Courageous Nigerian LGBT Program Hits the Airwaves

Asking for Global participation through support by listening and cash donations for studio equipment | See Fundraiser at bottom

By Melanie Nathan, June 24, 2015.

In early 2015, a Nigerian journalist and broadcaster, Mike Daemon launched an LGBTI weekly podcast, taking on the form of traditional radio programing, The show NOSTRINGS, includes periodic interviews and talk sessions about LGBTI related issues, especially issues concerning Nigeria’s gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community. Given the new Nigerian  anti-homosexuality laws and the upsurge in anti-gay sentiment, this endeavor is nothing short of a spectacular.

Screen Shot 2015-06-24 at 7.22.08 PMNOSTRINGS, already reaching listeners in Nigeria and around the world, is poised to educate all on the realities for gays in Nigeria, serving as a strong voice to impact the struggles of those caught up in a milieu where natural human sexual orientation is criminalized with harsh penalties.

NOSTRINGS is a force to be reckoned with as it tackles the most difficult and controversial of topics asking the crucial questions to fight the lies and myth often spread about LGBT people.

Here are some questions that helm this courageous attempt at correcting the misconceptions:-

  • Is homosexuality western induced?
  • Is homosexuality it un-African?
  • Do people choose to be Gay?
  • Is homosexuality itself demonic and dangerous?
  • How to stay safe and healthy as a homosexual;
  • HIV/AIDs: Deciphering its myths and facts; and much more.

Going back on the podcasts one can see that Nostrings can boast significant discussions with the notable members and activist of the Nigerian LGBT community, in Nigeria and abroad to include John Adewoye, Adejoke Tugbiyele, Olumide Makanjuola of TIERS Nigeria, Seyi Adebanjo and many others.

What makes Nostrings unique is its ability to portray a movement to a wide audience, which must at the same time remain closely guarded and forced into the closet. To make this entertaining and at same time informative, while exposing real issues and the challenges faced by a typical gay Nigerian, is a daunting challenge, and one that Daemon has managed, with great tenacity and courage, to overcome.

“NOSTRINGS started out as a hobby, but has grown into a fully fledged Voice for the Nigerian LGBTIQ community. Also it has been quite challenging recording and churning out episodes with an old damaged computer system and as well recording with a headphone.” Notes Daemon.

In this time of great need, we applaud Nostrings, the courage of its broadcasters and the community at large,  and so we urge the Nigerian and global community to listen for itself, while considering how we can help with much needed equipment to keep this extraordinary project going.

SEE FUNDRAISER , which is set to expire can be found – HERE – please show your support by providing a last minute help boost to help Nigeria’s LGBT community accomplish much more.

The  NOSTRINGS WEBPAGE can be found at:


7 thoughts on “Courageous Nigerian LGBT Program Hits the Airwaves

  1. Fantastic & brave, indeed. I’ve just donated. Wish I could send much more, but I hope that others will see it on my Google+ & spread the good word! Any amount will help— c’mon folks, donate!!

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