The Dream of Ottawa, the Song of Wantok: the 40 Years 1967 to 2007, The Restoration of All Things, Dead in Christ


The New Day Star of Josyp Terelya; the Holy Angel of the Ukraine

The New Day Star of Josyp Terelya; the Holy Angel of the Ukraine


“…..Self Interest blinds some men;
……but helps others to see the Light”
de la Rochefoucauld
"Dividing even Between the Soul and the Spirit"
“Dividing even Between the Soul and the Spirit”


The set of events which culminated with the meeting with Hyo Jin in Bay City Michigan came after the 40 days of temptation I had that had been set off by a very unusual dream I had with Rev. Moon in it. This was a major event in my life; with far reachng consequences for me: and the world.

I will relate some of the elements of this dream so you will understand how unusual the circumstances are that now no longer face Rev. Moon but do face the Unification Church; for I was chosen to restore Rev. Moon due to another set of circumstances that goes back to why the angel of John led me from the City of St. Francis after it fell; and brought me to New Hope PA in 1987.  

To condense the information: I was chosen to bring the Book of Life of the Lamb to Light because it is the Revelation of Jesus Christ; but this happened because the 210 years of time-indemnity had been paid from 4-18-1776 when Paul Revere’s rode to warn of the British that were coming to that of my birthday here in PA on 4-18-1986; ((4-18 being the date of the old “True Parents Day”)).

 After the 210 year period was fulfilled I then began in New Hope to write the book there for the next 21 years; as Rev. Moon in his two volumes called “New Hope” had actually restored the town of New Hope itself; although Rev. Moon may have been unaware of this; but everything he does comes from a divine end and cause; thus it always has a divine effect and result. With the angel of John of Patmos I copied down the information by which the Word of God was gradually revealed to me in it’s entirety. 
I now no longer work for Giant in Pipersville PA.
After my 21 year course events were unleashed in the “21” being fulfilled in Barack Obama’s 21 month campaign for President; after which came the 21 days when I was sent to Ottawa. As for the number “4-18” it happens to be my birthday; as I was born on 4-18-1955 in Nuremburg; Germany; 10 Years After the Judgement there on the legally elected but totally corrupt government of Axis Germany.
It was also the day that Albert Einstein died; which is another synchronicity of which you are all  now another witness; for it is obvious that on 4-18-1935 when the Angel of Christ apeared to Sun Myung Moon on that Korean Hillside it was Easter; and that is what “4-18” means: Easter; Resurrection; but also Regenration; for the Resurrection of Jesus was also the Regeneration of David; just as the Baptism of Jesus was the Resurrection of David; which is all set down in full as explaining Psalm 22 in my book. Who died on the Cross: David or Jesus?
 The answer can be found in the fact that the Key of David is the Divine Principle embodied in the Cross of Christ; a fact Rev. Moon missed.
This is because I am the Path; even as the Lamb was the Way, the Truth and the Life; thus at Proverbs 4:18;
“For the Path of the Just is as a growing light,
 shining more and more unto a Perfect Day”. 

Rochefoucauld said
“Death and the Sun are two things that no man can outstare…”
thus showing us the Sun is the Face of Death; but my Father Jesus did outstare that face,,,,

 The Path of the Just is that of the 7 Overcomings hidden in the 7 churches of Revelation which I reveal in the Gospel of Peace as the Open Book that is the first section of my book “A City Not Forsaken: My Generation, and the Revelation of Salvation Rose”.
You who read this might also recall that in 1987 the Wall fell in Germany spiritually at reagan’s speech to Gorbachev; and that happened for the reason that it was the end of Russia’s 70 Years of Babylonian Captivity from the date 1917 when the False Prophet Karl Marx took over until 1987; 1,000 years after Russia converted to Christianity in 987.
 Of this “70” years I can here reveal to you that it is the 7 Seal of the Lamb’s Book seen as these exact same 7 Decades’ starting from the first Seal of the Lamb’s Book as of the first Divine Name of Divine Knowledge, the Seal of the 7th Heaven as the Divine Name of Divine Love, 1910-1919; the next at 1920-29; the third from 1930-39;the fourth from 1940-49; the fifth from 1950-59; the next from 1960-69; and the last at 1970-79. In 1980 I was taken to London; where God spoke to me through Merlin at Shepherds Bush; fitting, and life-changing, I had come to meet Peter Townsend of the Who.
It is these that are seen, now loosed at the 7 Seals on the Lamb’s Book; and if you look you will see that the first seal was from the events of 1910 until 1919; the Second Seal was from 1920 until 1929; and so on. Each Trumpet then “resounds” at the 7th year of each Seal for 10 years; the first Trumpet at 1917 until 1927; the Second Trumpet at 1927 until 1937 and so on; of course this is a very short version of something far more complex; as in the relationship seen at the events on earth; at the Seals loosed in Heaven and heaven’s response being loosed from the Trumpets sounded on Earth; quite simple in reality, but not easily understood without guidance; but this should be enough for those of you twith discernment to see the Revelation being Revealed is that of the Lamb’s Book itself being opened; and it is this Book I now hold.
But let us look at what presaged the meeting with Hyo Jin Moon in Bay City Michigan at the end of my 40 days of Temptation after I left New Hope and my home in Newtown for the first 21 days in Canada of the 40 day course to restore the first 40 years of Rev. Moon’s own life: which I did. And then I also restored his Fall and that of My Generation also; standing in the position of the Sacrifice ITSELF; a Virgin unto God and the Lamb.

The 40 Day Course of the Restoration
of Sun Myung Moon 

Whoso Overcometh shall eat of the Tree of Life.."
“……Whoso Overcometh shall eat of the Tree of Life..”

The Tabernacle of the Lamb
and the Joshua of My Generation

The dream I had with Rev. Moon was a life-changing event for me, of course; but what I reveal here to you is known in full by none; although I did share one part of this dream with my partner Sharon Cardone, before I was driven out of her house to begin my 40 days of Temptation in the Wilderness; that started by spending 21 days in Ottawa with my first love  ( from when i had been 16 and she was 24 ); Jackie in Ottawa over the Christmas Holidays.

Her husband had recently passed away, and I joined with her, as she did not want to spend Christmas alone with just her son. But we hardly spoke as she was aghast at my conversion by Christ Jesus; as she was now in a Coven of Pagan Witches; even as Arthur had once been trained for battle by….and famously…

Barachiel; or Barakiel; as of "The Triple Blessing of God"

Barachiel; or Barakiel; as of “The Triple Blessing of God”

I then came back to the US and sent the remaining 16 days in Bay City Michigan with a woman called Linda, after 3 days at Camp Hill Michigan with a woman called Georgia. I overcame their twmptations as well.

When I went to Canada that last Christmas in my 21 day course it was by that time I had begun to reach those who did believe on me unlike Sharon Cardone; even though she was a charter founding member of the Christian Life Center Church where she ran the nursery for 12 years; and which she had founded with 11 other people including Michael Cardone whom called her “his angel’;, and she was friends with Billy Graham and Pat Robertson, and also Oral Roberts, who her husband Anthony Cardone, when alive, had helped with his four brothers; by building a wing of the Oral Roberts University, which bears the name of the Cardone Family upon it; but I could not do this 40 days of Temptation here in America; for as long as I was in America I could find no one to believe in me; I had to go to another country and then people here in America began to say that I had been given “the gift of prophecy” as Georgia and Linda testified once I was in Canada; for as my Father Lord Jesus had once said in the Gospel in his judgment on being rejected even by his own family: with these words, to wit;


“…….No prophet is without honor:
except in his own country;
and by his own kin; and in his own house……


Though Jackie was what one would call an “unbeliever” in my mission as a scribe of God; yet she still unconsciously sought the Comforter; who is the Holy Spirit in His Name, that we believers know of on earth as the Spirit of Christ Jesus; whose tTbernacle I currently am; just as Rev. Moon was in the position of Joshua until John came and replaced him, due to his leaving his position by crowning himself after his fallen marriage.

As you might recall Rev. Moon says Joshua is the figure who represented the Lord of the Second Advent; but actually the Tabernacle with the Spirit of God within it symbolized the future Body of Christ with the Father in him as the substantial incarnation of the Lord; Joshua represented the position seen later at John to “make straight the Way of the Lord”; as Joshua had cleared the Path for the Tabernacle to follow; which should be clear as “transparent glass” to anyone, in being completely self-evident.

But Mr. Moon changed the testimony in the book Divine Principle, after his failure in disclosing the Messiah at Yankee Stadium in 1976.

Crowned himself; as did Napoleon; but an adulterous marriage will not stand before the Son of Man who returns as "the Wrath of the Lamb" to the Unification Church

Crowned himself; as did Napoleon; but an adulterous marriage will not stand before the Son of Man who returns as “the Wrath of the Lamb” to the Unification Church

The Dream of Sun Myung Moon 

He who holds the Key of David bears the Cross of Christ: the Divine Principle itself.

