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The only thing constant in life is change they say. Think about it…is there a truer thing?

Days , nay, months shift by so fast. It already the end of March..yet I (and I’m pretty sure most of you too) still feel like the New Year Party was just a few night ago)

Where does the time go?

Most of my blog posts are almost always lamenting my lack of time ..Maybe its me. Perhaps I need to rearrange my day and eh..smell the roses..and I mean that literally. I would love to go on long walks on the beach and see the sunset, watch the clouds roll by and listen to the wind.

How many of us do any of these?

So where does time go? Where do these
wondrous time capsules go when the next one arrives to take
its place?
Maybe we need to slow down and savour the day…..

When I see signs of aging in my parents and in- it upsets me to tears… Everything is changing..

Then there is the story told of King Solomon.
He once called his wise men together and presented them with a challenge. “Find me a cure for depression.” After much thought they gave him a ring on which the words “This too shall pass” was engraved. The King wore the ring constantly and every time he was depressed he looked at the inscription which always made him feel better.
Yes, this too shall pass…..because change is constant.

What propelled my emotional harangue, you ask.
Well last week…last Wednesday to be exact I lost two of my friends in an aircraft crash. They were amazing people , passionate fliers and wonderful officers . But seeing death at such close quarters and having to endure watching their loved ones grapple with sorrow makes me wonder at the hopelessness of death…and sometimes of life too…

Thanks to all who enquired why I was off blogging for this long…will post something real soon….

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  1. Looks awesome, moist and inviting:)

  2. So sorry to hear of this. Pl take care.

  3. reading your post brings me to tears, i am so sorry, s, it must be very hard for you loosing your friends. Change is constant it so true and yes, this shall pass too. stay strong.

  4. Time is such a precious and yet so transient thing…it’s hard to hold onto. I loved this post. So thoughtful…

  5. hello I am sorry for the loss of your two friends ; and thanks to your blog which must have helped you to come it out of you it is always better when you write and maybe since then you feel better !! cheers from Paris PIerre

  6. Soo sorry to hear your loss.May God give all strength
    and peace to you and your friends relatives to overcome this.Will pray for your friends.

  7. Owh no, that’s a terrific loss! I do believe Life is short, make it sweet, and enjoy it till U can…coz we don’t know what’s stored for us tomorrow. I always wish the night won’t be the last one. 😦

    Take some rest and come back again dear! 😉

  8. Take care Sheba!

  9. mallugirl

     /  March 11, 2010

    Sorry.. words are not enough to condole. All i can say , time will pass by fast but time will also heal the wound. hang in there.

  10. Thats a terrible news, may the souls rest in peace. Wish peace and strength for the family members and friends.

    Please take care…

  11. Sorry to hear of your loss. “It too will pass.’

  12. Heartfelt condolences Sheba..I can understand how it would be cope up with the loss of your friends..may their souls rest in peace!!

  13. yamini

     /  March 11, 2010

    Dear S,
    when i started to read your post, i found myself agreeing with you whole-heartedly about the lack, about life rushing by, and about my parents ageing (which by a weird coincidence, was the thought on my mind this morning)…and when i came to the end, i was shocked and saddened. I truly understand your pain, having been through the loss of near and dear ones before. As you have said through your wonderful story, this too shall pass…but until the day comes when the sorrow shall recede and only the good memories remain, i wish you strength and courage. take care.

  14. Indeed, Change is constant…but sometimes Change does upset us, makes us sad…especially when we lose our loved ones. Its a very difficult phase but as the story of King Solomon says, ” This too shall pass”. May God give you the strength to overcome the loss. Take Care!

  15. A

     /  March 10, 2010

    Oh god, so sorry for your loss.. I agree with you.. just last week I saw something on a car number plate and it made me ponder over the brevity of life “Life is fragile, handle it with prayer”… I hope the families of your friends find peace.

  16. Oh Sheba, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Thats horrific news. I cannot imagine what your friends families are going through.
    I totally heed you on the signs of time on our parents, we expect them to be the same rocks that upheld our childhood.

  17. you said something that is bothering me for quite sometime. living alone far away from family and friends and leading a very hectic life is actually taking away the joy. Take your time S but come back soon. the blogosphere miss you much.

  18. I’m the one who believes that if you have the will to do something, you will find time (definitely) for it 🙂 It’s my personal opinion and it always works for me 😀
    Sorry to hear about your friends. In fact I read about this in another blog too (maybe she’s your friend)My prayers and wishes to their families !

    • s

       /  March 13, 2010

      @gulmohar…yup I hear u..though sometimes just the will to do something is not enough….


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