
Denise R’s package of buttons weighed on my mind, it had to be something sewing related, and it had to be pretty!

This is what I came up with,

A sewing kit, with magnets on the back so that she can put it right on her fridge

flower magnets, with the buttons as the center – I was thinking of poppies when I did this but it would work with any color really

and some swirly stacked buttons, these are really cool looking but don’t photograph as well as I would like

I liked making these so much I put some up on my Etsy shop, you can see it here

These have vintage shell button centers and I decided to just go ahead and make some regular button one’s too

and the buttons you get will be mine, I’m sending Denise back what’s left šŸ™‚ Ā I have my own little hoard of buttons I am looking forward to purging!

9 thoughts on “Buttons!

  1. Liz! I love it! Can’t wait to see them in person! How did you know that I have a LOVE of magnets!! Seriously, I do! Thanks!

  2. love the vintage button and the shell magnets! They would look divine on my fridge, which I may paint hot pink…

  3. Liz,
    These look so amazing!!! Great job. It’s such an inspiration.
    I’ve got jars of buttons at home just waiting for me to do something with them šŸ™‚
    Thanks for sharing this project,


  4. Great ideas a person after my own heart. I recycle everything. Have done for years pity I did not photo or remember what I have done. My moto is everything can have a new life. From the other side of the world but have a lot in common. Just started website my 21yr old granddaughter set it up for me. Life can begin at 61yrs. Have a look you may get some ideas from my site. Always adding more. keep in touch Jean.

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