Let Others Not Cheat You

The Mother’s Red Balsam Flower

Managing mean-minded people, who wants to cheat you

If any person is mean-minded and not giving your money… One might have taken your money and he is dodging to give it. He might be avoiding you or evading you. Paste the picture on him (write his name on a paper and paste), and meditate on the flower.  Between brothers and sisters there is always a dispute whether to give the equal share to all-concerned. Then you could use this flower.

Getting donations

For voluntary agencies, to collect donations from people, they can have this picture or they could put the picture of Balsam in their letter-head. If you suggest to them, they might ask you to do it for them. For that we need to be generous.

If you visualize Balsam flower in your heart centre (chakra), you will attract people who are generous and who are not bargaining.

Making people fair to you

If anybody is unfair, aggressive, ill-tempered or spiteful, paste this picture on the name of the person (write the name in a piece of paper and paste the picture over it). Or visualize the flower in their heart centre. Thus, you can project the flowers on others the moment you think about them as they represent divine in this world.

Only Red Balsam has got the above-mentioned properties.

Sharing the property of the deceased brother, a case history

Recently a person died. That person has a brother and a sister. Within 10 days, a conflict arose between the living siblings of the deceased, over taking the property.

The sister came to me. At that time I didn’t have the color picture. Therefore, I printed the picture of the Balsam flower in black and white color and gave it to her. From the next day onwards, the quarrel about the property between them has stopped. It was resolved amicably.

Getting the generosity of others

I told her to always keep the picture with her. If you keep this flower in your heart centre, what is the message given to the other person? I am ready to give whatever you want.

Whenever you are ready to give what the other person has demanded you, then immediately the opposite person will stop his unfair demands.

About Naran S Balakumar

Naran balakumar is a herbalist practising bach flower therapy for the last 21 years. Naran is a Reiki master teacher.

Posted on April 26, 2012, in The Mother's Flower and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 20 Comments.

  1. can v download the red balsam picture from internet sir?

  2. sathya,
    yes you can.

  3. naran sir,
    how do we protect our girls getting stalked on roads or on their mobiles by unknown callers
    thanks sir

  4. naran sir,
    I am a engg student and 7 sem placement will take place soon.Intiallly my grades were tops but last 3 sem have fallen. I am stressed and nervous as i wanted to be in the top 5 of my class.Pl help sir.

  5. EM

  6. Sir,

    For the above remedy, I have understood the following:

    MIMULUS :Unknown fear of exams results
    HONEYSUCKLE : Plunge to gain knowledge, and face the realties
    GENTIAN : Keeps encouraged when you are doing your best to get good results
    WILDROSE: Surrenders to whatever happens

    Please correct me, wherever I am wrong.

  7. roopa,
    with your questions, the blog becomes the learning centre of flowers.
    Mimulus was given because he said he was nervous. “Nervous” is a typical expression of Mimulus. Certain words are “key words” . If you find one expressing the Key word, understand that he is pointing to that remedy – “I need”. Here by expressing nervous he says he wants mimulus.
    “Intiallly my grades were tops” this expression points out he is regretting. Regret -Honeycuckle.
    “last 3 sem have fallen” This expression points that there is regression or set back in his progress.
    If there is a set back, one will get discouraged and become pessimistic about progress. Gentian will heal this.
    Wildrose: Surrendering will not come in wild rose. Failures will dapen one’s spirit and put out the fire of self-motivation. When a person is discouraged, by all means his self-motivation will come down. hence Wildrose.
    i always welcome your questions to learn more. But when you ask questions to learn further dont Put your understanding in the flowers and ask. people who just come to the blog for a cursory glance , will be misled if they read your answers only and go off.
    Just ask me why you suggested this. Genuine questions to learn more are always answered.
    Thank you

    • Right Sir.
      Thank you so much. If it’s misleading, I better not do it.

      I put my understanding assuming that I keep on asking and depending on you without putting my efforts.

      • roopa,
        no. no. My concern is different.

        If you put your views and if people read that only, it may mislead them.

        I always welcome questions. you can ask me how and why I have selected the remedies. i am ready to answer any question because when i answer the question, i become the student.

        What all i write here will be taught in the next level.

  8. Sir,

    i would like to take one picture of RED BALSAM FLOWER and write down the names of those people(a few family members within the family(not any outsider)), who are unfair to me. Will it work.

  9. roopa,
    paste balsam on your picture. take willow remedy because others are “unfair” – blaming.

  10. OK Sir. Thank you.

  11. Sir,
    Thank you once again for your timely smart advice with the BACH REMEDIES as usual.

    A friend of mine was in a confused state when she heard husband wanting to help a family member for further studies with MBBS/Engineering.
    she has one son, 8 yrs old. The father has not saved a single rupee for his future needs nor paid an LIC premium for his son till date. But he is worried about his brother’s kids. The brother is another alcoholic addict, who does not care about his family members.

    So my friend got worried, that her husband would give away huge sum for his brother’s kids. She asked me for help to come out of that situation in a healthy way.

    When I described this situation to you, you gave me the following remedies tot take 3 pls for 3 days only:
    1) Pine:
    2) Waterviolet:
    3) Chicory
    4) elm
    5) gorse

    I gave her these remedies. After the 3rd day, she was relaxed.
    She was reminded of the days 27 years before, when she had lost her father. No relatives/uncles/aunts came forward to help her family. With God’s grace, somehow she and her family came out of the situation about 20 years of time.

    She realised her mistake. I also asked her to do forgiving exercise at this time. She was relieved of tension. She accepted the situation.

    Thank you once again.

    Now, i request you to give me an explanation on why these remedies.

  12. Sir,

    As usual, yesterday when I visited my relative’s house, Ihad handed over the rescue remedy to 5 members of the family. In two places, wherever ihad applied this remedy, those 2 members are doing fine.

    Once again thanks to RESCUE REMEDY,which is my FIRST AID BOX in my purse.


  13. Sir,
    One more lovely story for RED BALSAM FLOWER. Thanks to FLOWERS, knoweingly or unknowigly, I had them in my little garden with all different colors, RED, PURPLE, BABY PINK, ORANGE.

    My aunt had bought a land 25 years before. Now this land was sold to another party before she bought. This was unknown to my aunt .

    Now, recently she sold her land for huge amount of Rs.16.5 lacs. But after a few months, 1st party came and started fighting. Now, aunt was in trouble.

    At this moment I asked her to take the help of the following items:
    1) WOLF : To help her out.
    2) Red Balsam Flower : To imagine the flower in the heart of all the demanding people.

    And yes there was the magic: the person who sold the land to my aunt agreed to pay this amt of Rs.16.5 lacs to the party whom my aunt had sold the land.

    Now, only thing she is waiiting that the person who promised to give money shud keep up his words.

    Naran Sir, need your help in this regard. Awaiting your valuable advice.

  14. ROOPA,
    Ask her to pray to guava flowers.

  15. Respected Sir NAranji I found this image of Red Balsom flower from internet.Is it Ok Kindly reply because site has other flowers also. Thanks FTRRS http://www.backyardnature.net/yucatan/balsam.htm ..

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