The Coming of the Tabernacle of God; the Lamb’s Wife

The dream I had with Rev. Moon was on this wise; it happened right before the 21 months of Barack Obama’s Campaign; which was the extension of the Providence of Salvation that continued the 210 years being fulfilled in America from 4-18-1776 to 1986; followed by my 21 years in New Hope; and then came the 21 months of what all have said was a “perfect campaign” for Barack as reaching the position of Messiah for the Black race on their 430 year Foundation from 1492 in the West at the National level; as indeed it was; but I was given something before it started that I did not understand until much later. But let me give you this dream with some of it’s context in my own life and mission.
In this dream with Rev. Moon and Joe Biden it happened the night before Barack Obama announced who was going to be his runningmate as VP. But I was told in the dream it would be Joe Biden as I was told to give him a set of keys I had to a ran van; which signified his being “put in charge”; by God; a he knew DC better than Barack and would be his guide.
I was in a place that corresponded to what the beginning of the choosing of the next President would bring to America; by now I hope you realize that even though I am the least in the kingdom of heaven my Father’s servant John is the greatest: thus in the Kingdom all from the least to the greatest are present for their books to be opened; and this is why this dream was given to me: it was a sign of what was to come; for the Messiah comes to begin the Last Judgement.

This is that dream; as God is my Judge; and the 12 Apostles’ of the Lamb are my Witness; 

In my dream it began where I stood upon a street on which was a red van; very much like the van by which Sharon and I went to work at our store in New Hope from our home in Newtown everyday; but as I looked down this street I saw a cloud descend; and on this cloud I saw the most beautiful Oriental girl I had ever seen. That she was Korean should be no surprise; but she came over to me directly. I found out later that this was Miss Kim; but then I knew this not.
((At this time in my life I was still trying to make headway with Eric Holt and Jonathan Gullery at HSA-UWC Publications in New York in having them contact Rev. Moon so I could share what my Father’s servant John had told me about Rev. Moon’s mission and how things could be fixed so Rev. Moon could be the Messiah; but to no avail. By John of Patmos revealing to me that Rev. Moon was in fact the “faithful and wise steward/servant” seen at Matthew and Luke I was given the understanding of Rev. Moon’s possible Destiny in being “given all” which signifies the Crown of Glory and the Immortality that goes with it to be “crowned” the Messiah if he were found “awake” at the Lord’s return; but I was also given the understanding of Rev. Moon’s Fate if not found to be receptive to the Lord and His Servant John by which he would be then “cut asunder” and suffer the death John the Baptist had in the palace of Herod and Herodias. 
Herod and Herodias were in reality Elijah’s old foes Ahab and Jezebel; which John was aware of unconsciously; for had he admitted he was Elijah he would have consciously known who Herod and Herodias really were long before; and never gone up against the presnet incarnation of King Ahab and the High Priestess who was the daughter of the king of Sidon: Jezebel. As Elijah John would have never been so foolhardy to take on his old two enemies without Lord Jesus. Going up alone against them he was doomed; and deluded into thinking the Angel who gave him the Word would save him if anything went wrong; thus he put his trust in the Angel rather than the Lord; a big mistake. )) 
Her words at this point were this: 

“Will you leave Rev. Moon Alone?”

 It seemed that this virgin’s left breast which was before me at my right hand signified the choice to “leave Rev. Moon Alone”; thus to stop trying to correct the mistakes in the book Divine Principle and everything else I was trying to do to advance the Providence; but this was tantamount to letting Mr. Moon believe he had reached the position of the Messiah and just agree that he was, in fact, the Messiah; even though I knew full well how far he was from this final goal of his in truth. This would have then been a temptation to lie to myself by just “letting” Rev. Moon go his way; and just write him off. But this I would never do; for I know who he really is because John told me.

 If I agreed with this choice I was to kiss the virgin on her right breast.

Or will you leave Rev. Moon go Home?” 
If I agreed with this choice I was to kiss her on the left breast. 
The virgin’s right breast which was at my left signified the choice before me “to leave Mr. Moon go Home”; thus to let him die as the “evil servant” written of in the prophecy about the “faithful and wise steward” in the Gospel and thus let him”suffer his fate”.  

This temptation was therefore one of purposely letting Rev. Moon fail with my tacit consent; and even judge him as “the evil servant” and letting him die unrestored; though I was given the Seal to restore him for just the opposite reason by John.

 In telling you of this dream I am; of course, letting the reader know far more than I should; but on the basis of the tears at the grave of Hyo Jin Moon shed by those who did indeed know and love him I will tell you what happened but also tell you that it is now incumbent upon whosoever read this to follow this post to it’s conclusion; for this is of a spiritual matter that has a bearing on the Providence of God.  Nothing happens by accident in the Design of Providence.


The Temptation and the Resolution.

Faced with this Decision that now laid before these two Choices I looked back and forth at these two breasts; each like a beautiful hill; yet as I am guided with the Seal I fought down any unclean desire and tried to see how to overcome the nature of the Temptation before me and yet reply truthfully.

Our fall and our tempter....

(I am no stranger to temptation; indeed I have overcome them all which beset and destroyed my entire Generation; as they are the lost sheep of the House of Israel; Ephraim at the National level being thus Solomon magnified from the Individual level; for it was Solomon as the “Prodigal Son” whose fall caused the Fall of Israel into two and then the subsequent loss of the northern kingdom of Ephraim as of the 10 tribes which were then lost; leaving only Jerusalem and that kingdom of Judah as the one tribe with little Benjamin; all that remained due to the fall of Solomon as the Lost Sheep of Israel himself.)

As I am rightly guided by the Holy Spirit of God who is Jehovah Himself the answer came to me in a flash: so I bent down and kissed neither breast of the Korean Virgin: but I kissed instead the area between them over the virgin’s heart in the center of her chest: and my message was this:

“I will not let Rev. Moon alone”

( even though trying to restore him has been like banging my head against the Wall); 

“Nor will I let Mr. Moon go home” ( even though if he dies I will then become the Messiah):
“but I will restore him”.
As soon as I did this the Beautiful Virgin came over to me me and kissed me on the right side of my neck below my right ear: and I felt it so strongly that I rememember it to this day: for I felt it physically even though that is impossible: yet the Blessing conveyed in it happened because I had made the Right Decision. It is then I was again further tempted to take the Virgin and lead her to the Red Van; which I knew to be another Temptation which would be even more disasterous;  I had the keys in my hands but I would not open it’s doors, for I knew what would follow if I did.

My First Love

(The beautiful Korean girl who came to me in this dream knew all about this; but she also was there to test me; as I discovered quickly; for I was given a temptation by her: as my attention was drawn from her utterly radiant fact to her gown; which was sheer white; and then the gown was parted; so that her chest became uncovered.
That I was speechless is an understatement.) 

So I did not yield to this temptation either; and as I fought off this Temptation of the Virgin I saw Senator Joe Biden come walking up the street to me; and as he walked over to me I gave him the keys to the Red Van; which signified that he had been chosen to become the Vice President by Barack Obama. Then something very unusual happened again: the Van which was parked up against the building at my right side moved away with Joe Biden driving it off; and a door appeared that the Korean Virgin led me too: and we entered the building.

My Meeting with Rev. Moon. 

 Only the Pure of Heart can see God as Love  

The Crown of the Altar is the Seal of the Commandment
The Crown of the Altar is the Seal of the Commandment

 The Korean Virgin in White led me into a vast Hall; in this Hall were many tables as if there had just been a great banquet; but it seemd to be over; as there was no one there but the busboys cleaning up; and they all semed to be very sad; as if something wrong had happened.

 For those who doubt this I suggest they take a long hard look at the golden calf of Elvis; along with the conditions set up and fulfilled by the Black Race with their White supporters on the basis of the time-indemnity of the 430 years that Israel suffered in Egypt; by which Barack thus reached the position for the Black Christian Race as Messiah on the National Level. 

I found out here by the Virgin that Rev. Moon did not want Barack Obama to be President; so that is why all those at this Banquet were not too pleased; for with Joe Biden being picked it was a foregone conclusion that Barack would win and come to stand on the 430 year foundation of time-indemnity that the Black Race had paid here in Amercia from 1492 in the West; the foundation laid by Rev. King in the position of a Black Moses working with a White Aaron who happened to be Aaron Presley; whose Voice brought together the 2 races so effectively.

As an aside it is those who marched with Servant King who are then those who were in the position of those Egyptians who converted and left Egypt with Israel when they left it for the Promised Land; these being the Egyptians who hid in the houses of the Israelities when the Angel of Death walked the streets that Passover night. 
The Korean Virgin now went to another Door that stood at the back of the Hall; there were flowers wilting on the tables; but the odor was wonderful even still; and I followed her until she opened the Door and I went in. 
Rev. Moon sat at a round table that seemed very large; he had people around him who were constantly bending and whispering in his ears; and he was not smiling; in fact he seemed to be both tired and upset. The Korean Virgin went to him and told him I was there; which is because he had not even raised his head to look at me; but he did look at me at this point; and on the table in front of him were many pieces of paper with writing on them; some typed; some handwritten. 

