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Robert Doisneau

Messieurs de tout – Paris

 “Dans les rues de Paris

 l’enfant parle image et magie et

 dans les images innées de

 son langage imaginaire

 l’enfant découvre le monde…”

 A travers Prévert (l’ami de Doisneau)

This is the third of my compilations of Robert Doisneau’s images -and as a teacher, it is probably my favourite. The focus is on children and ther antics on the street and in school. Doisneau’s work gives unusual prominence and dignity to children’s street culture; returning again and again to the theme of children at play in the city, unfettered by parents. His work treats their play with seriousness and respect. In his honour, and owing to this, there are several Ecole Primaire (primary schools) named after him. An example is at Véretz (Indre-et-Loire).

Les tabliers de la rue de Rivoli, Paris


les enfants de la place hebert –  paris

Les frères rue du docteur Lecène à Paris XIIIème

A selection of images

  Le remorqueur du champ de mars -1943

les-ecoliers-de-la-rue-damesne, 1956

La dent – 1956

Le cadran scolaire – 1956


la premiere maitresse -paris-1935

la voiture fondue-1944

le nez au carreau – paris-1953

enfants aux patins a roulettes menilmontant-paris-c-1950

La Sonnette

Un enchantement simple

l’information scolaire – paris-1956

So, which is your favourite image?

If you are interested , I have two other posts -Robert Doisneau 1 and Robert Doisneau 2