Claiming a Tax refund

Tax calculatorIf you are a PAYE (Pay As You Earn) worker your employer will deduct tax from your earnings. Most people don’t know that they may be entitled to a refund of some of the tax paid during the year. You could be due to claim Irish tax back for various reasons such as you were made redundant, taxed incorrectly, or incurred medical of dental expenses.

We here in McDowell’s can give you specialised PAYE tax refund advice which ensures you get back all the tax you’ve over paid including refunds due as a result of claims for additional, credits and reliefs you are entitled to such as – Medical and dental expenses tax credit, Rent relief tax credit, Medical insurance tax credit Income levy and USC refunds, Tuition or trade union fees tax credit
Your Tax refund claim can be made going back 4 years!!!!
For more information call us on 071 91 47580 or email