Secret to find the lost objects


On commenting about the book, “Find Your Life Answers using Bach Flower Remedies”, information about which is available in:

Dear Naran,

This book on Bach flower remedy and the other one “The Bach Flowers for Children” are just superb. I am getting great benefits from them. I had just finished reading those books.

My friend who had come to Mumbai for shopping for her son’s wedding from Goa left her bag containing all the heavy saris worth more than 50K on the road a few buildings away from where I stay.

As she reached Goa by flight she realized and called me up to check around. She had lost all her hopes.

In this book it was given to chant CERATO, CHESTNUT BUD, and ROCK WATER. I kept on chanting while my husband went down the lane to enquire if anyone has found the bag.

She had forgotten the bag around 1 pm and we were looking out for the bag at around 4.30 pm. She had lost all hope. But the chanting helped and we found the bag intact. She was very happy.

Thanks to you Naranji.


Cerato: You will be searching for the lost object, enquiring everybody in sight. It will prove to be a good remedy when you are searching for an article in web, a good doctor, or an address.

Rock water, Chestnut Bud: is a good combination when you lose something or when you don’t want to lose something. You can then pray to these remedies.

About Naran S Balakumar

Naran balakumar is a herbalist practising bach flower therapy for the last 21 years. Naran is a Reiki master teacher.

Posted on February 8, 2012, in Bach Flower Remedy and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 57 Comments.

  1. Namashkar Respected Sir NAranji
    SIR I have read success stories in your website.And am very much impressed by your DIVINE GUIDENCE.Sir My Sister she has Sacroilatis of LS or LI joint she said bone is compressed and inside that nerve is also compressed hence sciatica so
    it has to be operated and bone near tail bone becomes still there is no flexibility.Sir she is afraid of going under surjery kindly help me to help her with your DIVINE HELP Any remey ,prayer,ITS URGENT SIR..THANKS DIVINE-BE

  2. .ftrrs
    chant GORSE(to find some better way to heal) MIMULUS CORAL EMERALD

  3. Sir,
    Pls help me. i have lost my jewelery box from my home. I have searched everywhere at home. Me &my husband has only hope from you.

  4. parvani

  5. Dear Respected Sir Naranji
    Sir i have a request to you for sending blessings to my friend Mahabanu (She is Zorastrian )who has been operated on her spinal cord as she was unable to stand and was not keeping her balance and used to fall.Dr.has done operation on her vertabre..Since then she is in ICU Her Bowl system has been disturbed .Shobanaji has guided me to chant Sweet Chestnut Together Divine…i am doing that too and also asking your kind divine help for her…as she is in too much pain…Her Family and Friends are worried for her..After Two Months Her DAughter’s marriage is fixed….she needs to get perfactly well by Then.Need Your Blessings Sir….She is In Mumbai..ICU….Hinduja Hospital.Kindly pray for her fast recovery….

  6. ftrrs,
    write GENTIAN CHANGE DIVINE ORDER in a paper and keep it under her pillow.
    All of you chant HARI OM as many times as possible. She will be alright. Daughter’s marriage will take place well.

  7. Dear Sir Naranji Thanks for your divine guidences and blessings.Sir One more thing …I am not with her so keeping notes under her pillow i dont think they will allow in Hospital..instead can i make concetric circle with GENTIAN CHANGE DIVINE ORDER and HARI OM with her name in inner circle..Kindly please reply…Sir Please Pray Pray for her good health…THANKS DIVINE-BE


  8. ftrrs,
    yes you can do

  9. Dear Sir,

    Thank you so much for all your timely help. Last week I went to visit another place and stayed in a hotel. My brand new i-phone all of a sudden stopped working and I left the phone by the side of my bed and I completely forgot. I checked out of the hotel and drove back to my place. I realized that I lost my phone there in the hotel room and I was sure it fell behind the bed. I called the hotel and inquired the lost and found and they said they didn’t find any such phones while cleaning the house. I also tried to find from cell phone company to replace and it didn’t happen. I couldn’t locate my phone as it had no service. Also my husband started to blame me for my carelessness. I felt really bad. I was really upset. I went through your blog and I chanted ” Elm, Gorse, Cerato, Chestnutbud,Rockwater, willow and Pine”. I also called the animal spirit wolf to help me, since the house keeping and security people were not co-operative and didn’t look at the place that I mentioned. Today morning I called them and informed them, they didn’t respond well. I kept on chanting and in the afternoon, the security manager himself called me and told me that he personally searched the place at the first attempt he didn’t find it as it was in an inaccessible spot, so he gave a second attempt and found it. I was so happy and he said he will mail it to me. Thank you so much.