Islam was denied their true status as the Second Israel in Rev. Moons book “Divine Principle”. Infact they are not even mentioned as having any bearing on the Providence at all.

THE MEETING WITH REV. MOON: and what Followed

Again the people on either side of Rev. Moon whispered into his ears; and I was drawn to his table although I did not sit down; I stood at his right hand; and I then took a piece of paper and wrote a little diagram: which was of the City of St. Francis called San Francisco in the position of the Southern Kingdom of Judah with SF in the position of the New Jerusalem restored from the fallen position of Sodom and across the Golden Gate from San Francisco the area to it’s North called Marin County, which therefore signified the Northern Kingdom of Israel: thus I showed him that for there to be One United Kingdom it was the Golden Gate Bridge which signified the means by which this Unification was to take place.
Rev. Moon seemd to frown; but the Virgin standing in back of him in front of me looked at me to continue even though it did not seem to make anyone happy.
The lights in this room were dim; almost a half-light of shadow and light; gloomy is how I would describe it.
I then spoke to Rev. Moon about what the Golden Gate represented in the Providence; for the Golden Gate for San Francisco as the New Jerusalem represented the Golden Gate of Jerusalem that my Father Lord Jesus rode into on Palm Sunday that was the fulfillment of the Chief portion or “Lion’s Share” of responsibility that was done for the sake of the fulfilling of the Scripture by the Messiah in His first Coming: the point being that Rev. Moon had insisted that my Father Lord Jesus fulfilled none of the duties of the Messiah; which was therefore not true; thus this was a place clearly seen where “untruth” had once again entered his book “Divine Principle”.
This news did not bring joy to those standing around Mr. Moon; as I showed him that what he had written was also the reason he did not see that Love which came to my City in 1967 was itself the Visitation of God he had missed as being the “REAL” Rapture: for God is Love; and My Generation thus represented the Children of the Resurrection as those children of all the tribes of Israel later seen gathered at Beth-El when the Internal Exodus began: at the 3 Day Seperation from Satan that the 3 days at Beth-El really represented at not the National level, but at the Universal level of “Heaven and Earth”; the Global Level being just “the whole Earth”; but our three days happened at the Universal Level; because we as the children of all the tribes of israel as “Ephraim” or the “Kingdom” restored then stood with the Black Manchild, bonding in the common mud of our Baptism of Water, after that of the Fire on the Street at San Francisco in “Our Jordan of Fire” due to LSD: from the Wheat stalk of ergot rye; which is what LSD is distilled from;  and the Harvest of the Wheat was for they who “passed the Acid test” and fought and overcame their demons…; some of “the Tares” like  Charles Manson clearly did not… of course.
Then as My Generation joined with the Black Race called “the Manchild” we then become “The Third Israel”; at what men call “Woodstock”.
But it is of the Seed of David; the singing prophets; OURS, who “prophesy on harp ( guitar)….. and timbrel….(drums)….”
And it is as that little child in his Name who I symbolize that represents the Child of the Resurrection; as that eunuch for the kingdom of heaven’s sake who took the Vow and died in Christ for them; for he who comes in the Name of Christ Jesus is he who comes in the Name of Love: which is the Name of God.
 At this point in the dream Rev. Moon looked at me with no expression at all; in fact he seemed to be looking right through me.
 He never talked to me; but I sure did talk to him with the pen and paper; but I did not speak either; as in this dream I seemed to know what everyone was thinking in words that were silent but audible.
At that point it seemed that it had gotten very late; so everyone prepared to leave; but I do remember that we seemed to shake hands; although I cannot be sure if this was what I wanted to do or something that actually happened; perhaps it will come to pass in the future.
 At the point when all came and ushered Rev. Moon out of the Banquet I woke up; but I told my partner Sharon that I had had a dream with Rev. Moon in it and that Joe Biden was going to be the choice of vice president for Barack Obama. She did not believe me; of course. But that is one of the reasons we are not together at this time as we split when I went out on my 40 days of Temptation course in the wilderness. Perhaps when the Crown is finely seen she will accept my Testimony. 
The beautiful Korean girl who came to me in this dream knew all about this; but she also was there to test me; as I discovered quickly; for I was given a temptation by her: as my attention was drawn from her utterly radiant fact to her gown; which was sheer white; and then the gown was parted; so that her chest became uncovered. That I was speechless is an understatement. 

After I told Sharon of my dream we went downstairs and heard Barack Obama say Joe Biden would be his Vice President; but Sharon still did not believe on me; even after this Sign to her from God. This is what ended up seperating us in a way; but we may still be brought together; for she is; was; and always will be: the last and greatest love of my life.

So now I will discuss what led me to Hyo Jin Moon through Bethlehem and then Bay City; as I have established the literary foundation by the hand of my Father’s servant John.

Bay City Michigan and Hyo Jin Moon.

The Coming of the Wrath of the Lamb
The Coming of the Wrath of the Lamb

 ((The Music which I wrote with Gabriel can be heard at my band Thee Unicorns is heard playing the 10 songs which make up the Song of the Lamb; copywrit with the Library of Congress.))

It is  the fact that I knew that Hyo Jin Moon sang and played guitar came to me long ago from my friend Bradford Kent Bufkin of the Unification Church, who taught me the Principle and gave me his copy of the Black Book; Divine Principle 1973 edition in 1980 on Valentines Day; which Rev. Moon had personally given him. I went off to London with Chris Lind soon after to Shepherds Bush; the Who’s old stomping grounds; to Nomis Sound Studio…Pearly Gates was there; and everyone else….she had married Cosmo Vinyl; the manager of the Clash; although I could be off on the name; it’s been awhile….might be getting him confused with Don Vinyl….

       Brad (Bryant/Kent) Bufkin went in and out of the Unification Church 3 times, trying to decide to marry Robin and see if Moon was really the Messiah; Brad picked Robin as his girl before her that he loved Roberta had married Todd Rundgren’s drummer in Utopia; and even though he now will not even talk to me I am eternally grateful to him as one of my two brothers in Christ; Michael J. Flynn the born-again Christian who taught me two things: the Gospel about the Word and our Saviour Lord Jesus Christ being the other back in the day at 1226 Masonic at Haight; who I now know as my Father Jesus. 1226 is the year in which St. Francis of Assisi died; by the way….

Thus when I went to Canada as my new “adopted country” those in America began to llisten to my message; although the media has slandered Rev. Moon so badly that even though I have showed many that Rev. Moon is a central figure in the Providence in these Last Days very few want to hear it as they have judged him; and are therefore also judged; which even though I have warned them not to do they still call him a false prophet and a false christ even though he is not; being the “Faithful and Wsie Steward” as in the Original Position of Joseph over the House of Egypt at the national level; except at the 7th or Cosmic level of Restoration into Canaan at the Universal level the entire Earth is in the position as mankind trapped in mortality as the House of Mortal Bondage called Egypt; and the entire Heaven is in the position as the Kingdom of Immortality that is the Cosmic Canaan. At this point John was put in the position of the 7th Shepherd as Rev. Moon left his position by crowning himself.
 If any reader’s here are fluent in the terminology of the Providence that Rev. Moon brought as the Blessing itself to mankind I will now unravel the circumstances of how Hyo Jin Moon came into my life after the dream I had with his father; for the keys I gave Joe Biden in my dream with the Korean Virgin represented the keys to the future Providence here in America at the National level; but as Rev. Moon is now at the position of the Korean Moses at the National Level I must do what I can to get him to the next position from that of Joshua here in America at the National level; which he indeed is fallen exactly there: which Joshua never was: but it is the one in the position of the Tabernacle who is the Child in the Name of Jesus Christ who is the Messiah; but my Father’s servant John, who now stands as Joshua in Rev. Moon’s fallen position, says Rev. Moon must be restored no matter how impossible it seems before he shortly dies; which I am to try make sure does not happen; as John always says this to me about saving Rev. Moon, to wit;
  “he to whom men have entrusted much:
shall much be required”
When I came to Bethlehem I was on my way from Camp Hill where I had met with one of my followers; but it was when I came to Bay City that things began to come together; for I knew that I was facing the point in my 40 days of temptation where the women men and fallen angels who I had spent the days resisting were going to make their last attack against me; so John told me plainly that he would have to let me face the last battle on my own.
This was because the equality with the angels that Adam was to have gained in Paradise by subduing the serpent or “angel of the devil” was for the reason that this equality with the angels cannot be given to anyone; even by God: it must be earned in the plain sight of the Host of Heaven by single combat; thus it is said that the Children of the Resurrection are equal unto the angels because they reach the number of “144” or Perfection; this being the Grail; ” the measure of a man; that is: the angel ” as that of the Wall itself which represents the “Naked holy arm of Jehovah” that protects the Bride; which the Collective Soul of the 144,000 actually is; as Mary of Bethany at the Cosmic level; even as Ephraim is the Friend of the Bridegroom; as My Generation at the Cosmic level.
Yet to overcome we also have the potential to reach the position of the Messiah if Rev. Moon dies a mortal death and so fails in his portion of responsibility; but let us talk of Hyo Jin Moon and the song “So Unbelievable”.
As I approached the 40th day of my temptation I had overcome all the temptations of the flesh a virgin might have to deal with who has vowed the Vow that is keeping one’s seed in one’s body as it is “the Word of His Patience” that Adam lost in Paradise; thus I began to sing in my heart as the Victory of my 40 days was seen as the reality it was to be; for these 40 days thus were to restore the 40 years where the Fall took place which are those from 1920 in the 40 years until 1960 when Rev. Moon decided to marry instead of recapturing his virginity and “waiting upon the Lord”.
Rev. Moon did not realize that the numbers of 1920 to 1960 were of the “20-40-60” that were those of those who were “under 20” went out and came back to enter the Promised land “40 years later” as “60 or younger” and those over 20 all went out and died: this being where the “Generation Gap” Elijah was to have healed really was about in the Resurrection; as the “heart of the sons being turned to the fathers; and the heart of the fathers being turned to the sons”; which never happened as John who was Elijah was to have started this at the Resurrection; which was to start with the Resurrection of Elijah himsefl: as the “first” who had been “the last” one left alive by Ahab and Jezebel in his first advent.
Thus the “Resurrection” was of those who would stand as they who went out to die in the Wildreness and their Children who had entered when Israel was divided that dark day: this is the real failure of John the Baptist.
                                               Our God is a Consuming Fire.
Virgin unto the Lord God
Virgin unto the Lord God

