What Jeffrey L. Ogden is thankful for this weekend

This Saturday I simply want to share the 4 things I am thankful for, especially after the loss of great men yesterday:

Feel free to check out my LinkedIn profile at the top right, which I consider a blogging best practice.

Find New Customers is now on the Sales Lead Management site like all other lead generation companies like the one I once worked for. We even have a great offer for members there.

This is the story of Jeffrey L. Ogden, because a former NFL kick returner is named Jeff Ogden, so I was advised to start using my full name.

  1. My three sons whom I love dearly.Jeff's_boys_in_FL_1-10-15_(11) - Copy
  2. To have a degree in Marketing from the University of Notre Dame. God, Country, Notre Dame. (Father Hesburgh died at age 97 yesterday. Great man!)
  3. To have my mom and stepfather nearby me and they are healthy.
  4. To be alive, plain and simple, especially since we lost Spock yesterday.

I’m alive today in no small part because of the great book my son gave me Never Give Up by Tedy Bruschi..

Tedy had a hole in his heart and suffered a stroke but he worked so hard that he came back to the NFL. I read that book and thought “If Tedy can do that, why can’t I?” (Link to an updated article here or below.)

Worked my ass off in physical therapy, especially featured in the famous stair story featured in the very popular Salesforce post below.

The Importance of Attitude

The stair story

Walked up six steps and I was winded and out of breath.  “Great job, Jeff!” I was told by the physical therapist.

99% of people would have answered “Thank you so much.” but not me.

I said instead “Thanks, but tomorrow I’m going up twice. The next day three times, then four times, then five times.”  It was really hard work, but I finally went up 12 times without stopping.

I’m alive today – thanks to my son and Tedy Bruschi and I hope to meet Tedy someday to thank him. (Click his name to read his amazing story on Men’s Health.) You rock, Tedy!

I also want to thank my 2,800 Linkedin followers and the Wall St. Journal, which informs me every morning (except Sunday).

The Business Marketing Association is coming to Tampa Bay in a few months and we have a small but great board of directors, and we have great speakers lined up for you.

What do you think? We love comments and those who share on social media.

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