Google is NOT the only Search Engine

Google is like the popular kid in school who everyone knows and talks about. It's great for general searches but can miss out on the smaller, more specialized stuff. Imagine if you were looking for a rare comic book or an expert's thesis on quantum physics; Google might not always have the best answers. The... Continue Reading →

Repairing Image Size Issues on my Website

I recently noticed that my website images were not displaying their sizes correctly when I turned off image-dimensions using Chris Pederick’s Web Developer Tool. This piqued my curiosity, so I began researching to understand why this was happening. My search quickly led me down a rabbit hole into the articles, wherein I found this... Continue Reading →

My NEW Affirmations for 2024

In 2024, I've come to realize the immense power of embracing a growth mindset. It's not always the easiest path to take, but I've found it to be absolutely crucial for both my happiness and success ↙. Let me delve a bit deeper into why this shift in thinking can make such a significant impact... Continue Reading →

Starting Your Entrepreneurial Day

Starting your day on the right foot can significantly impact your productivity, especially as an online entrepreneur. The morning sets the tone for the rest of the day, and incorporating specific rituals can prime you for success. Let's explore five morning rituals that can boost your productivity and help you tackle your day with vigor... Continue Reading →

YouTube vs

I get a lot of my visual and mental stimuli at I get humor on Youtube. Who is TED?  It is a website presenting the best of mankind online, and in such a way that we open our minds a little more each time we view/hear footage displayed. And all of it is free!... Continue Reading →

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