What is mortal man that You remember him? What is the son of man that You visit him?

what is mortal man, that the Lord remembers him, and the son of man, that He visits him?In Psalms 8 David looked at the heavens and saw the work of God’s fingers – even in the dark night of this world, if you look at the heavens you see the moon and the stars! God created and ordained the moon and the stars to shine even in the darkness – when we look at God’s creation and ordination, we see that there is a divine order in this universe. We need to look up from our situation, look up to the heavens from any dark environment or surroundings – and look to the Lord!

When you receive bad news, when you’re around people who gossip, when the world is trying to fill you with its rubbish, and whenever you feel that there’s darkness around you – at any time, just lift your eyes up to the heavens! Look up from the messy earth to the bright heaven! This is what David did in Psalms 8:3-4 … continue reading this portion via,

what is mortal man, that the Lord remembers him, and the son of man, that He visits him?

One thought on “What is mortal man that You remember him? What is the son of man that You visit him?

  1. Pingback: the Lord Jesus was made a little inferior to angels but crowned with glory and honor! « A God-man is a normal Christian

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