I will HATE you Monday and I will HATE you Tuesday…

Admittedly, I changed the lyrics a bit but can you blame me?

It’s my dearest mother I’m talking about, incase you hadn’t guessed.


She’s told my dad this morning that she would visit her friend, she’d be back tomorrow. Friend being her partner in crime, her naked pictures buddy yuck!!!

Problem is, she only set off at 16:30 hrs for a 400 km journey, all tarted up with mega make-up, jewlery, high heels … Get the picture?!


Now what are the chances of her taking a detour via some hotel bed?!


She makes me sick, what a bitch.


Dad went to a neighbours 70th birthday at the weekend, needless to say you couldn’t face seing my brother there, him being a neighbour, too, living in the same house than you.

Everyone looked at my dad funny, with pity?

is he alowed out,alone? they asked?

What the fuck did you tell them, that he’s daft,senile and incapable of anything? That you poor wife have got such a difficult life?


Rest asured dearest mother I am watching you


No matter where you go, which sick cyber turn you’ll take-I’ll be there.

Open your eyes and you’ll see me, close them at night and I’ll be your nightmare. I will expose your lies to the world, carefully so as not to hurt my dad – any more than you already do!

You’ve chosen your internet fuck buddies over your family, you want your hunsband of fifty years to die, you washed your hands of your grandchildren, you’ve threatened to kill me….. By the time I’m finished with you, you will wish you had!


related posts start with the bottom post to read it from the beginning

Happy Birthday, Dad

Dear mother

Worse than ever

So, how was it?



summary of the past two weeks

Last Saturday..

Last Friday…

jumbled up mind

chaos 😦

I am your average wife,mother,friend,employee....a bit lost in my world, a bit crazy at times but always good for a laugh - I think ;-)

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6 comments on “I will HATE you Monday and I will HATE you Tuesday…
  1. Dads are worth fighting for.


  2. Bob says:

    Hate is an emotion so strong, so large, we cannot ever keep all of it inside ourselves.. and letting it out in whatever way does nothing to reduce it one iota.

    Forgiveness is the only way. Love is the only way. Hating someone else hurts you every bit as much as it does them, possibly even more.

    Rationalising our hate only allows us ( forces us) to feel yet more hate.

    Please think on these things ?


    • crazybunny66 says:

      I totally agree with you and under normal circumstances I even teach my kids that hate is wrong but at the moment this is the only way for me to keep the pain at bay 😦 Of course I don’t really hate my mum, deep down I still love her no matter what but even now, typing this, my hands start shaking and the tears start running and I can’t see what I am writing. I’ve got to try to hate her, convince myself that I don’t love her or else the pain and severety of what she is doing to us, my dad, brother, my boys will kill me, it will drive me into sadness and depression and I can not allow this to happen, not now, not ever!!


      • Bob says:

        Could you not instead see what is happening as a challenge to grow your understanding of love? Surely you do not yet believe you know all there is to know of True Love.. the Kind that Christ had i order to give up His earthly life in the fashion He chose ( through total Faith in God)

        In order to gain the greatest highs we must face and overcome the greatest risk – our earthly life.

        Some of us do it alone… some of us ask for Help. We do it because we know in our soul that it is the right thing to do , even if we fear greatly the consequences.

        Faith in God above all will assure us Victory over the things of this world.

        God Bless.

        ( P.S. it helps if you are just a little bit crazy! 🙂 )


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