Tomato Lentil Soup for the soul…and pocket

Aren’t soups so budget friendly(not that I’m calculating:)) ?

Although we are not real soup fans(nutritional advantages ,notwithstanding) i try to include a soup night every once in a while . This one is so easy to prepare , healthy and diet-friendly AND cheap….No I wasn’t ‘inspired’ by the Dubai Crisis.

Talking of which do you think it will affect India too much?

I have always felt that Dubai was a country living an unreal dream.

What with its man made islands, fantastical over-the-top extravagances like a black-diamond ski resort,glittering spectacle and conspicuous consumption.

But now it looks like the bubble is about to burst….the Dubai government has debts of £52 billion, and it’s rising fast as investment continues at its breakneck pace. Lets see what happens…..

Anyway on a lighter note(before i get to the soup)here’s something my sis-in-law mailed me…

The Soup now.
Source- Inspired from here

* 500g Fresh Tomatoes. chopped
* 1 tbs Cumin
* 1 Onion. chopped
* 100g Split red lentils
* 2 Cloves garlic. crushed
* 500ml Vegetable stock
* 1/4 cup coconut milk


Heat the olive oil in a large pan, add the crushed garlic and the chopped onion.
Saute it for a few minutes and the add the tomatoes. Let it simmer for about 8 minutes.
Throw in the lentils and the cumin and the veg stock. Bring to boil and then let it simmer for about 45 minutes.
Let it cool completely. Keeping maybe 1 cup of the soup aside blitz the remaining in the food processor and then return to stove along with the soup you had kept aside. Simmer until it reaches desired consistency. Add the coconut milk.
Add seasoning to taste.

Voila hot sizzling and nutritious soup ready!!

This one goes to mingle at the Soup party at Monthly Mingle founded by the mind-blowing wonderful blog whatsforlunchhoney and being hosted by the equally inspiring Tongue ticklers.

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  1. That soup is wonderful 🙂

  2. Adding lentils to this soup is interesting…. M sure it’l be perfect for the weather here 🙂

  3. Cham

     /  December 15, 2009

    LOL pic! The soup is suggestion in crisis time 🙂

  4. Inviting soup….Thanks for sharing another recipe to my soup collection 🙂 I love them too…

  5. Oh wow!! lovely yummy healthy soup..

  6. Ushnish Ghosh

     /  December 14, 2009

    Dear Sheba
    Thank you so much for this awesome pocket friendly soup. Will make it fast..I am in a soupy mode these days.
    Let me see what great recipes are waiting for me here.
    Have a nice day and happy souping 🙂

  7. Nice soup with lentils..funny picture,so sad….

  8. perfect for this time of the season….but am sure its not that cold out there….funny picture!!!!

  9. I love soups any kind and this looks real delicious. I like the idea of adding coconut milk!

    Always felt Dubai is hyped up..No surprise that the country now is almost on the brink of bankruptcy
    The pic is hilarious..Good one!

  10. I’ve never been much of a soup fan either but every once in a while I get a craving. I love that you used coconut milk in this. Coconut flavor makes everything better.

  11. I think this soup will help the dubai residents in this time when there is not enough money. ha ha…

    and the picture was funny and interesting. 🙂

  12. you have a wonderful blog n i saw the post moving back up to rasgullas..:)
    i love rasgullas n have it in my archives on my banaras ka khana blog…just lovely..
    this lentil soup looks comforting n is a staple at my place …. with a bit more garlic n without coconut milk….i have to try it with CM though 🙂

  13. hey, nice soup! Such a coincidence.. I just posted a different version of lentil soup and the title also had ‘for the soul’ 😀 Great minds think alike.. haan 🙂

  14. Oh! This soup looks absolutely delicious! It also sounds so healthy and I totally agreed that soups are budget friendly:)

  15. That is a bowl of incredible tomato soup. I love the addition of cumin and coconut milk. Delicious!

  16. Looks like a delicious soup. I love soups for the same reasons: hearty, warming (perfect for the weather here) and cheap. I’ll have to bookmark this one!

  17. Your photos are wonderful..You have real talent…and love your writing style…

  18. This certainly does look good…and with snowflakes falling as I type…I sure could be persuaded to make this right now.

  19. I am a fanatic of soup and I want to drink that bowl right away! That cartoon touched me. *sniff*

  1. Monthly Mingle 'Soups' - The Round Up

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  • December 2009
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