They come and they go

I ended up writing this post last Wednesday and meant to post it on Friday, but I completely forgot to upload the pictures that accompany it so here is a late post. Had to go up north where I was essentially internet free for a spell over Memorial Day Weekend, so I hope you enjoy. Heading to California in two days so I’ll try to get Memorial Day stuff up tomorrow.

Trevor makes dinner for us the first night his parents are around.

So it is so incredibly beautiful out this night, that I felt I had to sit on my balcony at midnight and enjoy the wonderful weather that nature decided to grace us with. And what better thing to do than write a blog post. This weekend is memorial day weekend and my plans are to go up north with Trevor, my parents, and my cousins. Should be a fun weekend of golfing, Short’s Brewing Company, and fire pit action. I’m excited, there’s a few things planned as well; such things include a music video with the crew and also next weekend’s California trip. Anyways onto the real content of this post.

A visit to Will’s so that Jimmy’s parents can see where we spent so much time hanging out since the move in February. Also Will got to meet Papa and Mama Downs for the first time.

Friends ebb and flow as we go through life. This is a pretty quickly learned lesson for most people; especially after college. I had the pleasure of meeting our friend Jimmy as I moved to my new apartment August 2011. During the great flood of September ’11 our half of the apartment met and got to know each other in Will’s apartment as we drank Leinenkugel’s Berry Weiss. The rest is history.

John meets us at Bar Louie after work for $1 Burgers

Sitting next to Mama and Papa Downs at Bar Louie
On Tuesday we all go to meet up with John at Bar Louie for cheap burgers and drinks at the bar. Unfortunately the service was terrible, but at least we had each other.

In May 2012 Jimmy decided that he wanted/needed to go home. His parents came up on the 12th and stayed until the 18th. During the week we hung out with them and showed them around a bit. We made dinner for them, and we ate out with them. Overall we had a great time. The day came though when we had to move Jimmy’s things out of his apartment into the U-Haul.

Waiting for a table at Applebee’s; the last time we will have dinner with Jimmy.

Enjoying each other’s company for last drinks

Trevor and his Corona-rita

Mother & Son sharing a delicious dessert

Despite our best efforts to find him a job at GM, and other jobs outside of Roush in Michigan he still decided to leave for home. While we will miss him, the beauty of modern technology will allow us to keep in touch. When Trevor  acquires his private pilot license, we plan on visiting him. Somehow 3 hours of flying seems much more enticing than 8 hours of driving. Until then though, we wish him luck in everything he does and we look forward to the day we see him again.

Last picture with Mama and Papa Downs

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