 It is this which I restored; and as I crossed the 40th day and it’s temptations one came to me with and angel of John in the positions of those angels who came to minister to the Lord when he defeated Satan after John the Baptist baptized him; and one of these angels was Hyo Jin Moon.

This happened because I had mourned when the first son of Rev. Moon Heung Jin Moon had been killed in an accident many years before; which few know of; but Brad had told me when I was still living in the City of St. Francis.

When I had mourned over the first child of Rev. Moon who died after Brad told me of the tragic circumstances surrounding the accident I had heard a fountain opened in my head that semed to come from the center of my mind; this I have also never forgotten; although I never told anyone about it; as it seemed too strange to explain to anyone; although now it makes perfect sense.

As I was singing my song of Victory (which was just a melody in my head that I could hear Gabriel was humming; I suddenly heard the voice of Hyo Jin Moon as I could see his face spiritually as started singing the words; to wit,

“So unbelievable:
they’ll be no more crying;”  

So I sang to him: “Quite unbelievable!
and no more dying;”
and then he sang ” Un-unbelievable:
A New Morning Star a’ Shining:”
 and then we sang this together:
“Nothing is Impossible now….”
As I usually write the lyrics with Gabriel this was a departure for me; but Hyo Jin began singing to me about what the Korean Virgin had said to me in the dream 21 months and 40 days before; slighty paraphrased: 
God helps those who helps others
God helps those who helps others
“O let the Blood Red Moon alone?
Or let the Blackened Sun go home?
And leave Sister Moon “alone”?
And leave Brother Sun “go home”?
(( Now as soon as I heard this I realized Hyo Jin was referring to the 6th seal which starts at 1960 when Rev. Moon got married; Mrs. Moon and Mr. Sun; but here he was using the lyrics of the Song of the Sun by St. Francis; of “Brother Sun and Sister Moon”; which was the first song ever written in the Italian Provencal tongue in Italy; for St. Francis’s real name was Giovanni; for John; he was called Francis because his father brought cloth in from France; as he was a dressmaker.))
But I then knew that Hyo Jin knew about the Dream with his father Rev. Moon and the Korean Virgin in white; but he had already been dead at that time I think; so it was he perhaps who may have sent her to me; to see if I was really the one; so then I knew he had seen me kiss her over the heart to restore Rev. Moon:
  So I sang this back to him:
“But I won’t….
No I won’t….
I will redeem them both!
So I won’t;
Christ knows I won’t: 

 So help me God Just save them both” 

Bless thee in all ways: always. Of course Kyle Toffey would not give me the money to record this so I could have given Rev. Moon a copy; I think it would have comforted him.

 Bless all  of ye who read this in the Name of my Father Jesus:
the Father of Righteousness;

Even as I am the least in the kingdom of heaven;
as my Father’s servant John is the greatest;
And to any and all who believeth my Testimony and my Witness in the Holy Spirit of Truth which is the Seventh of the 7 Spirits of God: whose 7 fold Unity is that of the Spirit of the Lord Jehovah: believe then this and be sealed with the sure promise of the Spirit of Holiness: for the Holy Spirit of God is Jehovah Himself; and accept then this: my Blessing; to wit;

 “Bless thee in the Name of my Father Jesus;
as the Day of Christ Jesus;
that the Name of Jesus Christ
be Glorified again:

For that is the Glory which sent me! ” 

The 3 Children of Fatimah as One are the Image of the Lamb; and the Children thus represent the Kingdom
  “Mary of Fatimah in 1917:
the 3 Children
of the Sun of Maryam al-Kubra
as the Signs and Wonders”

 The Providence for the Start: 40 Days and the Temptation of the Virgin. 

 For those who have read this I say:
The 3rd Course of Restoration into Canaan on the Global level. The 3rd Course of Restoration into Canaan on the Global level: ( the coming Blog is Number #4…#6; #7 )

  1917 is then the Year of the two foundations set; one of light; one of darkness; Moscow and Russia 930 years after 987 when Russia first converted to Christianity as it’s State religion; 930 years after 987 in 1917 thus signified the death of Adam in the nations; as Adam died when he was 930 years old; and as the largest land mass nation it was Russia who represented the Adam of the Nations; along with it’s angel; but it is saved by the herald of Mary at Hrushiv, “that Mighty Angel” as of the revelation in chapter 19; the Holy Angel of the Ukraine; as Ukraine represents the Soul or “Eve restored” as it’s Daughter of Wisdom as the “virgin daughter of Zion” of Russia; ask Josyp Terelya who was there at 1987 when the 70 years of the Babylonian Captivity of Russia from 1917 ended; with the 500,000 who saw The Virgin Mary at Hrushiv ( seen in his book “Witness” by Josyp Terelya ); the new daystar; Son of Michael…Rev. Moon missed this…I don’t know how…. and Fatima in Portugal; and then 1917 to 1947 where Israel was regathered in that 30 years is the Month ( “The Zion of the Holy One of Israel” is Mary the Mother of Jesus; seen in position on the Moon ( Mary of Magdala; Hill of Zion ) dressed in Sunlight as “naked and unashamed” ( Mary of Bethlehem, Zion ); at chapter 12 of the Revelation where she has the crown of 12 stars ( signifying Mary of Bethany; virgin daughter of Zion ).

The Three Mary’s all represent as One Mary the figure of Wisdom; Incarnate; as of Wisdom who put ‘three measures into one loaf’; until “the whole loaf was leavened”

 The Wall falling in 1987 is then ‘of’ the Day; and the time of my death in 2007 on October 24th with the Comet Holmes when it “exploded” one miilion times it’s size as the “Mustard Seed”;  that became the “greatest of all Herb Trees” in that one Day.
That “Great and Terrible “Day” of the Lord” that “comes as a Thief in the night..”….as now seen at the death of the Messenger Rev. Moon; September 3rd; as of September 11th…9/11;  is then ‘of’ the Hour at the 3 Day Seperation of Light and Darkness December 22nd; 23rd; 24th; and then December  25th 2012; the Day of Judgment,
      The Man who did marry Sheba; the queen of the South


  1. The ‘virgin’ from South Korea, the tempting angel, led you in your dream to Rev. Moon and his followers.

    I have two questions:

    1. Is it your belief that God sends women to tempt or would the tempting angel come from evil?

    2. Why did she then lead you to Moon’s followers and to Moon?

    By the way, you might check on the date that the Iron Wall fell. I believe it was in 1989.

    Today i started a MySpace profile of Lover of Truth:

    Wishing you well, Lover of Truth


    1. Dear Lover of Truth;

      I sent this along in case you did not get a chance to see it.
      I hope you got my other email about the “duties of the messiah”.

      “….For if you really love the truth; your heart will be your guide….”

      Thee Unicorns: The Song of the Lamb

      And Jehovah of Hosts for a Crown of Glory

      Dear All Unificationists;

      My story begins precisely in 1980 of St. Valentines Day when Bradford Kent Bufkin gave me the copy of the book Divine Principle he was given by Rev. Moon; for at that point Brad had left the Unification Church due to the questions which he was unable to answer; and the angel of the Lord led him to me.

      Brad had given me an understanding of the Principle that was the fruit of his own labors of many years; but even though he knew that Rev. Moon was no ordinary man he still could not bring himself to call him the Messiah; he knew there was something wrong; but he could not put his finger on it.

      But let me give you some background on myself; for if you are sincere in your question of who I am it might be best if you some idea why things have come to their present pass; and a dark time it is; as ye well know; the darkest there hath ever been; yet there is an answer; for I am the Phoenix of New Hope who arose from the ashes of the City of St. Francis when it fell to the position of Sodom spiritually; and I was led by the angel of John to New Hope PA; even as Lot was led out of Sodom originally; to Zoar; which is what the angel calls me: little one. It was written in Isaiah long ago about me and Rev. Moon; to wit;

      “….For a Small One shall become a strong Nation;

      ((Moon as Korea))

      and a Little One shall become a thousand….”

