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RIP Rosy the Dog, 1995-2009

posted Thursday September 10th, 2009

rosy paint

This morning I held Rosy the Dog while the vet gave her the euthanasia shot.

Afterward, my mom and I wiped away the tears and did the math. At 14 and a half , Rosy was just about 100 years old in dog years. (I think.) She was not a small dog, though she was a lot smaller this morning than she had been in her prime. So by any standard, it was a long life. And a good one, I think.

Was it really time? Who knows. Ray thought it should have happened a year ago. The vet refused to offer an opinion. Yesterday the groomer came to the house and when she was done trimming Rosy, she sat at the kitchen table and sighed.

“You know….” she began.

“I know,” I said. “Do you think it’s time?”

She didn’t say no. It was a gift. I know it was, but still, a hard one to accept.

After the groomer left, I called and made the appointment. Then I tried to take Rosy’s picture. As an all-black dog (a little white in her later years) she was always difficult to photograph, but this time Rosy made it impossible — she wouldn’t look at the camera. Maybe she knew why I was taking her picture. Maybe she didn’t want anyone to see her looking old.

And so in tribute, instead here’s the painting my mom did of her for Annabelle’s nursery, when the baby was born and the dog went from being a baby to just being a dog.

But still, what a dog.

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Tags: Filed under: Pets by Amysilverman

9 Responses to “RIP Rosy the Dog, 1995-2009”

  1. I’m so sorry.

  2. Amy, I’m sorry.
    Thinking of you and your family and Rosy.

  3. Amy and I drove to biker/trailer/meth town to get Rosy.
    When Rosy was a black chubby puppy, Amy brought her to her office and put her in a play area with chew toys….and this paper that puppies were supposed to pee on.
    Rosy never bit. She was good natured. She loved her family and they loved her back.

  4. I’m sorry, I know from experience how tough that decision is.

  5. Heartache & love for you all.

  6. Farewell Rosy! Lots of love to all of you! I know how much you will miss her!

  7. Oh, it hurts and I’m so sorry. Bye, Rosy, you’ll be missed.

  8. Amy,

    I didn’t shed a tear yesterday when I was at your house hearing about Rosie being put down but once I read about it on your blog I got teary eyed right away.

    She was a good dog, very sweet and gentle. I noticed that Jack was very quiet and mellow yesterday as I vacuumed around him.

    I will miss Old Rosie.


  9. Sad sad sad….. my condolences. You are a great doggie mom! She was a lucky dog and I know she’ll be missed.

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