Tales of Amber

A few weeks ago, I was asked if I would write an article for Women Writers, Women’s Books

It took me a week of letting my mind go blank, letting it off the lead before it came back with the ideas for the article. It’s combined my love of the semi-precious material amber and my love for writing (and reading)

Do go and have a read, pass it on, share it and if you would like to comment, do please leave your thoughts on the article.



5 thoughts on “Tales of Amber

  1. Very interesting article about an interesting on line publication. I tried posting a comment and “because JavaScript was disabled” it would not let me, so I leave one here, instead. Thanks for your encouragement.


  2. Pingback: Tales of Amber | KungFuPreacherMan

  3. Vivienne,


    I have a new appreciation for the piece of amber I own, and certainly a more visual comparison of it to my writing.

    Great write,

    ps. I too, tried commenting on the blog and got the same javascript message.


  4. Pingback: A is for Amber – Zen and the Art of Tightrope Walking

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