      ((me as 144 times 1,000: 144,000))

      “At the Last Trump…..”Zoar means “little one”; as Lot said to the angels Michael and Gabriel who came to the Tent of Abraham with the Holy Spirit of God who is Jehovah Himself; but let us begin with my grandmother; Sophia Ruth Witt-Diamant; who started the SF Poetry Center in 1954, a year before I was born in 1955 as what was then San Francisco State College; it is now SF State University; and the Poetry Center now bears her name; for in a curious way it is this little Jewish lady from Germantown Philadelphia who came west to the City of San Francisco that might give you an idea of how all this happened; for I did not choose what happened to me; I was chosen because of where I was born and why my Father took me to Himself; for I was born in Nuremburg Germany; to American parents as my documents from the American Consulate state; which will be a problem if I run for President; for I was actually born on American soil in Germany; as every consulate represents the land of it’s origin; as you might know; or if not; you do now.

      My grandmother started the Poetry Center because she was a Profesor of English Literature and especially poetry; but it is her relationship with two figures which has the larger bearing on this; for they were Dylan Thomas and Anais Nin; both of whom spent much time at her house at 1520 Willard st. on Parnassus Heights; close to Golden Gate Park: and Haight st.

      Dylan died in San Francisco; which is not generally known; as it was a scandal at the time; for when the police arrested him wandering around drunk in North Beach he was so inebriated that they though he was on narcotics; and to “bring him down” they gave him a drug which instantly cleanses the body of drugs: unfortunately it killed him; as he was high not on drugs; but a copious amount of alcohol.

      Dylan wrote poems about the beer that continually “appeared” in my grandmother’s refrigerator as if by magic; but his death was a tragic blow to everyone; for he was special; as one Robert Zimmerman discovered when he began to read Dylan’s poetry; though non have recognized the connection between Dylan and his living nome-de-plume who took over where Aaron Presley fell: as the golden calf of Elvis is not known but to a few; but let us get to the business at hand: and a dark and unhappy tale it is.

      My relationship with Brad Bufkin need not impinge too much on this story; we were musicians in SF at a time when all I sought was Fame and Fortune; not knowing that they are but the Name and Number of the Beast; and if you want to know how I overcame the Beast then I suggest you start at I Kings 10:14; for the name of the man who was given the 666 talents of gold in one year was Solomon; but Solomon is the also the Prodigal Son; the lost sheep of Israel; and that is who is typing this email to you; although I prefer to call it a letter; as that is what it really is.

      Where were we? Ah yes; Brad Bufkin; who went back and forth into the Unification Church at least three times that I know of; but in the book he was given from Rev. Moon that is the black book published in 1973 is where this story affects you; and the others who were made the heirs of salvation; although not in the way that you all might expect.

      I was widely read when I was given this book “Divine Principle”; and as I had studied the Sufis and particularly the Bezels of Wisdom by Ibn el Arabi I realized that this was no ordinary work; in fact I knew that it was of the same order as another book: the Qur’an; another Recitation one might say; for “Qur’an” means recitation in Arabic; although few know why why Gabriel gave Muhammed the Curse that it was on Israel by which Jacob lost the title of Israel and it came instead to another nation: Islam; in fact; for in truth it is a Curse that goes all the way back to Moses that falls on Israel in the Qur’an; but it is a Blessing for he who was loyal in the position of Cain even as John the Baptist was disloyal in the position of Abel; for Jesus came forth in the position of Issac; yet it is Muhammed who is he who Ascended in the Night of Power as Ishmael; who replaced John the Baptist who indeed was in that very position so that all things could have been restored right at the start: but not in the way Rev. Moon sees it: and for the same accusation John had in own heart; alas!

      If you think I am speaking of the fact that Rev. Moon believes that Zacharias was the earthly father of Jesus then you are correct; but Rev. Moon believes this consciously; even as John the Baptist did unconsciously; but it is this one accusation which stopped John from reaching the Seal of the Living God by which he could have come forth in the Spirit and the Power of Elijah: which he did not; and this is why he did not one miracle: and the disciples of the Lamb did many; too many, acccording to Rev. Moon; but let us not get too far ahead of ourselves.

      Make yourself some tea; or coffee; for mine angel tells me you are not all who you appear to be; so we will discuss a few things first; and then we get down to brass tacks; for the time is short: and the Last Hour of the Last Day cometh quickly. That we are at the Last Day is how I was raised from the dead by John; just as Lazurus was raised by Jesus; but let me first give you the reason the book of Rev. Moon came about in the first place; for in the book I copied down from the Angel of John these last 21 years came after the 210 years from 4-18-1776 of that ride from Paul Revere.

      I indeed came to New Hope at 4-18-1986 for a reason: as after my 21 year course another began his 21 month course: and he became President: Barack Hussein Obama; who reached the position of National Messiah on the foundation of the 430 years in the West that the Black Race suffered the Indemnity on the pattern of Israel in Egypt for their 430 years; for our black Moses was Servant King; Martin Luther King appearing 430 years after Martin Luther at 1517; although why Rev. Moon did not publicize this fact goes to the heart of the jealousy that has destroyed the Unification Church that John is now putting back together: piece by piece.

      King’s white brother was Aaron Presley; whose Voice was given to him to bring together the Black and White races here in America as the Foundation of Salvation itself by which every race and tongue and people on the face of the earth would be united: and it shall happen; for that it God’s Will.

      If you doubt what I say then I would advise you to take a very very long look at the Golden Calf of Elvis: and then wonder to yourself why both Servant King and Prince Aaron both died in Memphis: the only city in America named after a city in Egypt: and not just any city; for Memphis was the ancient capital of Egypt when the 2 kingdoms were united; a necropolis where only the “dead’ or priests of Osiris lived; a royal city; the City of Destuction is what I call it in my book “The Revelation of Salvation: the Regeneration of John the Divine”.

      King was 40 ((39 actually)); and Aaron was 42; if you look at the cloud at Revelation 11:11-12 you will see the Two who have been raised; for that cloud upon which stand Servant King as our Moses and Prince Aaron Presley as our Aaron is the Spirit of man which goeth upwards; even as the White Cloud upon which I sit at Revelation 14:14 is the Spirit of Christ: and the Sharp Sickle I hold in my hand is this Saying of my Father Jesus; to wit;

      “And call NO MAN ON EARTH your FATHER:

      for One is your Father: who is in Heaven….”

      The Baraka of the Sufis: the Barque of MuhammedMy 21 Day course took me to Canada for Christmas; and this was also during my 40 days of Temptation to keep the Vow which took me 21 years to keep completely before I was given the Seal of the Living God; and given the Revelation of Jesus Christ which just happens to be the Book of Life of the Lamb; just as the Revelation of St. John the Divine happens to be the Ark of the Testament in which this Book was carried by the 12 Apostles of the Lamb: and where I found it when it was entrusted to me to begin the Restoration for the Last Judgement: for did you not wonder why the Lord would return?

      To finish what he started; which is why I am about my Father’s business: his unfinished business; one might say. Now where was I? O yes; Brad Bukfin.

      I realized immediately that this book “Divine Principle” from which he taught me about the Providence was no ordinary book because I could tell it was transcribed; that is; it was written by other than ordinary means. As I went through the histroy of the Providence with Brad I could see that Rev. Moon had indeed been called by God to do something on this earth; but Brad and I differed in what we thought this was.

      What seperated us was the fact that Rev. Moon said the Holy Spirit was female; but since I had experienced the Holy Spirit I knew it was not female; the Holy Spirit itself being the Unity of the 7 Spirits of God which is the Spirit of the Lord Jehovah; and the Holy Spirit of God is Jehovah Himself; as I am writing to you in the Holy Spirit of Truth itself right now; the 7th of the 7 Spirits of God. This is of the 7th Trumpet; the Principle of Truth itself.

      But let us see if you are really sincere in your question: for I did not sacrifice my morning to write this without a reason; and that is known to the Angel of John; who stands upon Patmos itself as I write this; for as his pen is still upon the page he has not died yet; and that is the Door which was opened to me; and if you do not believe me then I suggest you look at the 2 beasts of Revelation itself from the Sea and the Earth; for the first came forth in 1917; the False Prophet being Karl Marx who took Russia at 1917 to begin their 70 year period of Babylonian Captivity which ended at 1987; 1,000 years after Russia converted in 987; the 1,000 period which no one could place: until now; of course.

      This was at the same time when the 3 Children of Fatimah came forth as that Image of the Lamb; the “3-in-one” Lamb who represents the Kingdom of God; who symbolized the 3 Nations of the Allies that is the Lamb who sits upon the White Horse.

