Friday Food==Efo and Fufu

5 Apr

Hello everyone, its friday and i have cooked my first food from Africa which i had chosen from “country of the month” post. First food i choose is Efo and Fufu.  Efo is popular in west africa an is a staple food in nigeria,it is eaten as soup or stew. After many research and advice i have decided to cook efo with three different kinds of meat and fufu. Fufu is made out of pounded yam, cassava or plantain.

After  hours of cooking and preparing these two meal in the proper method and direction i have finally cooked my very first efo and fufu from nigeria although it may look different from others i am please with the out come after all it is my first. There will be a review of the ingriedints i have used to cook with after my cooking step by step procedure.




1 cup palm oil

1 cup shredded pre-soaked de-boned cod fish/salt fish

1/2 cup stock

2 table spoon tomato paste

6 or more whole shrimp

de-skinned chicken

1 whole tomato

half onion

green lentils peas (optional)

2 pepper chilli


ingredient collagejj 



1. After you have washed  your de-skinned chicken and de-shell shrimp, season with salt, all spice and carianner.



2. Lightly brown chicken and shrimp in frying pan and place in 250 degree oven, leave in for 15 to 20 mins



3. put  one slice tomato, 2 pepper chillie, and half onion into blender with 1/2 cup of stock. Blend until until smooth.



4. Take mixture from blender and pour into hot pot over medium heat and boil until you have a pasty texture



5. Add 1 cup palm oil in hot pot, bleach for five minutes. Pour in slice onions and cod fish(salt fish), fry lightly until golden brown.



6. Take the shrimp and chicken that was in the oven and pour into pot with the other ingriedients.



7. Pour mixture, tomato paste, peas and 2 cups of stock with other ingredients. Mix well, cover for 2 minsute and voila you are finish.. Bon appetit*-*


=FUFU= Ingriendient:

1 cup yam fufu flour

1 cup water





1.Put 1 cup of fufu into pot, pour in 1 cup of water but little at a time add salt. Mix well until the texture of the fufu is  smooth almost like mash potato. If you want it to be softer add more water and that’s all folks enjoy. Bon Appetit*_*


                              Cooking tip==

.When pouring palm oil into pot make sure to be very careful,because it does splash easily.Try not to let pot get too hot.

                            My taste opinion==

Okay everyone has i had said before i am pleased with the overall out come of my first Efo and fufu meal. The taste of the fufu is almost like potato and there is no need of chewing the texture of it melts in your mouth and i have to say i do like the taste, it was a bit stretchy kind of like playdou when i was mixing it.

The taste of the palm oil in the efo was extremly strong and the aroma as well. I find it to have a unique taste and different but not too bad.

                                                                        = Palm oil nutrients=

Palm oil is an edible vegetable oil comes from the mesocorp(reddish pulp) of the fruit  of the palm oil. Mainly the African oil palm. It is natural reddish in color because of a high beta-carotene content

200px-Elaeis_guineensis_MS_3467source from wikipedia


Food globe


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