
Island: an eye in the sea. A form of land defined by the water around it and embodying its character. Islands speak the water in the language of the land, making water readable, and inhabitable, by human bodies. Many humans can only live on islands. Many others look on them as points of isolation.



Viðey at Dawn, Ísland

An ancient monastic site and the burial site of the writer Gunnar Gunnarsson.

3 thoughts on “Island

    • It was a charming morning walk! I left downtown Reykjavik in the dark and walked east along the bay. By great good fortune, I reached the ferry dock just as the sun shot in through a chink in the mountains. Ten minutes later, storm had blown in with it, and twenty minutes after that I was in a blizzard. By the time I got back downtown, in three inches of new snow, my companions were a straggle of extremely unhappy cyclists and one pair of northern loons appearing and disappearing and reappearing from amid the flakes. A magical late-April morning, for sure.

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