I Have NO Words.. LaRaza Praises Representatives Who Stood With Dreamers and Two of Them Are Mine!

paul ryanla raza praise

By Isabel Matos

Update April 23 2:21 pm. It is no secret. I am livid. I couldn’t help but be alarmed by the fact that my representatives are supposed to be anti-communist and yet, are pushing Amnesty. They are calling it Immigration Reform as you will see by linking to Tony Lee’s article to what Rep. Ros-Lehtinen said to Jose Diaz-Balart. You would think THEY (not me) would have access to simple information that can be found online. That is in part what this is about. Anyone can do a little homework. They could and should know this but they ignore it.

I am not here to make a dissertation on Communist Infiltration. I am here to make a statement about the ABUSE by the GOPe using my representatives to push their agenda which is a COMMUNIST PARTY USA agenda. I want to make sure that it is clear, too, that special interests wrote S.744 last year. I hope journalists with more resources look into this in more depth: the names of the (specific) companies and/or organizations that have been behind these bills because they are most likely writing what our representatives are so busy pushing.  Thank you for reading and viewing.  The support is much appreciated.

I am truly at a loss for words. I can’t express how low the GOPe has stooped or how utterly embarrassed and saddened I am by this latest, most stunning development regarding amnesty. It hits so close to home that it defies all logic for me. For two anti-communist representatives to be sharing goals with LaRaza in the push for amnesty shows just how much the situation has deteriorated and how out of control the establishment is in using our community leaders to push this idiotic agenda, how out of touch and untouchable our representatives have become, and how they’ve kept this dirty secret from voters. It has gone far enough. They’ve been used and pampered to no end, to help the GOPe.

I hope you view the clip from last year where I appealed to my representatives to not support amnesty. I hope you know I’ve done all I could to stop them. I cannot stand by and watch any longer, but I don’t know what else can effect change at this point.  It’s time to expose their increasingly traitorous actions to this country by pushing amnesty, and for our cause for freedom which is considered sacred. Never in a million years would I have imagined this would happen.

Pushing Amnesty for Republicans is a delusional goal. It is ill-advised (which makes you wonder where are they getting their information from). It helps the left. This latest is a mockery of the dreams of many legal immigrants who they are supposed to represent.  Many came to this country to escape big government, ironically the same one they are helping to create, wittingly or not.

Their daily focus is to pander to the special needs of illegals, that is how out of touch they are. And as their status in the party grows, they forget why they entered public service in the first place. I have described Rhinos with an H before and the two mentioned below may be turning into political animals themselves. They are leaving their humanity behind because they are abandoning their principles. Their live for their next perk, committee position or television appearance. (Now can you understand why I HATE THE GOPe?! It has taken good people and corrupted them.) So they’re living the high life but it’s an illusion because they have become like beasts reducing themselves to exist solely for their next “meal”. They don’t care about morals or principles.

Party on! “Que Viva la Pepa!”

Who cares about the folks? It’s time to mingle with our enemies. How base and undignified. It has gone on long enough. It doesn’t matter if any of you are losing your souls in the process anymore. This  exceptional country matters more. In the end my words were just physical disgust turned inside out spilled on a page.

He’s been working hard. Awww..

gang of 7 a

In a Breitbart Article on August 11th, Tony Lee reported:

One of the 11 House Republicans La Raza praised for not voting to end President Barack Obama’s temporary amnesty program for illegal immigrants revealed that Rep. Paul Ryan has been working “every day” behind the scenes on an amnesty bill.

In a Friday appearance on MSNBC’s Jose Diaz-Balart, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) predicted that Congress is “going to be passing an immigration bill” in the future, “thanks to your brother, Mario Diaz-Balart.”

“Mario and Paul Ryan and good leaders are working every day toward that, and we hope that it will happen,” she said.

Ros-Lehtinen and other members of the GOP earned La Raza’s praise for voting against the border bill that would have denied Obama the right to use federal funds to implement temporary amnesty.

Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL), whom Ros-Lehtinen referenced, was reportedly “ready to announce to House leaders that a majority of House Republicans supported his immigration reform bill,” and secured “soft commitments from at least 120 Republicans.” Ryan was reportedly working with Diaz-Balart to get support for his bill, which would have allowed Republicans to bring it to the floor and then vote against it, enabling it to pass with Democrat support.

After House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) was ousted because of his support for amnesty, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) told President Obama that he would not bring up an immigration bill in the House this year. Though Boehner said he wanted to get an amnesty bill through in the next Congress, Diaz-Balart asked House leaders to give his bill one more chance this year before being denied.

“I’m seriously disappointed,” Diaz-Balart said then. “We have a historic opportunity to fix a system everyone knows is broken. We’re squandering that opportunity. The bottom line is we have a bill that is ready to go. We had bipartisan support. And yet I’ve been told we’re not going to move forward this year.”  END OF ARTICLE.


I had been keeping these pictures handy for a while and it’s time to start taking the gloves off and exposing what has been going on for years.

ryan ily jeb and pryan 2 with ily at versailles

Photos taken  at “Versailles” Restaurant. Courtesy of unknown source.


Filed under In The News, Politics, Uncategorized

3 responses to “I Have NO Words.. LaRaza Praises Representatives Who Stood With Dreamers and Two of Them Are Mine!

  1. MrPong

    Make no mistake, it’s not charity at work here, it’s business, as usual.

    Since the Obama presidency is a total disaster, dems need new voters.
    Corporations also need cheap workers.

    Therefore, here you go, open borders and flood of illegals.

    The whole border mess makes total sense if you look at it from the “right” angle.

  2. Pingback: It’s ISIS, Not ISIL, Congresswoman! | A Time For Choosing

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