      It is the Children of the Sun of Faith being themselves who are “the signs and the Wonders” that were the Providence for the start of the Third course of Restoration into Canaan on the Global level; and the Wonder of the Sun of Fatimah is unknown to Rev. Moon: but not to me; not to Isaiah who first described it; for the Sun of Mary of Fatimah is who “I” am; who Muhammed called “the Son of Mary”; that Mary being Maryam al-Kubra; the Daughter of Muhammed himself at the Cosmic level; the Greater Mary being of the Fatimah in Portugal which is the Islamic Bethlehem; even Bethlehem Ephraim: 2 Times fruitful; for at the Individual level I am Solomon; but at the National level I am Ephraim: even My Generation as the Manchild of Israel that stands for America; the lost sheep of the House of Israel; the Prodigal Nation of the lost 10 tribes themselves.

      Present day Israel is really in the position of the kingdom of Judah; even as America represents the kingdom of Israel. And they shall become One again; for there is only One Israel; One Sheeppfold; and One Shepherd.

      The “3-in-one” of our Lamb and his Kingdom;

      and their Satanic One of their Anti-Judah: 2 horns of Karl Marx;

      The False Prophet as the Global Balaam

      That is 1917; where the 2 kingdoms came up and were seen as seperating the earth into the Free nations of the West as Opposed to the Bondsmen nations of the East; Democracy and Communism respectively. Thus we have the Lamb facing one who “appears with 2 horns of a lamb” (( which are the stolen first principles of communism and socialism of the first church; for when they took all their goods and sold them and put them at the feet of the Apostle’s it was pure communism; and when the Apostle’s took the goods and first took care of the old and the sick; then the widows and orphans; then the poor; and lastly themselves it was pure socialism.)) and the lamb “speaks as a dragon”; in fact he talks like a Dragon who is the soul of Satan the Devil: and he talks the philosophy of Atheism.

      Yes; it’s Karl Marx all right; the False Prophet himself. And 930 years after 987 when Russia converted brings us to 1917: 400 years after: 1517; wouldn’t you know it? And 930 years after 987 is 930 years; as of the age of 930 years when Adam “died” as it is recorded in Genesis; and this is no coincidence; as you may be sure; Russia as the largest nation representing Adam himself at the global level.

      The 3-in-one of their Satanic Kingdom; the Anti-Israel: 10 horns of the Beast; the Fallen Nature on the Global Level;

      The Axis and False Christ as the Global Canaan:

      And the appearence of our Angelic One: Our Messenger of the Lamb

      But in 1936 something else happens; the “3-in-one” Beast from the Sea that is the Axis appears: which has Japan in the position of the Lion who represented Babylon with the Head and Mouth of the Lion ((with it’s big mouth proclaiming the divinity of the Yellow Race ( sound familiar? ) )), Germany in the position of the Body of the Leopard which represented Greece (( take a look at the motorized armor of Germany like the fast phalanxes of Phillip of Macedon and then his son Alexander)), and the Italy in the position of the Feet of the Bear Medo-Persia (( didn’t you ever wonder why Italy looks so much like a boot? Even the facist boot of Facism itself));

      The Unicorns have come down…………..and 4-18 on Easter in 1936 we have on that Korean hillside where the Angel of Christ appeared to Sun Myung Moon; giving him the mission called in the Gospel “the Faithful and Wise Steward/servant” written of in Luke and Matthew.

      As “the Faithful and Wise Steward” mentioned in the Gospel it was Rev. Moon who was put in the Original Position of Joseph to bring forth “the meat in due season” as the counterpoint to to the philosophy of Marx based on his left-wing Hegelian brand of Dialectical Materialism; which is the earth the False Prophet came up from.

      That “meat in due season” is the book “Divine Principle” which was given to him for that “famine in the last days” spoken of by the prophets as “not a famine for bread” as it is written: but ” for The Word of God”; just as Joseph was given charge over the House of Pharaoh to feed Israel’s sons and Jacob himself in their famine: the exactness of the correspondence should be obvious as “clear transparent glass” to anyone who has even a smattering of understanding of the book of Rev. Moon.

      The Destiny and the Fate of the faithful and Wise Steward is spelled out in simple but telling detail in the Gospel at Luke and Matthew; this is because the Angel of Christ was speaking to Sun Myung Moon in Korea in 1936 at the same time Jesus Christ was speaking of the “the Faithful and Wise Steward” in Israel 1936 years beforehand.

      Angels can do that.

      Rev. Moon’s Destiny if he had been allowed to be in contact with me and my Father’s servant John would thus have been to correct his mistakes and reach the Crown of Glory by first Sealing the 144,000 who were to produce the 144,000 Virgins from the 4 races; 36,000 from the black race; 36,000 from the white race; 36,000 from the red race; and 36,000 from the yellow race.

      The Seal of the Living God can be found in my “Open Letter to Rev. Moon” at if you scroll down to the section called “The Seal of the Living God” which explains how that “Holy Thing” we call the Lamb of God was created; and this Seal is what I was given to restore exactly what Rev. Moon did not do to overcome the Devil on the Global Level when he decided to take the Satanic Accusation of John the Baptist he held secretly as his own: which brings us to this: for it is the Accusation of John the Baptist and Sun Myung Moon which makes their common identity in “time-indemnity” as “one and the same”; in other words they are the same person in the eyes of God because Rev. Moon did not overcome John’s accusation as his own portion of responsiblity. And as not “seperated” from John’s error Rev. Moon did not seperate himself from his “shadow” or “fallen nature”; as his body was given to him as a substitute for John’s in our Day; much as John’s was given to him as the vessel for Elijah in Jesus’s Day.

      Which is why the Angel of John in the City of St. Francis came to me and you are reading this letter: as you should by now well know.

      John the Baptist’s accusation of his own father Zacharias with Mary is how Satan invaded the foundation of his own miraculous conception; which stood for that of the Pigeon on the Altar; even as the conception of Jesus was of that of the Dove on the Altar of Abraham; which is at wordpress in my published posts and can be easily found.

      If you go you can read about the Altar of Abraham and it’s true explanation as compared with Rev. Moon’s “Divine Principle”: paragraph by paragraph; put right from the Divine Principle itself: mine; not Rev. Moon’s. I call his instead “the book of Rev. Moon”.

      The Divine Principle

      is the Key of David

      The Holy Unicorn of a City not Forsaken: the City of St. FrancisThe Key of David is the Divine Principle embodied in the Cross of Christ; that Rev. Moon missed the fact that the Key of David is the Cross of Christ is no longer of interest to me; the Restoration of where he went wrong is; for John the Baptist’s real mistake is that in saying he was Elijah he would would have been the first one to begin The Resurrection: and it is THIS Resurrection which did not happen then because he denied it; thus nullifying his portion of responsibility due to his accusation against his own father Zacharias. And this is what has happened NOW; again; and for eactly the same reason. THIS is what the “problem” is that I have to restore; along with the 3 Great Errors in Rev. Moon’s book which are as follows:

      The 3 Great Errors of Rev. Moon’s Book “Divine Principle”

      1.) That Lord Jesus did not rise in the flesh when he did indeed rise; flesh and bone; as even “Doubting Thomas” saw as “the least in faith” of the 12 Apostle’s.

      That Rev. Moon did not even reach the lowest standard of faith as of the Apostle’s is the reason he has no “wedding Garment”; as in denying Jesus his own flesh and bone Rev. Moon is naked before God: and not in a good way; let me assure you.

      2.) That the Holy Spirit is “Female” when the Holy Spirit of God is Jehovah Himself; Rev. Moon saying this in his book as being where “Isis” as “the queen of Egypt” whose name is “Mystery” invaded; she being the “beautiful Face of the dragon” that Jezebel wore when she was thrown down from the high window from her “ivory tower” of lies.

      Herodias was of course Jezebel just as John was Elijah; thus in not bonding with his Master John went up against “Jezebel/Herodias and Ahab/Herod” alone: and we know how he was “cut asunder”; like Rev. Moon will be if he doesn’t contact me: and sooner; not later.

      3.) That Jesus and the Holy Spirit are “Married”; this is where “Sodom” invaded; and “Sodom” is the “tail of the dragon”; which the Greeks called “the arrow of Cupid” by which all the gods fell; but these gods are but the fallen angels of not Cupid but Satan the Devil who fell by his seduction by the daughters of men upon Baal Hermon; the Holy Mount of Transfiguration that Greece they call Olympus; but the 144,00 who stand upon it with the Lamb call it Mt. Sion and not Mt. Hermon.

      For the Son and the Holy Spirit in His Name which God sent down on Pentecost are not “male and female” but “Male” as the Son or First Comforter and the sent “Male Spirit of Christ” or Second Comforter which is what the Holy Spirit in the Name of God really is: the Spirit of Christ itself. These are the two David spoke of: “thy Rod and thy Staff Comfort me”.

      In “marrying” these two instead of Jesus of Nazareth and Mary of Bethany who are my own True Parents Rev. Moon effectively allowed Sodom to invade the House he was set over until his Lord and Master returned: which they have; as John the Divine is the “Master of the House” in the position of Joshua even as I am “the House” in the position of the Tabernacle of God. The little child in His Name; which is the Name of Christ Jesus; which is the Name of Love: which is the Name of God.