  10. Dear Sir,

    My mother has lost her gold bangles & silver items which was kept in the wardrobe at home . can i chant Rock water, Chestnut Bud: for my mother can she get the things back .

    Please guide me sir

  11. Roopa,
    add gentian also

  12. naranji
    i lost one gold coin i kept it in my bag.i doubt somebody has taken it.
    can u sugest any sw for getting back my coin

  13. meera,

  14. sir I have been loosing gold jewellery items since 1987. Like my ring fell off, earrings dropped.. Do I have hope to receive them back? Please guide. thanks,

  15. sunitha,
    chant CHICORY CHESTNUTBUD daily for 42 days and end the chanting by thanking god for giving to somebody who needed it

  16. sir,
    I lost my cell phone yesterday at home as many people had come home for my fathers funeral,please help me get back the phone as i have lots of info in it,i have registered a complaint in the station

  17. van1800

  18. Biswasri Datta

    My has lost her one gold earring today even two months back she lost a gold locket. Pl. advise me how I get back those ornaments. I will be grateful to you forever.

  19. Biswasri Datta

    My wife has lost a gold earring today and two months back she had lost a gold locket during traveling. Pl. sugest me how could I get back the ornaments. I will grateful to you for ever.

    • Biswasri Datta

      I get back my wife’s earring with in a night after chanting CERATO CHESTNUT BUD AND ROCK WATER. This is really a miracle only because of you. Thank you Sir. I will be grateful to you for ever. I pray that your blessing hand always on my head.

  20. Biswari datta
    best of luck

  21. Dear sir, I had prayed to Lord Tirupathi that I will put a silver plate(which I had with me) in the undiyal..But I dont know where the silver plate went and I have been looking for it for a long time. I dont know whether I gave it to someone or where I have kept it. I searched my entire house but could not find it. Pls help me to reach the plate and get it so that i can fulfill my prayers.

  22. preetha,
    chant REACH.

  23. Naran sir yesterday morning I lost my ear ring, i found back portion still i didn’t find front portion. Please give me switch word to get my earring back

  24. harini
    chant Reach

  25. Naranj, still I didn’t find my ear ring, Please tell me what I have to do.


  26. dear sir,
    my husband gifted me diamond ring in our marriage 3 years back.
    its made of gold and studded with diamonds.
    somehow am not able to find it since last 1 and half year.
    my in-laws have got 2 flats ( up and down floors)
    and we have our own flat in same city. i searched everywhere, but couldn’t able to locate it.
    my husband is not aware of this lost. am very much afraid to tell him. as he is very short tempered, and gonna burst on me, That ring is very costly one.
    he usually keeps on asking me abt ring, and i always tell him that ring is bit loose and very costly , that’s why am no wearing it.

    i even tried Tarot twice, but it shows ring is in home. but all my efforts are in vain.

    sir, i really need your help. Please tell me any technique, mantra, switch word to find this ring.
    sir please reply me, i really don’t have any hope left to find this ring.

    ok am giving my bod details 27-6-82
    city – mumbai
    and what more data you want sir frm my side.

  27. Shivohum,


  28. thanks ETH.

  29. sir my mother lost 2 gold ornaments which were kept in locker.we were from Andhra pradesh.Those were given by my father before his death.she was also heart patient.when she knew that one she was very ill.Sir please kindly help me sir..could tell me in telugu language sir

  30. Sir i lost my jewellary box n m damn sure that it has been stolen by someone.I hv lost everythng..plz plz sir help me.It will b kind of u.

  31. Dear sir, I am seriously looking to loose weight and maintain it for the rest of my life. Could you please help me with any switch words for this? Thank you in advance

  32. Dear Sir
    My uncle has robed some jewels from my mom hme and got absconding he hs switched of the mobile also what shall I chant for getting it back Please do the needful

  33. Dear Sir,
    My housemaid has stolen all my jewellry and a huge amount of cash.Kindly suggest a way to get the lost things back.Thanks.

