Desperately seeking Patty and a Book Review

“Who is patty and how does she make this.”

Well although Wynter was drooling after taking a bite of Patty’s cake, somehow it did not turn out so great for me. I have to confess it could be my fault. I read  the measurements all wrong and had to start all over again, then I accidentally burnt the chocolate, and then as if the gods were plotting against me, the cake just spilled over in the oven.

In spite of the disastrous cake baking process, the end result was just YUM!! But then how can something that has chocolate butter and sugar NOT taste good!! DUH!

But before I give you the recipe (if you wanna try it in spite of my disaster) let me tell you more about Wynter Morrison….

When I first flipped through the book ‘Bread Alone’, I thought it looked like just another  chick-lit(not that I dislike that genre)..but it was trulya really enjoyable ‘light’ read ,emphasis on light.

The book follows the trials and tribulations of (baker at heart-but she just doesn’t know it) Wynter Morrison, a thirty-one-year-old chanel wearing trophy-wife whose life falls apart when her husband suddenly announces that he feels their marriage is over.Kaput.

We then travel back and forth with her; to her past  baking internship period in France , her relationship with her parents, and also to the present , when she starts work and soon become part-owner of a quaint little bakery and how she slowly picks up the pieces and gets another chance at rediscovering her true self and finding love again(and I don’t mean her love for bread alone!!)

I loved the authors lucid , fluid style of writing.  I felt an almost poetic quality to her words, peppered with vivid imagery and  a lovely sense of humor.

Wynter , initially came across as a annoyingly shallow whiner-Spoilt and forever wallowing in self pity, acerbic and impulsive ..thankfully (for us readers) she stops grieving and starts to  transforms from the “willfully ignorant,” to a new woman who knows what she wants from life. Her friendship with CM is also portrayed very beautifully and realistically as is the camaraderie between her new baking buddies. Although the plot is very predictable and totally uninventive, the author makes up for these flaws with almost poetical descriptions of bread making and a feel good ending that deftly balances themes like self-reliance, love, revenge , recovery and even baking.

and now here’s the recipe


    7 (1 ounce)  unsweetened chocolate squares
    1/4 cup butter
    1 1/2 cups strong coffee
    1/4 cup bourbon
    2 eggs
    1 teaspoon vanilla
    2 cups cake flour
    1 1/2 cups sugar
    1 teaspoon baking soda
    1/4 teaspoon salt


    espresso caramel sauce

    1 cup sugar
    1/3 cup water
    1/2 cup heavy cream
    3 tablespoons espresso


Grease and flour 2 81/2 by 41/2 inch loaf pans.

Put the chocolate, butter and coffee in a large heavy saucepan.

Place over low heat, stirring constantly until chocolate is melted, then stir vigorously until mixture is smooth and blended.

Set aside to cool for 10 mins, then beat in the bourbon eggs and vanilla.

Sift dry ingredients and beat into the chocolate mixture until well blended.

Divide batter between pans and bake in a 275* oven for 50 mins, until a wooden skewer comes out clean.

Cool in pans for 15 mins, then turn out onto racks to cool completely. Serve with whipped cream, creme fraiche or Expresso Caramel Sauce.

“Espresso caramel sauce.”

Whisk the sugar into water and pour into heavy bottom saucepan.

Stir over med heat until sugar is dissolved, increase heat and bring to a boil. Do not stir, but wash down sides of pan frequently with a brush dipped in water.

Meanwhile heat the cream to a simmer in another pan.

When sugar begins to caramelize, lift pan carefully and swirl mixture to even caramelization.

Boil until syrup is a beautiful brown color, about 3-4 mins.Remove from heat and set pan in sink.

Slowly pour cream into the syrup , whisking to combine. Be Careful as it may splatter.!

Stir in espresso and stir until smooth.

If mixture starts to harden, return to low heat and whisk until dissolved.

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  1. Looks amazing & very tempting !!!

  2. The book sounds wonderful – thank you for the recommendation! Your cake sounds absolutely heavenly, too… Oooooh, YUM! Just look at that gorgeous, chocolaty picture! Beautiful!

  3. It looks perfect in the picture, and also tempting 🙂

  4. Oh my, that picture is way too tempting – it looks amazing!

  5. The book sounds interesting to me & the cake truly looks yum 🙂

  6. I agree. How can anything that has chocolate, butter and sugar go wrong? Reading all the reviews, I am not sure quite what to make of the book. Well, that’s what I get for sitting it out this month! But I am tempted to try your chocolate cake.

  7. bombayfoodie

     /  November 30, 2009

    I also wondered the “who is patty” bit until they gave the recipe 🙂

    Your cake doesn’t look like a disaster at all…in fact, it looks quite tempting


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  • November 2009
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