A Thank You Note to my Readers & Happy Holidays Everyone!!

Enjoy The little Things, For One Day You May Look Back & Realize They Were The Big Things”

Well we have reached almost to the end of another year. Like me everyone must have ups and downs this year but at the end one should carry forward all the good things leaving behind the bad.

There are so many occasions to show gratitude. And yet, there are millions of times when I did not express it. But before I step into the New Year, I wanted to acknowledge all the support and encouragement I have been receiving from my readers and send out a big thank you to everyone.

A special thanks to Alex Ruiz for the encouragements he has given me to start this blog and SolidWorks Corp. Team for being supportive all the time. And to add there are many people on the list whom have been supportive.

It’s almost two years now since I have been writing up and I hope you are finding the articles helpful. The only idea behind this blog was the desire to share my knowledge which I have been gaining everyday and assist others with the same interest.

Just to highlight, some of the popular post this year were:

How to animate simple Spur Gear in SolidWorks

Tips & Tricks

How to Animate a Spring -1

How to Animate a Spring -2

How To change/swap Template/System Options In SolidWorks

How to create Weldment Profile

Add more Weldment Profiles

Different ways to make a SLOT

Different ways to Mate with a SLOT -1

How to make a 3D PDF out of SolidWorks

Using Sketch for dimensioning in Drawing

Splitting an Entity

Creating Animations with SolidWorks step-by-step

I hope to continue the spirit but yes I’ll be needing support and encouragement to keep on moving.

Thank you for visiting Boxer’s Blog

And I before I close this note I would like to wish everyone a “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Santa must had completed reading your wish list and I wish he should be on the way carrying everything you need. 

Enjoy your holidays 🙂

God Bless Us, Every One!

2 thoughts on “A Thank You Note to my Readers & Happy Holidays Everyone!!

  1. gopinath


    Firstly wish you and your family a very happy new year 2011.

    I have learned a lot from you.Keep up the good work.




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