john burtonCalifornia Supreme Court ruling on Proposition 8

Statement from California Democratic Party Chairman John Burton :

“Today’s decision, while heartbreaking, doesn’t end the historic struggle for marriage equality. It renews our dedication to making sure all California families can again enjoy the dignity, commitment and responsibility of marriage.

I commend the California Supreme Court for validating the rights of the 18,000 lesbian and gay couples who married last year before Proposition 8 passed. These couples and their children will continue to enjoy the full security and legal protection of marriage.

Within the next few years, I know California will restore legal, civil marriages for gay and lesbian couples. The California Democratic Party will play a leading role in ending marriage discrimination in California and I look forward to the day when that happens.”

Spot the mistake!


UCSF TALK IMMIGRATION PANEL.jpg extra copy.jpg melDear Chairman Burton;

It is with much respect that I must point out the inacuracy reflected in your statement today. As I fall into the ‘anomylous’ (my word) category of the 18,000 acceptable gay marriages, I believe I am bound to call for an amended announcement that provides an accurate depiction of the impact of gay marriage in any State, be it California or elsewhere.   My assertion is that nowhere should it ever be mentioned that any one single lesbian or gay married couple has security in this country, until DOMA is is repealed and/or Immigration rights are provided equally to every married American.  To say we enjoy security is a complete misstatement of the facts.  As a married Californian, I am missing 1,038 Federal rights that straight married couples receive. As a married Californian, I am unable to petition for my California Spouse to remain in the country where our children were born. I think this is a great opportunity to educate your members about the impending hearings June 3rd  where for the first time UAFA (Uniting American Families Act) will have its day before he Senate Judiciary Committee.

I trust that you will take this email seriously.

Thank you for your kind attention to this.

In Solidarity,

Melanie Nathan

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