I {Heart} Faces. Play Photo Challenge.

Summer brings freedom and fun and play and water and family and camp and vacation and breathing deeply of life.  This week I ♥ Faces is asking for play photos.  Perfect for the start of summer.

I caught Little J playing in the water last summer.  We were visiting my mom and the city swimming pool was not in working order, so we found the splash pad and played there.  I like this picture because everything seems to be in motion, except Little J’s face.  A car is driving behind him, the water is splashing across him, the horse or whatever the animal is shooting water out his nose.  What a perfect way to spend a hot hot hot West Texas afternoon.

Head on over to I ♥ Faces and see how American is playing.

All writing and photos property of LoneStarLifer 2010.

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3 Responses

  1. Fun! Love this photo!

  2. That screams summer and play!

  3. Good job on freezing his face with all the movement around you.

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