Orbis Terrarum 2010 Challenge- Going Places

I know I keep complaining about my lack of time but this is one challenge I couldn’t stay away from. As most of you know I do love to read and travel….and this project lets me do both ( well, almost) .
Don’t be..Its like this-
take eight months to read eight books penned by 8 authors from 8 different countries . Aint it interesting???
….read up more on Bethanys blog here.
While Ive not really come up with a final list of books these are what I have in mind..

1.Trainspotting -Irish Welsh (Scotland)
2. Lolita by Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov ( Russia)
3.Slaughter house five by Kurt Vonnegut American
4. The Handmaid’s Tale by by Margaret Atwood( Canada)
5.The cave by José Saramago ( Portuguese)
6.The Yacoubian Building by Alaa-Al-Aswany ( Egypt)
7.Alone in berlin by Hans Fallada (Germany)
8. ….probably something by Bapsi Sidwa

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  1. Lovely idea.Wish I could join but I don’t find that many English books here :(..

  2. Cham

     /  April 23, 2010

    What a different approach, u gonna travel through novels 8 different counties!

  3. Thats a really interesting list of books! I hope you will post reviews of them as you go along. My 2010 reading resolution was to read more books in translation, especially from the middle east..four months down, and so far, I am lucky if I manage to catch the news at 9 :- )

  4. thats a very interesting and fun challenge. let me explore it more. may be I will also sign up.

  5. Sounds like an interesting challenge. Am off to check the other blog to see how I can join in.

    • s

       /  April 24, 2010

      yay! the more the merrier also it will be fun to what books all of u chose..
      @uma..honestly I fall into ur category but somehow guess something like this will ‘force’ me to stay up a bit later to read..At least it will be one thing i actually do solely for MYSELF!!

  6. What a cool challenge! I just picked up Lolita from the library. I think I might join this challenge!

  7. hahaha I meant please bear with me 🙂

  8. Are these travelougue books? Travel and books…hmmm why cant it be 8 different travelogue speaking about 8 different countries 🙂 That would be nice…rather than reading some novels….If I am wrong please bear me….the books u have mentioned here….r they travelogues????

    • s

       /  April 23, 2010

      No Manju they are not travelogues..rather 8 novels from 8 countries…sort of giving us perspectives on countries…and view points from people from these countries. Thats way cooler than just travel stuff no?

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  • April 2010
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