President Signs Reauthorization of Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act

Posted: December 22, 2010 in family law
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Are you aware that in 2008, 772,000 children were victims of abuse and neglect?  Nearly 2,000 of those children died. By providing states and local communities with new tools to identify and treat abuse and neglect, CAPTA-funded services will continue to protect children across the country.  Prevention efforts will help parents by addressing high risk-factors like substance abuse, mental illness and domestic violence.

Domestic violence still affects 1 in 4 women in states and territories across the country.  FVPSA funds nearly 1,700 shelters and service programs for victims of domestic violence and their children.  It also supports the National Domestic Violence Hotline, whose staff and volunteers answer more than 22,000 calls for help each month and link victims with the resources they need to rebuild their lives.

The following members of Congress whose leadership was essential to CAPTA and FVPSA’s passage are: Senator Tom Harkin, Senator Mike Enzi, Senator Lamar Alexander, Representative George Miller, Representative John Kline, Representative Carolyn McCarthy, and Representative Todd Platts and more particularly Senator Chris Dodd and Representative Gwen Moore, who were the lead sponsors of FVPSA and who worked so hard to ensure the bill passed this year.

As a woman, I would like to thank the members of Congress for ensuring that this bill passed this year and thank President Obama for reauthorizing this important act too.

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