On Tap for Today

A fun loving, inspired living blog

Today: OMG! Baby koalas!


[tweetmeme source=”elizabethev” only_single=false]Remember when I was like, OMG!  Baby hippos!?  Baby hippos are like my secret weapon for battling grouchiness, stress, headaches and gangrene.  Actually, they don’t battle gangrene, but they do cure just about everything else.  If you don’t believe me, click the link and see for yourself.  You can’t not smile.  Today, I am going to offset that double-negative with something almost as cute a baby hippo.

I give you… OMG!  Baby koalas!

Holy crap.  This one just popped out of nowhere!

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And this one.  It’s holding on for dear life.  I want twelve.  I’ll pass on the thumb ring, though.

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Okay, I think this one just hatched.  It hasn’t grown into its fingers yet.  They’re really long and sort of un-koala looking.

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These two are the Tia and Tamera Mowry of the koala community.  Twins!

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Wait, this one definitely just hatched.  And it comes with its own Snuggie!

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This one has really good balance!  It looks extra fluffy, too.

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I think this one is looking for some food.  Eucalyptus, probably.

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I’m huuuungry!  For real!

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Ahhh! It’s a baby koala backpack attack!

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I guess baby koalas like to spoon.

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Can you stand to see one more?  They like to kiss, too!

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I’ve heard that koalas get sort of high on eucalyptus, and sometimes they are so relaxed that they fall right out of their trees.  I feel like I am high on cuteness. Maybe, if you have a real baby, you can dress him or her like a baby koala.  Just an idea.

I don’t think I’ve even seen a koala in real life, but I know my sister has.  She studied in Australia and (jealoooous) got to see them all the time.  Apparently they’re not as friendly and snuggly as one might think.  She said they are pesky like raccoons.  And they bite.  And sadly, they end up as roadkill occasionally.  I would probably cry if I saw that.  What else can I tell you… let’s see… once she held a grown-up koala named Desmond (extremely jealooooous).  If I think of any other koala facts or hearsay, I’ll be sure to let you know.

In the meantime, enjoy the baby koalas.  And hippos.

Also On Tap for Today:

If you could have any member of the animal kingdom as your personal pet, which would you choose?

Author: Elizabeth

A writer, non-profit exec, a BC alumna, a CrossFitter, a FitFluential Ambassador, a (holy crap) 2x marathoner, and a very happy bride-to-be.

4 thoughts on “Today: OMG! Baby koalas!

  1. I’m sure baby hippos and koalas are good for lupus also. And dandruff.

  2. I definitely had a picture of a baby koala above my bed as a little girl. Such a soft spot for them!

  3. I found you another one : http://www.inpic.ru/pic/6247-23938489.png Very cute. The mommy koala sleeps holding her baby.

  4. Wonderful goods from you, man. Today: OMG! Baby koalas! I’ve understand your stuff previous to and you’re just extremely wonderful. I actually like what you’ve acquired here, really like what you’re stating and the way in which you say it. You make it entertaining and you still take care of to keep it smart. I can not wait to read far more from you. This is actually a tremendous Today: OMG! Baby koalas! informations.

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