Konversi Image berwarna ke hitam putih

Sedikit nya ada 3 algoritma untuk mengkonversi gambar berwarna ke dalam hitam putih

1. The lightness method averages the most prominent and least prominent colors: (max(R, G, B) + min(R, G, B)) / 2.

2. The average method simply averages the values: (R + G + B) / 3.

3. The luminosity method is a more sophisticated version of the average method. It also averages the values, but it forms a weighted average to account for human perception. We’re more sensitive to green than other colors, so green is weighted most heavily. The formula for luminosity is 0.21 R + 0.71 G + 0.07 B.

Lebih baik yang mana diantara ketiga metode tersebut? mari kita lihat sample nya

original image

The luminance

metode 1 lightness method averages

The lightness

metode 2 simple average


metode 3 Luminosity method 

The luminance

apa yang akan terjadi jikalau kita hanya mengambil komponen red green atau blue nya saja


red only


blue only


green only

Author: ridhobustami

orang ngak jelas

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