      Servant King and Aaron Presley both fell because the “Scarlet Beast” who is Red China struck them both with the object of the Mao’s “Little Red Book” as the very place where the False Prophet was able to invade My Generation for not wanting to fight him in Vietnam: this happened due to the fact that our “racist Egyptian shadow” from Egypt’s 430 years was in sending all the first born black males of the Black race it could find to go die on the front lines of Vietnam against the Yellow race; which was eerily close to the policy of Pharaoh in drowning all the first born males of Israel in the River Nile: but this will come out in my book; if I can ever finish the final edit.

      But of Rev. Moon’s own marriage where he tried to “take the kingdom of heaven by violence” we have the real reason why San Francisco fell; 7 years after his own disasterous “marriage” seen so clearly at the 6th Seal on the Open Book I hold; for the 7 Seals on the Lamb’s Book are 7 decades or 10 years each of events that occur on earth: the first being from the years 1910-1919; the Second Seal being of the years 1920-1929; and so on until 1970-1979: the year before I went to England and met the Angel; the Year I was given Rev. Moon’s book by Brad Bufkin; and 7 years before the Wall of Babylon fell at the Global level.

      The Trumpets Sound on the 7th year of each Seal and illustrate the 10 years 7 years after each Seal is loosed as to the “response” of heaven to the events on earth at the 7 Seals; starting at 1917 to 1926; then at 1927 to 1936; then 1937 to 1946; then 1947 (when Israel was regathered and Rev. King was 18) to 1956, then 1957 to 1966; then 1967 to 1976; then 1977 to 1986: when I came to New Hope. The 7th Trumpet does not stop in 1986: in fact it never stops; for all that is written in the Revelations of John and Jesus after the 7th Seal is what we are currently experiencing: including what I am telling you.

      I hold the Open Book; and as revealing that Sun Myung Moon is John the Baptist though he deny it I stand in the position of the Lamb when he revealed that John the Baptist was Elijah the Prophet: although he denied it then as well; but for Rev. Moon to reach his Destiny as spelled out in the Prophecy of the “Faithful and Wise Steward” and become Immortal can only happen if SOMEONE contacts him and gets him to come to me BEFORE it is too late: otherwise he will suffer the fate of “that evil servant” written of in that prophecy and be “cut asunder” in the position of John the Baptist in the Palace of Herod; victory number 2 for Jezebel: whom Rev. Moon MARRIED this time; as “the High Priestess of Isis” he calls “the female holy spirit”. By doing so this is where The Harlot invaded; and she holds in her hand the Golden Cup: the Cosmic Principle of Indemnity itself.

      Ah well: enough; I have other work to do; I only hope that perhaps you or someone who is more responsible than either Eric Holt and Jonathan Gullery who I contacted years ago about this at HSA-UWC and then Bob Selle and then Phillip Schenkar: and everyone else; but it mattereth not; for if Rev. Moon dies in the position of John the Baptist then I will be the Messiah: by default; which brings me absolutely no joy; for to escape his Fate as being “cut asunder” for Rev. Moon as the “faithful and wise steward” he would have been looking or waiting just for someone like me to “appear” out of nowhere with “something”; and this “something” is the Key of David I was given when I took my Vow shortly afterwards of “a eunuch for the kingdom of heaven’s sake”; which took 21 years to keep. Yea; as of Egypt who Isaiah walked naked upon for 3 and a half years; 1,260 days; 42 months: who vowed a Vow: and then Kept It.

      In closing I will simply say that it is the Children of the Resurrection who are the 144,000 virgins or “eunuchs” that are the “Clouds of his Coming”; and as one of them I speak for them; one who reached the measure of 144; that is of a man; that is: of the angel. A little one shall become a thousand: 144 times a thousand: 144,000; the Clouds themselves:

      Or Altogether One Big Cloud; the White Cloud of Revelation 14:14 upon which the Son of Man sits that is the Spirit of Christ: and the Son of Man is Christ; have no doubt of that.

      Hope to hear from you all who read this with an Ear to hear;

      “Bless thee in the Name of my Father Jesus,

      in the Day of Christ Jesus,

      that the Name of Jesus Christ be Glorifed Again;


      For THAT is “the glory which sent me”

      In Love;

      the Mighty God of Jacob

      christopher witt diamant:

      the Wrath of the Lamb,

      the Child in His Name

      PS: for some additional articles


    2. This was at the same time when the 3 Children of Fatimah came forth as that Image of the Lamb; the “3-in-one” Lamb who represents the Kingdom of God; who symbolized the 3 Nations of the Allies that is the Lamb who sits upon the White Horse.

      It is the Children of the Sun of Faith being themselves who are “the signs and the Wonders” that were the Providence for the start of the Third course of Restoration into Canaan on the Global level; and the Wonder of the Sun of Fatimah is unknown to Rev. Moon: but not to me; not to Isaiah who first described it; for the Sun of Mary of Fatimah is who “I” am; who Muhammed called “the Son of Mary”; that Mary being Maryam al-Kubra; the Daughter of Muhammed himself at the Cosmic level; the Greater Mary being of the Fatimah in Portugal which is the Islamic Bethlehem; even Bethlehem Ephraim: 2 Times fruitful; for at the Individual level I am Solomon; but at the National level I am Ephraim: even My Generation as the Manchild of Israel that stands for America; the lost sheep of the House of Israel; the Prodigal Nation of the lost 10 tribes themselves.

      Present day Israel is really in the position of the kingdom of Judah; even as America represents the kingdom of Israel. And they shall become One again; for there is only One Israel; One Sheeppfold; and One Shepherd.

      The “3-in-one” of our Lamb and his Kingdom;

      and their Satanic One of their Anti-Judah: 2 horns of Karl Marx;

      The False Prophet as the Global Balaam

      That is 1917; where the 2 kingdoms came up and were seen as seperating the earth into the Free nations of the West as Opposed to the Bondsmen nations of the East; Democracy and Communism respectively. Thus we have the Lamb facing one who “appears with 2 horns of a lamb” (( which are the stolen first principles of communism and socialism of the first church; for when they took all their goods and sold them and put them at the feet of the Apostle’s it was pure communism; and when the Apostle’s took the goods and first took care of the old and the sick; then the widows and orphans; then the poor; and lastly themselves it was pure socialism.)) and the lamb “speaks as a dragon”; in fact he talks like a Dragon who is the soul of Satan the Devil: and he talks the philosophy of Atheism.

      Yes; it’s Karl Marx all right; the False Prophet himself. And 930 years after 987 when Russia converted brings us to 1917: 400 years after: 1517; wouldn’t you know it? And 930 years after 987 is 930 years; as of the age of 930 years when Adam “died” as it is recorded in Genesis; and this is no coincidence; as you may be sure; Russia as the largest nation representing Adam himself at the global level.

      The 3-in-one of their Satanic Kingdom; the Anti-Israel: 10 horns of the Beast; the Fallen Nature on the Global Level;

      The Axis and False Christ as the Global Canaan:

      And the appearence of our Angelic One: Our Messenger of the Lamb

      But in 1936 something else happens; the “3-in-one” Beast from the Sea that is the Axis appears: which has Japan in the position of the Lion who represented Babylon with the Head and Mouth of the Lion ((with it’s big mouth proclaiming the divinity of the Yellow Race ( sound familiar? ) )), Germany in the position of the Body of the Leopard which represented Greece (( take a look at the motorized armor of Germany like the fast phalanxes of Phillip of Macedon and then his son Alexander)), and the Italy in the position of the Feet of the Bear Medo-Persia (( didn’t you ever wonder why Italy looks so much like a boot? Even the facist boot of Facism itself));

      The Unicorns have come down…………..and 4-18 on Easter in 1936 we have on that Korean hillside where the Angel of Christ appeared to Sun Myung Moon; giving him the mission called in the Gospel “the Faithful and Wise Steward/servant” written of in Luke and Matthew.

      As “the Faithful and Wise Steward” mentioned in the Gospel it was Rev. Moon who was put in the Original Position of Joseph to bring forth “the meat in due season” as the counterpoint to to the philosophy of Marx based on his left-wing Hegelian brand of Dialectical Materialism; which is the earth the False Prophet came up from.

      That “meat in due season” is the book “Divine Principle” which was given to him for that “famine in the last days” spoken of by the prophets as “not a famine for bread” as it is written: but ” for The Word of God”; just as Joseph was given charge over the House of Pharaoh to feed Israel’s sons and Jacob himself in their famine: the exactness of the correspondence should be obvious as “clear transparent glass” to anyone who has even a smattering of understanding of the book of Rev. Moon.

      The Destiny and the Fate of the faithful and Wise Steward is spelled out in simple but telling detail in the Gospel at Luke and Matthew; this is because the Angel of Christ was speaking to Sun Myung Moon in Korea in 1936 at the same time Jesus Christ was speaking of the “the Faithful and Wise Steward” in Israel 1936 years beforehand.

      Angels can do that.

