Taking It To The Streets: Roti Bakar Eddy (The Foodie Magazine, Apr 2014)

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Roti bakar stalls have become known places to “hang out” for many decades. And Roti Bakar Eddy has become one of the ultimate places to hang out, celebrate life and enjoy the rest of the evening with good treats and great company.

Oftentimes one would go to hawkers only for light snacks or just to enjoy the conversation over coffee, especially for late nights and weekends. This is practically the reason why Indonesians need the side street coffee shops like Roti Bakar Eddy. Even though nowadays, we witness the growing popularity of convenience stores as a new hang out place, all-nighter roti bakar hawkers are still very much in demand.

Roti Bakar Eddy 2

People usually come here either for a bowl of instant noodle with grated cheese and corned beef, or grilled banana with chocolate sprinkles, or the simple toast with jam. Some complement these with iced milk coffee, warm citrus drinks, or energy drinks like Milo or more traditionally a beer glass filled with fresh milk, ginger, honey, and eggs. Even they do have soft-boiled eggs as well like Singaporean kopitiams. It’s all simple and affordable for everyone.

Roti Bakar Eddy is located just nearby Al-Azhar mosque around Blok M. During the evening, this neighborhood is simply crowded and the success of Roti Bakar Eddy has been influencing different hawkers to join them there. This is the turf where everyone enjoys their dinner.

The story of how Roti Bakar Eddy became so influential was an arduous one. As one who was enchanted with the promises and opportunities from living in Jakarta, Pak Eddy arrived here in the late 60s. After a string of odd jobs to keep him and his family afloat, he decided to enter the hawker business. Challenges kept on coming until he finally proved his mettle by becoming the most famous in Jakarta and owns several other branches around the city run by his children.

Roti Bakar Eddy 3

Operating at this huge a scale, Roti Bakar Eddy bakes their own bread fresh everyday since hundreds upon hundreds of loaves are sold every night. At one point, you might find that your drinks or order of nasi uduk arrive sooner than the toast because so many people come and take away dozens of it for office overtime!

Mind you though because hanging around in traditional roti bakar seller like Pak Eddy may feel a bit noisy and smoky but nothing can beat the liveliness and spectacle of the sight. People came in to order their stuff, street musicians traverse from one hawker to another, cars passing by, and those who are already seated converse, laugh, and enjoy their meals. Once in a while, nothing can beat the excitement of hanging out the classic Jakarta way.


Unsuitable for vegetarians

Address: Jalan Raden Patah (behind Al-Azhar University) and several other outlets in Jakarta – Indonesia
Tel: –

Opening hours: Everyday, 4pm – before dawn

Spend: IDR 15,000 – IDR 30,000 / person


Featured in THE FOODIE MAGAZINE April 2014 edition

Download it for free here via SCOOP!

Photos by: Dennie Benedict

3 responses to “Taking It To The Streets: Roti Bakar Eddy (The Foodie Magazine, Apr 2014)”

  1. Indonesia in my pocket Avatar

    omg, this guy still exist? amazing.

    1. boredlistlesstired Avatar

      di bintaro juga ada nih roti bakar, kayaknya buka franchise deh.

      1. Rian Farisa Avatar

        Konon cabang2nya masih milik keluarga. Terakhir juga lihat ada di daerah Ciledug. Sepertinya ada di bbrp tmpt lainnya juga. 🙂

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