let us look at some characteristics.

Initiation: Jesus led a movement, calling disciples who followed him around Galilee and to Jerusalem. At least the first of these were associated with the Baptist movement, according to the Fourth Gospel, as was Jesus, for he was baptized by John. We do not know how long he was around John before his baptism. Again, the Fourth Gospel narrates (John 4) that Jesus continued a version of the baptistic movement, although his disciples did the baptizing. The synoptics know nothing of this initiation rite for followers of Jesus, but Matt 28 indicates that a continuation of baptism as an initiation rite was part of the final instructions given to the the band of disciples.

Structure and Leadership: while Jesus called some of his disciples personally, the group seems to have been a bit amorphous in the beginning. That changed when Jesus designed the Twelve as his official emissaries. They are sent out to do what Jesus did: preach, heal, exorcise. They are sent out depending on God alone for their needs, just as Jesus appears to have done. Within this group there was a further structure, the Three who were made witnesses to some of the most important events in the ministry of Jesus. It was one of these Three who, in the presence of the other eleven, was said to have made the core confession that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of the Living God. According to Matthew 16, Jesus in return gave him pre-eminence: “You are Rock and upon this Rock I will build my Church.” It is, at any rate, clear that Simon Peter, whether due to this pronouncement or due to his character, seems to have been something of a spokesperson for the Twelve or the Twelve and whatever other disciples were around. There is evidence that Jesus promised the Twelve rule when the kingdom was established.

Other Structures; Luke has two other structures within the community. One was that of the Seventy or Seventy-Two who were sent out to widen the missional work of the Twelve – certainly they are symbolic of the nations, but whether or not they actually went into non-Jewish lands is a matter of debate. Certainly some of the sayings of Jesus see the Twelve and other disciples as getting into trouble not only with Jewish but also with Gentile authorities. Luke 8 also refers to a group of women who followed Jesus, caring for the needs of at least the core group, in some cases using their own funds to do so. Of course, it is these women who followed Jesus to the cross and then were the first witnesses to the resurrection. Their stated function would mean that they would also have been present at the Last Supper – indeed, they would have cooked the supper.

That Jesus could say “My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God” indicates that he saw his group of disciples as a fictive family, a family that took precedence to the blood family. And, of course, a number of his parables speak of future rewards of those members of the group who remain faithful. But it is a group.

Other Rites: the community not only had a function of proclamation and, of course, of formation (people listened to and learned from Jesus and experienced Jesus), but they learned to pray from Jesus, and to pray as a community, assuming that the Matthew form of the Our Father is pre-resurrection, since it is communal, not individual. They would have celebrated Jewish festivals with Jesus, but it was the last festival, the Last Supper, that Jesus reportedly told them to continue as the central act of community worship. It was associated with the Passover and took at least some meaning from the Passover, but scholars are divided as to whether or not it was a transformed Passover meal or not, partly due to the differences between the Johannine and Synoptic accounts. Then there was the distinctive ethic that Jesus taught, which would have identified the members of the community as much as a Pharisee could have been identified by his way of life or even by that way of life have indicated whether he belonged to the school of Hillel or the school of Shammai. I use “he” because it was the men who functioned in public, but presumably while the actors of Jewish women were mostly inside the dwelling, the women who followed Jesus were marked out by that very lifestyle as part of the community.

My point is that Jesus had a functioning community before the crucifixion. While the crucifixion event temporarily shattered the community, we find the core leaders gathered together in that upper room before Easter. The crucifixion had not ended the church, we might say, but it had raised a lot of questions about the meaning of Jesus. It was the place for what we would now call theological reflection on Jesus, even if most reports indicated that it was the resurrected Jesus who gave the final keys to interpretation.

What, then, was the function of Pentecost? The Fourth Gospel at least indicated that the Spirit had come upon at least the leaders of the Church while Jesus was still present. They had been given the authority to bind and loose, to make rules and to make judgments, i.e. leadership roles, even before that (in Matthew). Gathered in the upper room they had presumably worshipped using the Psalms (one suspects that they were not yet going to the prayer services in the Temple) and quite likely celebrated the Eucharist, since we later hear that they originally had the custom of doing this daily. Of course, it would not have been in its more developed forms, but is it not likely that the broke bread and drank wine, repeating the words of Jesus. What happened at Pentecost? What happened at Pentecost was that they burst out of the upper room on mission.

The end of Luke indicates that they are to remain in Jerusalem until . . . Until “power from on high” comes. That means that when the power came they would be leaving the central place of worship (for a Jew, and they were all Jews) and the locus of David kingship to “go into all the world.” They use the time to restore the full number of leaders, with Peter taking decisive leadership. Then comes the day when people from around the world – Jews and prosylytes – gather in Jerusalem. The Spirit comes upon them in power, signified in the flames, and they go out to the people from “all the world” equipped linguistically to address each in their own language. And the rest of Luke has the Spirit thrusting the church from Jerusalem to the core of the empire, to Rome. Pentecost is the birth of mission, not the birth of the Church. Pentecost is the starter’s gun propelling the runners forward from the starting blocks or out of the starting gate. And every time the linguistic gifts are mentioned in Acts the Church is crossing some missional boundary, the Spirit giving the indication that this boundary crossing is him.

Paul mentions the Spirit in a number of places, but particularly 1 Corinthians 12 – 14 has been associated with Pentecost. Again notice that the “gifts” are gifts for ministry. They are outward focused not inward focused. They enable the Church to fulfill their missional task. Most healings, even the healings of Jesus, are missional – they reach outside the body of the disciples, outside the church, or they have that effect (see Luke’s comments on Aeneas and Dorcas, who both seem to be part of the church – the whole village or town turns to Jesus as a result). The linguistic gifts obviously helped cross cultural boundaries and proclaim the good news. And one can see the same in most of the other gifts. They are not status symbols; they are not marks that one is a Christian (love may be such a mark, but not the gifts), they are not, for the most part, permanent characteristics of a person, but rather the Spirit of God giving the tool necessary for the next act of mission or to meet the situations brought up by mission.

Now a book could be – and books have been – written about these topics. I already mentioned Lohfink, to note one rather old book. I write this simply to be clear about one point: Pentecost is not the birth of the Church; the Church was born and doing fine in the upper room before Pentecost. Pentecost is the propelling of the Church out of the upper room into mission. And it is in mission directed by Jesus and dependent on the Spirit that one both finds the need for the gifts of the Spirit that we associate with Pentecost and that those gifts find their proper context.

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