Val and Jeff’s Maternity pics

12 Feb

I had a lot of fun doing these shots. Val has the perfect belly for photographing, not only on the outside, but the little princess on the inside too! – UPDATE – Meet Baby Jolie Here UPDATE #2 – Jolie has a baby brother
Here are a few of my favourites:

Val and Jeff belly bump

Val and Jeff

Val and Jeff

Val and Jeff

Val and Jeff

Val and Jeff

Val and Jeff

Val and Jeff

Val and Jeff

6 Responses to “Val and Jeff’s Maternity pics”

  1. khaiphotographyandlife April 9, 2010 at 8:45 pm #

    these are really beautiful. I am going to do a maternity shoot soon so I was looking around for inspiration. Glad i found these 🙂

    • jmphotographyonline April 9, 2010 at 9:48 pm #

      Thank you for the kind words I’m glad to be a part of your inspiration.

  2. Gavin November 14, 2011 at 11:50 am #

    All round great photos, but particularly the one of the mum-to-be in the background and focus on the dad looking on with pride and warmth, really beautiful take on a theme of relationship and a nice fresh twist.. I may well have to try that one!

    • jmphotographyonline November 14, 2011 at 12:03 pm #

      Thanks for the kind words Gavin. I’m glad that the love and pride shows through the images


  1. Val and Jeff’s Mat Session Teaser « Jay McIntyre Photography Blog - May 30, 2011

    […] I was planning on finishing up the editing from This weekend’s maternity session with Val and Jeff, but I am far too tired so I’m just posting this one. I hope it will have you checking back […]

  2. Preston Jace Hensen « Jay McIntyre Photography Blog - November 7, 2011

    […] little guy is super adorable!  Preston is Jolie’s little brother and Val & Jeff’s newest bundle of joy!  He’s had a pretty busy first week but he was still up to the task of […]

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