Violence with Violence (World in Action, 1993)

Violence with Violence is a World In Action documentary on anti-fascism in Britain, looking at the Anti-Nazi League, Panther UK (both militant and non-militant wings), Youth Against Racism in Europe and Anti-Fascist Action.

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One thought on “Violence with Violence (World in Action, 1993)

  1. Minor point perhaps but the documentary makers showed their naivete from the word “go”. They condemn the anti-racist groups… rightly at least as far as the accusation of factionalism goes, but wrongly as far as the accusations about violence… but knew so little about the communities in question they couldn’t even PRONOUNCE the word “Eltham” properly, preferring instead to speak like American tourists who talk about Lewis Ham (sic) etc when they’re visiting London. As for the issue of violence, were the Nazi planes that bombed London in WW2 defeated by letter writing campaigns?

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