Retro- All the Way……

pineapple upsidedowncake

Decided to go RETRO this week and bake what (for me) screams retro like no other- the Pineapple Upside Down Cake. I had earlier very successfully baked its mango namesake.
( it was praised with such superlatives that have not been bandied about since) and I decided to try out the original version this time. Although I didn’t have the cherries to adorn these beauties, they still turned out looking great (my below average photography skills don’t do it complete justice- in case you are wondering what I’m talking about!!) They tasted absolutely divine too!!!
arvind_swamy then
Also on that retro note I wanted to share with you this somewhat recent picture of Arvind Swamy(for those of you in the know). He had such charming and cute looks earlier and I was a big fan. The college where I did some studying (Stella Maris, Madras) was right next to his home and we would wait longingly for him to make his appearance in his balcony. What a transformation..


1/2 cup butter
1 cup dark brown sugar
16 oz can of pineapples
4 eggs, separated
grated rind of 1 lemon
pinch of salt
1/2 cup granulated sugar
3/4 cup plain flour
1 tsp baking powder

Preheat your oven to 180 C.

Melt the butter in an oven-proof cast-irom frying pan about 25 cm in diameter.Set aside 1 tbsp of this melted butter.

Add the brown sugar to the frying pan and stir until melted.

Place the pineapple slices on top in one layer.Set aside.

In a separate bowl whisk together the egg yolks, the remaining melted butter and the lemon rind until smooth. Beat the egg whites with salt until stiff using an electric mixer, and fold in the granulated sugar 2 tbsp at a time.

Fold in the egg yolk mixture.

Sift the flour and baking powder and fold this into the egg mixture in three batches. Spoon this batter over the set pineapples.

Bake until a toothpick inserted comes out clean..about 30 minutes.

While still hot place a serving tray on top of the pan bottom side up. Holding them together using oven gloves flip over.

pineapple upside down Cake

Serve hot or cold.

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  1. Pallavi Gokhale

     /  July 11, 2011

    Lovely cake. Can you please suggest what can be used to replace egg in this recipie. Is there any substite that will apply to all your lovely recipie?

    please do reply

  2. EEEEEKKKS!! Gawd how fat is he?!! :(( I liked Arvind Swamy too! hmm.. Did not know he lived next to Stella!

    On the brighter side, the cake looks super rich and gorgeous! 🙂

  3. something yum again,..

  4. Oh..I used to love making that cake…Yes age does funny things right…he looks so different. Never knew his house was close to stella..

  5. Pineapple upside down was my all time favorite and the only cake I could bake without a disaster- what a retro blast. Oh DEAR – is that Arvind Swamy – NOOOOOOOOO- good grief. Looks like someone other than us has been hitting the cakes. Hey, Stella Maris deja vu, I had a buddy who went there too, she upped the ante and barged into his house, friends in tow. Apparently it unnerved his mother, but she was sweet enough to offer them tea before booting them out.
    Lovely post!

  6. wish u hadn’t posted that photo!! i was one of the roja fans!! what has time done to him!!

  7. lovely cake and nice click too

  8. This looks sweet and delicious! I think I’d like to try it with apples!

    • do let me know how it turns out..always seem to have a large number of extra apples at home


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