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153: TZ Interview – Joanna Wiebe / CopyHackers

Justin and Jason talk with Joanna Wiebe author of CopyHackers, the definitive how-to guide for copywriting for startups!

  1. Guyon says:

    Great show!
    And I have to say… Oops!

  2. Hey guys, thanks for the mention on the show! Living in sin, indeed. 🙂

    Here’s a link to Joanna’s blog post… which should save listeners from having to take notes about those 9 tips:

    (I see the TrackBack below, but it doesn’t explain why someone might want to read it.)

    In the post, Joanna also goes into detail about the “copy assessment”.


  3. Danilo Celic says:

    Interesting show!

    When the conversation was talking about the AnyFu tag line “Just-in-time Expertise” and a question was asked about why type of expertise are you offering, one thing that was thinking of was having a “rotating” fill in word between time and expertise, where the word would change every couple of seconds. Perhaps the rotating words could even be shown as a wheel such as the date picker so that a visitor sees that it’s a variety of expertise types that are available.

    Anyway, just a thought.

  4. Robin says:

    What a great show!
    Very informative giving us action points we can work on and resources (Joanna’s e-books).
    I enjoyed the case study of pluggio, real world examples make it so much easier to grasp and work with a concept rather than an abstract concept.

    Another great fun show.

  5. Pete says:

    One of your best shows so far with actionable content for all of us. In addition, the questions Joanna is asking are not just applicable to Pluggio or AnyFu. But, I have to agree that those examples make the thinking easier to grasp and help the learning. Thanks!

    @Danilo I like it! Can be expanded while being more specific.

    @Justin & @Jason: Please don’t say “in-time technical expertise”. I keep thinking of my dad’s VCR when I hear “technical”. Why don’t you say “coding” or “programming”?

  6. I really enjoyed the show especially since Joanna had a very upbeat and positive tone. That made the whole topic more fun to listen to since you have to admit it is a bit dry otherwise. 🙂

  7. Great show guys, I generally prefer the discussion shows, but I really felt like I could take a lot from this and apply it, will be ordering the books!

  8. (long time listener, first time commentor)

    One your best shows!!!

    – Funny
    – Actionable
    – Great guest
    – Funny

  9. Ecio says:

    dont know if I can post it here as a comment, but on AppSumo there’s an offer for the ebook bundle:

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