Gauche Stories




I am most honoured to have a second book from this publisher:

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FINISH (Gibbon Moon Books)

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December 14, 2023 · 12:50 pm

Feast Your Eyes on The Epifany

Träumerei (reverie or dreams) not Trauma!


Eibonvale Press 2023

Available here:

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A Man Too Mean To Be Me

Incunabula Media 2022


Plus one review at that link.

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The Book That Outlies Fiction




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WoodMetalStone Girders!

The Des Lewis Gestalt Real-Time Reviews

Very exciting!
Look at what just arrived!
(Placed very carefully on a newly cleaned floor).




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Dabbling With Diabelli

DABBLING WITH DIABELLI (Eibonvale Press: May 2020)






The Three Ages of D.F. Lewis

0. 1948-1985 — Poems / Zeroist Group (1960s), The Visitor (Novel) 1973, Agra Aska (novella) 1983.

1. 1986-2000 – Over 1000 fiction publications in magazines and anthologies, some selected for the Prime Books ‘Weirdmonger’ (2003).
Awarded the BFS Karl Edward Wagner Award.

2. 2001-2010 – Publishing multi-authored ‘Nemonymous’.

3. 2008-
Plus one novel NEMONYMOUS NIGHT (Chômu Press), a story collection and two novellas entitled THE LAST BALCONY (InkerMen Press), and a novella entitled Weirdtongue (InkerMen Press), and my reprint of Agra Aska that was originally published in 1998 by Scorpion Press,
Plus three originally created multi-authored anthologies that I published.
Plus two books from Mount Abraxas Press, and an Eibonvale chapbook called The Big Headed People. And forthcoming Collection imminently: DABBLING WITH DIABELLI
Plus forthcoming in 2020 a past story selected for THE BIG BOOK OF MODERN FANTASY edited by Ann and Jeff VanderMeer.


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Head-Captioned Aimages



Links to more choice aimages:


May 24, 2024 · 6:09 pm

Nothing Comes From Nothing

It was as if something actually did … for once.
A small hand grasping for nothing, but nevertheless it was a real hand doing it. The moment felt sacred, even though it was just as easy to use the word ‘scared’. Was the sole witness scared or were the gestures of the hand having come from nothing indicating its own fear? But why was the witness’s first, if fleeting, impression that of the hand being sacred. Almost a religious act or a blessing, even a warning of greater things to come. Or a call for help to be rescued from a place that was the opposite of Heaven, a place that the witness dared not mention by name.
The witness looked around to see who else had noticed. But, of course, the witness was surrounded by nothing. The witness was alone. Except for the witness who witnessed the first witness and wrote this as description. Which witness came first? Which witness came third?
The hand was, by now, reaching further into sight; in fact the arm was showing itself up to the elbow. A small hand and an elbow to scale. The fingers wagged as if they yearned for a glove to be fitted snugly upon them. An imploring or importuning motion that hypnotised the first witness. Nothing had ever before given birth to such sadness by the hand’s apparent ability to bless or terrorise coming to nothing. It had tried to use methods of being both sacred and scary when hauled fully into the open, and given clothes to match the glove. The second witness who had written about the first witness, it seemed, had sacrificed a glove to satisfy the new arrival’s needs. And should another hand blossom forth, they seemed ready to sacrifice a second glove. Even a third glove. Nothingness had won or nothingness had lost. And the prospect of a third hand was an implication too far regarding exactly who was coming through. And how many!
We did not want our heartstrings tugged by such small hands’ pleading, strings that might otherwise be strung for Heavenly harps to play a more sacred tune than ‘somewhere over the nowhere’ elsewhere. All the witnesses, by now had vanished into nothing, scared that there could be no ending. A Hell of elbows linked each to each. Terror with all its gloves now off.

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The Haunting of Hill House — Shirley Jackson


PART TWO continued from here:

My other reviews of Shirley Jackson:

My reviews of older and classic books:

When I read this novel my thoughts will appear in the comment stream below…


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Statement on Ai Visuals

It was exactly a year ago I started experimenting with AI Visual Art, little knowing what I was entering. There was indeed much stimulation in triggering shifting collages from my gestalt real-time reviews of individual authors. But that was then, and now is now. From today, I no longer have this facility.

Here are a few of the old aimages….

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Non-Dwindling Faces


Faces used on the appropriate shifting collages here:

More AIMAGES here:

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A short story that appeared this year in NIGHTMARE ABBEY #3, available HERE

Reviewed as part of my ‘Dessemination’ project HERE.


“If that had been a gassy giggle, it surely couldn’t have emerged from anything that resembled a mouth.”