  34. Dear Sir,
    I lost a book one month back in my office and havent got it yet. Any chances of getting it back?

    Also, my boyfriend’s marriage has been fixed and he wants to spend his life with me but doesnt want to hurt his parents. Any remedies for this?

    Thanks and God Bless…

  35. Dear sir,
    kindly help me, I am not able to find my expensive diamond ring, cant see it for the 4-5 days, cant tell my husband as he will get very angry.searched everywhere possible where i used to keep it

  36. My mother had placed Gold jewelleries worth lakh of rupees at home in the cupboard but it is missing. kindly help her to get back the same

  37. Radhakrishnan


  38. Respected Naran sir,
    My inlawas came 2days back from India,they bring Juithy( silver god pandant for newborn baby )and black thread,my husband kept it in with some stuff bring it our home from his elder brother’s home.But we searched everywhere we are not getting it.
    Pls help me giving mantra.

  39. I was always blaming myself for falling deeply in love with the wrong guy. I loved this guy for four good years with all my heart and soul, even when he gave me sexual infections that almost ended up my life because of his womanizing ways, I still love and care for him, he was a demanding type, all he care about was getting high friends and flirting around with girls like a celeb. I thought I could change him and be with him forever because I love him, but all my effort crashed and he instead wanted to change me his useless lifestyle. I keep praying for him to change until I was directed my Cousin to contact DR ALEX ( who will help me spiritual to be a normal human being.

    Thanks to DR ALEX that broke the evil spell that was cast on him by his ex because they had a dramatic breakup. I am glad that he has changed and became a responsible man, the spell brought back his lost opportunities and he got a good job now. I am so happy today and forever that I have achieved my goal by changing him to a better man with the help of my Cousin (MARRY JANE) and DR ALEX. I encourage you to help change someone you care about today because you might never know the pain he/she is going through…… Thanks DR ALEX. Contact him now……

  40. Respected Sir Naranji

    A few days ago I forgot to put my earrings back in after my workout at school and left them there. The next I went to check and they were not there in the same spot anymore. Please guide me as to how I may get my precious diamond earrings back.

  41. sir i have lost my gold ring and i am sure that my neighbour girl has stolen it pz help me that she gives me the ring back i want to get my ring back sir pz tell me how can i get it

  42. Dear Sir,

    Yesterday at Bangalore Railway station, I lost my mobile, someone has stolen while boarding and train has started at the same time. It’s a new mobile and i need data and photos. Please help me

  43. Dear Naren,
    I just stumbled upon this blog by chance. I need your help on 2 extremely urgent matters!!
    1) I am residing in a foreign country. I have lost 3 jobs in a matter of 1 1/2 years. Its never happened to me before till now. Right now applying for plenty of opportunities but not even an interview call is happening. If I do not get a job within this month, then I will have to exit the country as the grace period of my Visa will end. So, I need to get interviews and a job offer all within a week or 10 days at the most.
    2) I have loans and financial commitments to meet as a result of not having income for about a year or so. Need to settle these also simultaneously.
    Kindly suggest some powerful remedies which will bring me out of these big problems fast. Also, please advise how many times to chant daily and any other details you deem fit for me to do.
    Thanks and sitting on the edge of the chair to hearing from you soon.
    Best Regards

  44. Dear Mr Narain

    I’ve been doing reiki (on & off!) for a pair of gold bangles that I lost a few (3-5) years ago….what can I do to recover these bangles?

    Thanks and regards


  45. I lost my watch 2months before…i have searched it everywhere..please help me to find my watch..its very near to me

  46. I facing issue the day I have lost my phone on 17th jan 2020… felt like I have lost myself… tried various ways to reach my stolen phone… Followed up police n left many messages on find my device.. to get it back..
    Need your help… 🙏
    Read such fruitful n positive stories on this page…
    Looking forward to get my thing back the way it’s gone.

  47. I suddenly found that one of my solitaire earrings was not in my ear. I don’t know if it fell off or if I took it off absentmindedly. I have looked for it everywhere including some shops I visited that day. I would be grateful for any help you can give me.

  1. Pingback: Found misplaced house key

  2. Pingback: Found My Gold Earring

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