Knicks Fanatics

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Timberwolves GM Refutes Story Of Rubio Contract: “No Team in any league has reached a deal.”

David Kahn says the story regarding a buy-out for Rubio is not true.

August 26, 2009 - Posted by | Uncategorized | , ,


  1. What happened to the”fine-azz” woman?

    Minny should just trade his rights.Minny can’t afford the cost of having him.In NY he could earn the money elsewhere.Another day closer to training camp and we are STILL LOOKING.

    This 2010 plan is falling apart due to a bad economy and a lower salary cap.So, we will sit though 2 years of losing for a plan that doesn’t seem to have a chance.It’s great to be a Knicks’ fan.Somebody help me.

    Please don’t hurt ’em.

    Comment by D L T Knicks | August 26, 2009 | Reply

  2. Memphis Makes Offer To Iverson

    Allen Iverson twittered again Wednesday, saying the Grizzlies have made him an offer — and Memphis says it’s true.

    Grizzlies general manager Chris Wallace told Wednesday night that negotiations between the sides have heated up to the point where the Grizzlies have made their first formal offer.

    “We’re heading into the home stretch before the season, and we have had interest in Allen all summer,” Wallace said. “We’ve been in touch on a fairly consistent basis and had dialogue with his agent, Leon Rose, since the beginning of free agency.”

    Sheridan: Iverson options

    A number of teams could be interested in former NBA MVP Allen Iverson. Chris Sheridan takes a look. Story

    Iverson is one of the most high profile, unrestricted free agents remaining on the market, and there were reports in recent days that he was leaning hardest toward reuniting with his old coach, Larry Brown, with the Charlotte Bobcats.

    But the Bobcats are for sale and are under severe financial constraints, and Iverson’s other strongest suitor — the Miami Heat — is already more than $3 million into luxury tax territory and has not been willing thus far to make Iverson a substantial financial offer.

    Memphis is approximately $3.5 million under the salary cap for the 2009-10 season and thus could easily outbid Charlotte and Miami for the services of the 10-time All-Star, whom Grizzlies owner Michael Heisley sees as a strong gate attraction.

    Wallace would not disclose the size of the offer or what kind of a time table he is on.

    “We’ll probably add another guard at some point, but we don’t need to rush to do it,” Wallace said.

    Iverson played in only 57 games between Denver and Detroit last season due to injury and averaged a career-low 17.5 points per game.

    Comment by livesinnewjersey | August 27, 2009 | Reply

  3. Fanatics, Fixers/Trickers,

    Visited the site that pimped you guys and then treated you like a $2-hoe that grew old and lost her looks. I was appalled by the cheerleading & lack of objectivity. In fact the site makes “Fox News” or “Fixed News” as (Oberman) appear objective. Hahn’s coverage of Walsh & D’Antoni is the equivalent of Bill O’Reilly’s coverage of Bush & Cheney during the search for WMDs. Note, The symmetry between “Fix News”& Fixers. Please find the objectivity in the following?

    “But that angle doesn’t make for a great headline to get you Knicks fans revved up in this maddening summer stuck in idle. But before we start head-hunting on Donnie Walsh (and you know the hammer is coming down on Mike D’Antoni this year…expect it. After one year of major transition, I guarantee you he will be a relentless target for the short-sighted firestarters…rise above it, Fixers),” By Alan Hahn

    TRANSLATION: While the team sucks this year, do not lose hope, or faith in Walsh or D’Antoni, even if it appears the team is going backwards. Is Hahn is angling for a bonus, promotion or both. Does he have an eye on a position directly with the Knicks. Omar told us about a baseball writer wanting to get in. Would it be too much of a stretch for a basketball writer making the same attempt?

    Remember, the worst thing that can happen is you re-sign David to a bigger number and then go after Ramon Sessions, who, if he winds up returning to Milwaukee for the QO, will be a restricted free agent again next summer, and still have plenty of money left over for a second-tier FA. Then in 2011, when Eddy Curry and Jared Jeffries come off the cap, you have even more room.
    That’s how a healthy franchise works.
    By Alan Hahn

    TRANSLATION: We are running short on the 2010 dream and LeBron. When LeBron does not sign next summer, hold on to the following summer when we have cap-space. In addition Rubio, the Euro that we have sold to you guys may enter the league in 2011, and we will have cash. Keep the faith and connect the dots. BTW–forget that we tried to sign Kidd & Hill, to over the hill guys that would have negatively impacted the 2010 plan. You bytchs need a short memory and a long azz.

    Peace & Blessings

    Comment by Statesman2 | August 27, 2009 | Reply

  4. States:

    You are right on target. As I said in a previous blog, Hahn is either being duped by management, told what to write by management, or else is just as naive as some of his gullible readers and other Knick sportswriters who live in Walsh’s world, willing to wait for the Messianic moment of July 1st, 2010 and beyond–perhaps until the “end of days” when “cap space” is available, but perhaps not during this life.

    Comment by Post-up Prince | August 27, 2009 | Reply

  5. Who in th FUGG is RUBIO???

    Comment by Peaceman | August 27, 2009 | Reply

  6. Who in the FUVK is RUBIO???
    Who in the FUVK cares????

    Comment by Peaceman | August 27, 2009 | Reply

  7. I’m glad that over here the Blogges aren’t sheeple willingly receptive to being fed stretched arguments and dream scenarios.

    Comment by orangeandblue1 | August 27, 2009 | Reply

  8. Yeah Fanatics,

    You guys don’t hold your weenies the way my fixers do!
    Walsh & D’antoni are 6 months away from Isiah Thomas treatment. Still, I work for Dolan, so don’t blame me for making a living.

    Comment by Alan | August 28, 2009 | Reply

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