A horror story that might have got away from me, but I was somehow destined to return to my book-reviewing roots paradoxically to find myself reading this story (most of my previous reviews of this author are inexplicably rooted in my reading past and are linked from HERE), and this one is genuinely suspenseful, honestly and plainly horrific, with an evocative sense of place, in many ways unashamedly and gruefully what-it-is, perhaps echoing in some way my own journey from a grey financial humdrum job and bringing up a family in the 1970s and 1980s also somehow bringing me later to writing horror stories… but this adept tale is, of course, not about me nor my erstwhile situation; it is about someone quite different, but it is a sort of parallel, as the character diverts from a boring business meeting near Bradford (where I had a few business meetings myself!) and he eventually finds, in the area, the township where he was once a gauche youth in the first clumsy attempts of dating girls, and the place where one particularly coquettish girl used to live with her father, her house now derelict and haunted by old childhood games, and much more that comes through some telling slit in time  and place that we both fear and love. He sort of dared it to happen, although he was not the sort who could really dare anything.

As I, the reviewer, have, unashamedly in my own way, dared dilly-dally with an Al again…



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PLEASE LET GO by Johnny Mains

A new story being published in December 2023 in a re-issued ‘Frightfully Cosy and Mild Stories for Nervous Types’.


“…that Aickman, man, he is zipped up way too tightly.”

A story billed as the best story ever written, as gifted this morning to someone older by someone younger, yet the story itself is about the very vice versa or inversion of such an act. This being an as yet secret unread story by a man much younger than the ailing man like me to whom he has given it to review, a story about Robert Aickman and his death, written by a fan herein becoming an arms length confidant of the great writer during his period of  dying, with cameo parts by people who knew Aickman, and involving sickly spurts of blood that never quite erupt in the real church of his fiction, except perhaps in the secret unknown Aickman story that is somehow bequeathed to the younger man using the same title as this alternating-current fiction from the Mains man. 

Aches and pains, the growing pangs of death’s remains.

But spurts of blood can at least be inferred from the pages of PAGES FROM A YOUNG GIRL’S JOURNAL, from which pages are also found these words: “…fiction though it be, could hardly with sense have been written at all.”

My previous reviews of Johnny Mains:  HERE

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Destiny’s Sanitation

“The sea is a sort of pants for the earth.”

 “Excuse me.”

“Pants for the earth, hiding any number of crabs and other crustaceans … whelks and winkles…”

“I don’t think that analogy bears much scrutiny, Fred.”

“I prefer to call it a poetic metaphor, Charlie. Not an analogy as such but a symbolic statement, a shorthand for carbon skidmarks…”

Laughter. Like squelches of breath. Or elbows greasing up for a fight.

“I know we humans need to clean up our act, Fred, but I’m sure there are better ways with which to flag these things up than imagining someone’s UNDERPANTS!”

“Charlie, if it gets people thinking, then that’s half the battle.”

The two figures disappeared into their own laughter, like shadows into night, except only one was laughing, the other still complaining that humanity had lost its way. From the other direction, two figures – whether the same or different shapes or silhouettes as those that had earlier disappeared – returned along the sea front. Night had passed around the world like an all-enveloping pair of trousers amid a soaking drizzle and only vague glimpses of the moon between the strides. The sea sounded even nearer when it couldn’t be seen. A plaintive, meaningful rhythm of the waves. A sense of slacks and tights. This time laughter was in short supply. In quick gasping bursts of breathless endeavour. But like with all good stuff, never mind the width, or its girth of mirth, one must feel the sheer next-to-skin quality. There was joy in the marching steps. Made-to- measure footprints in the light of new hopes, new beginnings. The two figures soon passed like strangers in the night, with no need to talk.

Come dawn – and a relenting of the drizzle into just light sprays of ghostly saliva – the sea was more like curdled ankle-sock than untidy Y-fronts. The sun rose as the burning head of a snake upon the ridge of the sky. Fred and Charlie bobbed sluggishly upon the now vaguely perceived swell. Laughter etched upon both faces as if they had resolved their differences with friendly boxer shorts just short of jutting fisticuffs. If it gets people sinking, then that’s half the battle. The wiry appendages of a sea monster dragged them under towards the half-submerged caverns where new races prepared themselves upon unmade seabeds for eventual emergence as denizens of the earth. Hirsute coils moving into alert states of variable concretion or vertical eyes flashing their eyelashes. But it was all a poetic metaphor. A pathetic analogy. None of it was real. Even Fred and Charlie seemed to lack any visible footprints in the soft squelching sand. And their once sharp elbows will soon be in torque to sanitary nirvana.

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