Rasmalai – ICC

Question : I can eat bucketfuls of this, and yet ask for more…name it!

No….Anything is technically not the right answer..

But Rasmalai is.

I love these milky desserts and thoroughly enjoyed making them for Srivallis ICC.

So here goes a detailed fool proof way to make these Bengali sweets


Milk – 3 litres (2 litres for making paneer and 1 litre for making Rasa/Milk syrup.)
Vinegar- 3 tbsps
Water-5 cup’s
Sugar- 16 tbsp (8 for Sugar Syrup and 8 for Rasa/Milk Syrup)
Saffron- 8 pieces
Pista-10 finely chopped
Maida flour- 1 tsp
Cardamon-2 (crushed)


I. Preparation of Whey Water
II. Preparation of Paneer
III. Preparation of Sugar Syrup
IV. Preparation of Milk Syrup/Rasa

Now comes the process in detail..

I. Preparation of Whey Water:

Boil Two Litres of milk and let it cool. Refrigerate the milk for 12 hours. The next day or after 12 hours, remove the thick layer of skin/ paal adai/meegada formed over the milk. Now boil the milk, when the milk boils, add vinegar. wait for a minute or two. the paneer will start floating on top and the whey water will stay on the bottom of the vessel. Now with a muslin or a cotton cloth, filter the paneer and pour 2 cups of water on it, to remove the sourness of vinegar and then tie it well and let it hang on for one hour, till the whey water drops out.

What to do with the Whey Water?

Let the whey water get soured. that is leave it for a time of 1 week to get soured. after that pour it into a bottle and refrigerate it. this soured whey water will be good for one year of time. when you want to make paneer, you can use this whey water instead of vinegar/lemon juice.
Whey water can be used to prepare chapathi or Roti, which makes them super soft.

II. Preparation of Paneer:
This is an important step.
As we have tied and hanged the paneer in muslin cloth to let out the whey water, wait for atleast an hour and squeeze them very well. well. remove from the cloth and shift to a broad vessel. Now just prepare the paneer, as we knead the dough for chapathi/roti, in the same way knead the paneer, for 5 minutes atleast, till you feel it dont have much moisture content in it. now add a spoon(not more) of maida flour to the paneer and make it as small small ball’s remember the balls will become double in size after putting it and boiling it in sugar syrup. so make a medium size paneer ball’s. with 2 litres of milk you can prepare 12 or 13 paneer ball’s.
You may even use this to make Rasgullas.

III. Preparation of Sugar Syrup:
In a wide-bottomed pressure cooker, add two cups of water and eight table spoons of sugar. let it boil. Now when it boils, add the paneer ball’s one by one on to it. dont afraid of the ball’s getting broken. if you have kneaded the paneer well, it wont get broked. let it get pressure cooked for 10 minutes in slow flame or for 2 whistles.
Now let the steam get out and open the cooker and see the double-sized paneer ball’s. slightly press all the paneer balls to emit the excess sugar syrup.

IV. Preparation of Milk Syrup/Rasa:
Even before you start to prepare the sugar syrup start making milk syrup/rasa side by side. Have one litre of milk in a wide bottomed vessel and let it boil and get reduced into half of the quantity.This might take awhile. Now add eight table spoons of sugar and mix well. add saffron and crushed cardamon to it and mix well. put the paneer ball’s into the rasa/milk syrup. cool it down and refrigerate it.
Serve with chopped pistachios on top.

The recipe was from Lavis blog.

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  1. hi love the photos. do try my version with Yoghurt and gluten free. let me know.

    • s

       /  July 7, 2010

      @Chacko..yes will try it out….
      @Rebecca…yes thats when we had them and they were great.
      @alex, sindy,Divya..thanks

  2. hi love the photos. do try my version with Yoghurt and gluten free. let me know.

  3. I have to admit that based on an “American” desert palate, I wasn’t sure what to think of this when I first tried it – but it grew on me – and I can’t have enough of it now. Thanks for posting the recipe… maybe I’ll try to make it (?)

  4. My Daughters loves Rasmalai, It is Easy to make and very Delicious recipe, Thanks for sharing this such a nice recipe.

  5. Those look delicious!

  6. I like that you were brave enough to make the “real” version while I wimped out and took a shortcut. Perhaps, some day, I too shall be brave 🙂

  7. aa

     /  June 6, 2010

    woowowoo….it actually brings back memories of the past when i wld travel miles to just have a taste of it..i loved it especially when it is served in pairs.. keep up the good work..love ur tempting blog..:))

  8. goodness, sheba…i cry with your mama…i don’t think you’re ever going to lose weight…

  9. I’m not a huge fan of rasgullas, I am more of a Gulab Jamoon (never say no to the offer of another) girl. That being said, I wa simpressed with how everything turned out, but shockingly, it wasn’t sweet enough for me! How do you beat that?

    • s

       /  June 22, 2010

      it wasnt sweet enough? well it was fine with us..but then Rasamalai is a huge fav here.

  10. Oh I do love ramalai! Those pictures are so inviting. Lovely recipe. 🙂

  11. looks perfect….nice snap

  12. I love ras-malai too…one of my very fav sweet 🙂 Loved your presentation!

  13. Awesome presentation…just love it.:)

  14. Awesoem presentation…just love it.:)

  15. I’ve never seen these before but they look delicious!

  16. Am with you…I can eat loads of these too..my fav….looks so delicious…wow..am droolinggggg

  17. I’ve never had that, but it sure looks beautiful! I bet it’s delicious!

  18. Ras malais are what the bard had in mind when he spoke of ‘the milk of human kindness’ 🙂

    • s

       /  June 22, 2010

      yup…kalyan..i totally agree…and I love this sort of kindness

  19. Wow ras Malai looks so wonderful and so lovely in texture.

  20. Looks inviting. I loved that rose petal decoration. Lovely !!!

  21. usha

     /  May 15, 2010

    they do look delicious and nice presentation!

  22. The great topic, and very helpfully. thanks

  23. Wonderful looking ras malai,loved the last pc with rose petals 🙂


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