Tried and Tested – Baked Chickpeas

Baked Chickpeas

Its Tried and Tested time again. One great thing about these blog events is that we get to see such spectacular blogs and amazing fellow-bloggers. One such blog is yasmeens health nut and this months blog is Gangas A Life Time of Cooking . It’s really a must-see blog with a mind-blowing variety of recipes and some stunning pictures as well. I chose to make the chickpeas salad for 3 reasons. One, I did have a jar full of them eyeing me the last few weeks and the second reason being that it is a family favourite pulse. The third reason was that it involved baking, and anything that involves heating up the oven is good by my book. The end result was a spicy, crispy, nutritious any-time snack that my family gobbled up in one sitting.

1 can chickpeas(cooked)
1 – 2 Tblspn olive oil
sea salt
black pepper
2 tspn cumin seed
1 tspn sambar powder or other spicy mix


Soak chickpeas for a few hours beforehand. Dont soak them for longer than 12 hours, or in the fridge for 24, because they will begin to ferment – you can tell by the smell. They must still smell fresh, and give them a rinse under running water before you cook them.

Rinse the chickpeas, drain them and dry them well.

Place in a bowl with olive oil, sea salt, black pepper, cumin seed and sambar powder. Mix until well coated.

Empty the mixture into a baking dish Cook in a preheated 200C oven for 20 – 30 minutes until crispy and golden on the outside.


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  1. Delicious looking chickpeas bake with sambar powder.Glad you could participate in T&T.thanks 🙂

  2. Thank you for making this recipe – it is a wonderful snack and I hope you enjoyed making (and eating) it. You have a great blog – I glad that I found it through T&T.


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  • August 2009
    M T W T F S S
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