      Rev. Moon’s Destiny if he had been allowed to be in contact with me and my Father’s servant John would thus have been to correct his mistakes and reach the Crown of Glory by first Sealing the 144,000 who were to produce the 144,000 Virgins from the 4 races; 36,000 from the black race; 36,000 from the white race; 36,000 from the red race; and 36,000 from the yellow race.

      The Seal of the Living God can be found in my “Open Letter to Rev. Moon” at if you scroll down to the section called “The Seal of the Living God” which explains how that “Holy Thing” we call the Lamb of God was created; and this Seal is what I was given to restore exactly what Rev. Moon did not do to overcome the Devil on the Global Level when he decided to take the Satanic Accusation of John the Baptist he held secretly as his own: which brings us to this: for it is the Accusation of John the Baptist and Sun Myung Moon which makes their common identity in “time-indemnity” as “one and the same”; in other words they are the same person in the eyes of God because Rev. Moon did not overcome John’s accusation as his own portion of responsiblity. And as not “seperated” from John’s error Rev. Moon did not seperate himself from his “shadow” or “fallen nature”; as his body was given to him as a substitute for John’s in our Day; much as John’s was given to him as the vessel for Elijah in Jesus’s Day.

      Which is why the Angel of John in the City of St. Francis came to me and you are reading this letter: as you should by now well know.

      John the Baptist’s accusation of his own father Zacharias with Mary is how Satan invaded the foundation of his own miraculous conception; which stood for that of the Pigeon on the Altar; even as the conception of Jesus was of that of the Dove on the Altar of Abraham; which is at wordpress in my published posts and can be easily found.

      If you go you can read about the Altar of Abraham and it’s true explanation as compared with Rev. Moon’s “Divine Principle”: paragraph by paragraph; put right from the Divine Principle itself: mine; not Rev. Moon’s. I call his instead “the book of Rev. Moon”.

      The Divine Principle

      is the Key of David

      The Holy Unicorn of a City not Forsaken: the City of St. FrancisThe Key of David is the Divine Principle embodied in the Cross of Christ; that Rev. Moon missed the fact that the Key of David is the Cross of Christ is no longer of interest to me; the Restoration of where he went wrong is; for John the Baptist’s real mistake is that in saying he was Elijah he would would have been the first one to begin The Resurrection: and it is THIS Resurrection which did not happen then because he denied it; thus nullifying his portion of responsibility due to his accusation against his own father Zacharias. And this is what has happened NOW; again; and for eactly the same reason. THIS is what the “problem” is that I have to restore; along with the 3 Great Errors in Rev. Moon’s book which are as follows:

      The 3 Great Errors of Rev. Moon’s Book “Divine Principle”

      1.) That Lord Jesus did not rise in the flesh when he did indeed rise; flesh and bone; as even “Doubting Thomas” saw as “the least in faith” of the 12 Apostle’s.

      That Rev. Moon did not even reach the lowest standard of faith as of the Apostle’s is the reason he has no “wedding Garment”; as in denying Jesus his own flesh and bone Rev. Moon is naked before God: and not in a good way; let me assure you.

      2.) That the Holy Spirit is “Female” when the Holy Spirit of God is Jehovah Himself; Rev. Moon saying this in his book as being where “Isis” as “the queen of Egypt” whose name is “Mystery” invaded; she being the “beautiful Face of the dragon” that Jezebel wore when she was thrown down from the high window from her “ivory tower” of lies.

      Herodias was of course Jezebel just as John was Elijah; thus in not bonding with his Master John went up against “Jezebel/Herodias and Ahab/Herod” alone: and we know how he was “cut asunder”; like Rev. Moon will be if he doesn’t contact me: and sooner; not later.

      3.) That Jesus and the Holy Spirit are “Married”; this is where “Sodom” invaded; and “Sodom” is the “tail of the dragon”; which the Greeks called “the arrow of Cupid” by which all the gods fell; but these gods are but the fallen angels of not Cupid but Satan the Devil who fell by his seduction by the daughters of men upon Baal Hermon; the Holy Mount of Transfiguration that Greece they call Olympus; but the 144,00 who stand upon it with the Lamb call it Mt. Sion and not Mt. Hermon.

      For the Son and the Holy Spirit in His Name which God sent down on Pentecost are not “male and female” but “Male” as the Son or First Comforter and the sent “Male Spirit of Christ” or Second Comforter which is what the Holy Spirit in the Name of God really is: the Spirit of Christ itself. These are the two David spoke of: “thy Rod and thy Staff Comfort me”.

      In “marrying” these two instead of Jesus of Nazareth and Mary of Bethany who are my own True Parents Rev. Moon effectively allowed Sodom to invade the House he was set over until his Lord and Master returned: which they have; as John the Divine is the “Master of the House” in the position of Joshua even as I am “the House” in the position of the Tabernacle of God. The little child in His Name; which is the Name of Christ Jesus; which is the Name of Love: which is the Name of God.

      Servant King and Aaron Presley both fell because the “Scarlet Beast” who is Red China struck them both with the object of the Mao’s “Little Red Book” as the very place where the False Prophet was able to invade My Generation for not wanting to fight him in Vietnam: this happened due to the fact that our “racist Egyptian shadow” from Egypt’s 430 years was in sending all the first born black males of the Black race it could find to go die on the front lines of Vietnam against the Yellow race; which was eerily close to the policy of Pharaoh in drowning all the first born males of Israel in the River Nile: but this will come out in my book; if I can ever finish the final edit.

      But of Rev. Moon’s own marriage where he tried to “take the kingdom of heaven by violence” we have the real reason why San Francisco fell; 7 years after his own disasterous “marriage” seen so clearly at the 6th Seal on the Open Book I hold; for the 7 Seals on the Lamb’s Book are 7 decades or 10 years each of events that occur on earth: the first being from the years 1910-1919; the Second Seal being of the years 1920-1929; and so on until 1970-1979: the year before I went to England and met the Angel; the Year I was given Rev. Moon’s book by Brad Bufkin; and 7 years before the Wall of Babylon fell at the Global level.

      The Trumpets Sound on the 7th year of each Seal and illustrate the 10 years 7 years after each Seal is loosed as to the “response” of heaven to the events on earth at the 7 Seals; starting at 1917 to 1926; then at 1927 to 1936; then 1937 to 1946; then 1947 (when Israel was regathered and Rev. King was 18) to 1956, then 1957 to 1966; then 1967 to 1976; then 1977 to 1986: when I came to New Hope. The 7th Trumpet does not stop in 1986: in fact it never stops; for all that is written in the Revelations of John and Jesus after the 7th Seal is what we are currently experiencing: including what I am telling you.

      I hold the Open Book; and as revealing that Sun Myung Moon is John the Baptist though he deny it I stand in the position of the Lamb when he revealed that John the Baptist was Elijah the Prophet: although he denied it then as well; but for Rev. Moon to reach his Destiny as spelled out in the Prophecy of the “Faithful and Wise Steward” and become Immortal can only happen if SOMEONE contacts him and gets him to come to me BEFORE it is too late: otherwise he will suffer the fate of “that evil servant” written of in that prophecy and be “cut asunder” in the position of John the Baptist in the Palace of Herod; victory number 2 for Jezebel: whom Rev. Moon MARRIED this time; as “the High Priestess of Isis” he calls “the female holy spirit”. By doing so this is where The Harlot invaded; and she holds in her hand the Golden Cup: the Cosmic Principle of Indemnity itself.

      Ah well: enough; I have other work to do; I only hope that perhaps you or someone who is more responsible than either Eric Holt and Jonathan Gullery who I contacted years ago about this at HSA-UWC and then Bob Selle and then Phillip Schenkar: and everyone else; but it mattereth not; for if Rev. Moon dies in the position of John the Baptist then I will be the Messiah: by default; which brings me absolutely no joy; for to escape his Fate as being “cut asunder” for Rev. Moon as the “faithful and wise steward” he would have been looking or waiting just for someone like me to “appear” out of nowhere with “something”; and this “something” is the Key of David I was given when I took my Vow shortly afterwards of “a eunuch for the kingdom of heaven’s sake”; which took 21 years to keep. Yea; as of Egypt who Isaiah walked naked upon for 3 and a half years; 1,260 days; 42 months: who vowed a Vow: and then Kept It.

      In closing I will simply say that it is the Children of the Resurrection who are the 144,000 virgins or “eunuchs” that are the “Clouds of his Coming”; and as one of them I speak for them; one who reached the measure of 144; that is of a man; that is: of the angel. A little one shall become a thousand: 144 times a thousand: 144,000; the Clouds themselves:

      Or Altogether One Big Cloud; the White Cloud of Revelation 14:14 upon which the Son of Man sits that is the Spirit of Christ: and the Son of Man is Christ; have no doubt of that.

      Hope to hear from you all who read this with an Ear to hear;

      “Bless thee in the Name of my Father Jesus,

      in the Day of Christ Jesus,

      that the Name of Jesus Christ be Glorifed Again;


      For THAT is “the glory which sent me”

      In Love;

      the Mighty God of Jacob

      christopher witt diamant:

      the Wrath of the Lamb,

      the Child in His Name


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